Walkway on main campus with flowers in bloom.

How to Give

Let us guide you through the process of making a gift to USF. There are many ways to support the university. Whether you are interested in giving online, making a gift of stock to USF, or exploring other options, we have the information you need to easily make a secure gift in support of our students.


Checks made payable to the University of San Francisco School of Law can be mailed to:

Development and External Relations
University of San Francisco School of Law
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1050

Please indicate specific designations on the check’s memo line or in a cover letter. All checks without a specific designation will be deposited into our general use Law Assembly fund.

Matching Gifts

When you make a gift to USF Law that is matched by your employer, it doubles the impact of your gift. Three simple steps help ensure your donation qualifies for a match:

First, make sure your employer offers matching gifts and be aware of any restrictions by checking with your employer's Human Resources staff.

Second, if your employer requires a written form, complete it and send it with your gift to:

Development and External Relations
University of San Francisco School of Law
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1050

Lastly, make sure the amount and designation of your gift qualify for matching. We are happy to answer your questions. Please call our office at (415) 422-5457.


Give online today.

Make a gift


Call (415) 422-6638 to make a one-time donation or to set up a recurring gift on your credit card. A recurring gift can increase the impact of your donation by allowing you to make a more significant gift over time. Recurring credit card gifts are available in any amount and on whatever schedule is most convenient for you.

Stocks and Securities

Giving publicly traded securities to USF is an easy, tax-savvy way to support Jesuit higher education. When you give stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares that you have held for a year or longer, the IRS allows you to make your gift without recognizing capital gains on the appreciation. For more information, call (415) 422-4163 or email giftplanning@usfca.edu

Stock Transfer Instructions

Giving publicly traded securities to USF is an easy, tax-savvy way to support Jesuit higher education. When you give stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares that you have held for a year or longer, the IRS allows you to make your gift without recognizing capital gains on the appreciation. Transfer the shares via DTC into the University of San Francisco account at Merrill Lynch:

Step 1: Please notify the Office of Gift Planning directly when you are ready to make a gift of securities to USF. We need to know the name of the stock or mutual fund shares you intend to contribute, the approximate value, and your intended gift purpose. If we don't know you're planning to transfer shares to USF, your gift will be held in escrow until we can identify you as the donor.

Step 2: Authorize your broker or financial agent to transfer shares to USF's brokerage account at UBS. Transfer the shares via DTC into the University of San Francisco account at Merrill Lynch:

DTC # 8862
USF Acct # 7MR-02218
Tax ID # 94-1156628
Account Name: University of San Francisco

Or, transfer shares from your Charles Schwab account directly into USF's Schwab account:

USF Account # 8992-3715
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street LMN # 300
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080

More information about gifting appreciated securities

Wire Transfer

Account Name: University of San Francisco

Bank: JP Morgan Chase

Bank City and State: New York, NY 10017

Account Number: 20000011891388

ABA Number: 021000021 (For domestic wires)

SWIFT ID:  CHASUS33 (For international wires)

Please email DevelopmentServices@usfca.edu to let us know you're transferring this gift, as well as the dollar amount and the gift's designated use. If you have any questions, please call (415) 422-5623.


Account Name:  University of San Francisco

Bank: JP Morgan Chase

Bank City and State:  New York, NY

Account Number:  20000011891388

ABA Number:  028000024

Please email DevelopmentServices@usfca.edu to let us know you are using ACH, as well as the dollar amount and the gift's designated use. If you have any questions, please call (415) 422-5623.


USF has partnered with GiveCampus, a social fundraising platform, to crowdsource support for the many programs at USF. Make a gift

We’re also accepting ideas for new projects. Find out more


USF now accepts Cryptocurrency.

From Your Mobile Device 

Our Stellar lumen (XLM) donation address is: GAO63FGKTVLS43OBSL6THTNB2R4IQHZOFYKWTV5L6ZOHLTB4MRPBTQ3X. 

From Your Desktop

For more information on giving via cryptocurrency, please contact (415) 422-6638.

Scan on any Stellar SEP-007 Wallet

QR code for donating.