00:00:00:00 - 00:00:33:18 As we are dealing with climate change, we're developing new infrastructure. We want to place that in the communities that most need it. So in MSCM as we approach environmental justice, we are bringing all of the components of the program and pulling it all together to develop environmental solutions that not only accomplish the environmental goal, but are also advancing justice. 00:00:33:20 - 00:00:55:10 Sometimes I think back about it today and I was like, how did I manage going to school and basically working a full time job? But again, I think the beauty was the intersectionality of the two worlds colliding, where I was studying and learning about a lot of these important environmental issues. I was taking environmental law classes, taking policy classes, and it was really amazing to see it actually play out in action. 00:00:55:10 - 00:01:26:16 Within the internship I was in. The dual degree program really appealed to me. I wanted to start my own environmental consulting firm and, being able to get a degree in environmental management and business administration, just felt natural. And also the fact that the program is part time, I could still keep working during the weekdays and then go to class in the evenings and on weekends, which is super convenient because I can maintain the experience I was getting at work, but also bolstering those skills and learning. 00:01:26:18 - 00:01:47:07 I think the real value of the degree here at USF is the kind of interaction and network you get. The blend of skills. I just felt the really big value in being a room full of like minded people who are searching for their own careers because, as you know, in the environmental sector, there's not one job you can do, 00:01:47:08 - 00:02:12:22 there's literally a thousand paths that we can all move forward with. So I may be giving a lecture about the Endangered Species Act in the Environmental Policy class, and they'll be a student, like still in their field gear, just coming from work into the classroom, discussing the real challenges in the field. I can apply what I'm learning in the classroom to my every day job. 00:02:13:03 - 00:02:28:19 So, like this is the GIS lab. I did a lot of mapping at work, and I really struggled trying to teach it to myself. And the USF program helped me bolster those skills that I could apply in real time. 00:02:28:21 - 00:02:55:20 I think what's really great about USF is that they allow people to come from so many different backgrounds to learn about environmental management. It's not just people that are focused on ecology or restoration work, it's people that are trying to implement sustainability or work on water resource protection. There's just so many facets to the environment, and we need people to focus on all these different areas. 00:02:55:20 - 00:03:20:07 But having a general understanding of how they all come together is, I think essential in solving some of these climate crisis issues. I think too often we approach things one sided and focus on that one solution to maybe clean their water. But, you know, maybe they're cultural factors, social factors, economic factors that we also need to consider to accomplish these goals as well. 00:03:20:09 - 00:03:45:21 USF does a really good job at implementing all these different areas and encompassing it into one program. I think that's what really sets us apart. It's not just in education to learn more. It's really giving you the skills to go out into the world and do that good environmental work.