Two students chat while sitting on a wall.

School Life

At the School of Education, our graduates — whether coming straight from undergrad, or returning to school after years away — connect to our social-justice mission and rally around it.

Turn Learning Into Action

Gleeson Plaza and lower campus.

Community Engagement & Activism

The School of Education endeavors to develop partnerships that elevate the community.

Organizations & Activities

School of Education graduate students find opportunities to participate in student life through graduate associations. 

Student Services

At the School of Education, our graduates — whether coming straight from undergrad, or returning to school after years away — connect to our social-justice mission and rally around it.

Graduate Housing

We have off-campus housing advisors, plus the Office of Community Living, which provides a number of resources to help you search for, and secure, a great place to live.

Chat With Our Students

Get your questions answered and make a new friend! Connect with a student ambassador from the School of Education.

Five students on picnic blankets

Take a Virtual Tour

Only USF puts you in the heart of the city that invents tomorrow — 47 square miles of energy, optimism, learning, growth, internships, and opportunities unlimited.

Lone Mountain and East Residence Hall

Attend an Event

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