Three students pose in front of the Bay Bridge.

Learn to Create Impact

Tutor students in the Western Addition. Register voters all across the city. Build an app that improves lives. Come to USF and learn how to change the world in ways small and large.


Engage the Community

In service-learning classes and community engaged learning programs, you work with neighbors and organizations that address local challenges.


students walking along clarion alley in the mission

Join the Erasmus Living-Learning Community

Erasmus is a year-long course that brings together second- and third-year students from various undergraduate majors to study and practice ethics, service, and justice. 

A group of students talk near St. Ignatius Church.

Make a Difference

“Change the world from here” is much more than a slogan. It's a dare. At USF we challenge you, our faculty, staff, and alumni to change the world for the better.

USF SONHP students on Capitol Hill

Advocate for Nursing Education

Travel to Washington, D.C. and visit federal policymakers. Learn how to make an impact in health care policy.

Tina Jain MSMI ’23 with students in the Varanasi government school

Start a Nonprofit

Help improve education in underserved communities. For Tina Jain MSMI ’23, that means creating a nonprofit to improve student retention in government schools in India.

Roman telescope element assembly wheel

Change the World Through Research

Professor Huang and a group of students were granted access by NASA and STScI to the Hubble Space Telescope.

Change the World from Here

San Francisco Hilltop Campus

The main campus of USF, "the Hilltop" is located in the geographic center of San Francisco, giving you easy access to everything the city has to offer.

USF campus looking up the central walkway towards the church