[MUSIC PLAYING] Racial disparities in higher education are a part of our nation's history. And today, across the country, black students on college campuses continue to struggle with underrepresentation, isolation, lack of faculty role models and mentors, all of which have led to decreased academic achievement and lower rates of graduation. Here at USF we have not been immune to these problems, but we refuse to perpetuate them. Instead, we're working to be a part of the solution, and BASE is our solution. Through BASE, the Black Achievement, Success, and Engagement program, we're building a stronger, more vibrant university by dismantling any remaining barriers to access and equity our Black students face. We want to recruit and retain more Black students. We want to close the graduation rate gap between Black students and their peers. We want to strengthen the relationships of Black students with faculty, staff, alumni, and administrators. And we want to create pathways for Black students to move successfully through this university and into rich and rewarding careers. Ultimately, what we're trying to do is craft a climate in which Black students, in which all of our students, receive a rich and rigorous education and feel included, supported, and empowered to change the world. Now this is not easy work. It takes a village, but we've got that village. From our highest-ranking administrative leaders to our faculty, our alumni, our staff, our students, we are all committed to seeing each one of our students achieve their fullest academic and human potential.