Clean Energy Systems Certificate

Fight climate change and learn to be a clean energy leader — in just seven weeks.

The Inflation Reduction Act is driving unprecedented investment in decarbonizing the electrical grid and the automotive sector. These incentives will require substantial support from the legal and financial sector.

Explore the architecture of the electrical grid and the regulatory apparatus that is driving the transition to clean energy resources. Learn about renewable energy technologies and how they operate within the broader electrical grid. Become versed in the information sources needed for decision making on financial and business aspects of the clean energy industry, such as power purchase agreements and corporate finance impacts. Classes meet remotely once a week in the evenings.

10.3 million

New jobs expected in the clean energy industry by 2030

World Economic Forum

Current job postings in California alone for lawyers specializing in renewable energy


Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this certificate, you’ll be able to:

  • Think critically to evaluate energy use
  • Evaluate and assess the financial, technical, and regulatory aspects of clean energy systems
  • Learn how policy and market environments affect the electrical grid
  • Communicate skillfully through written reports and oral presentations in styles relevant to the energy field


Dates: October 26 - December 14 - No class week of Thanksgiving
Schedule: 6-9pm
Location: Online
Instructor: Fred Wellington
Continuing Education Units: 2
Cost: $995

Clean Energy Systems Certificate

Frederick Wellington, Program Director
101 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105