Admission & Aid
Immunization Requirements
The University of San Francisco has specific requirements regarding health insurance and immunization for students.
Health Insurance
Automatic Enrollment
To protect your health and well-being all domestic graduate students registered for 6 credit hours or more, all international graduate students registered for 1 credit hour or more, and all graduate students who reside in USF operated housing will be automatically charged and enrolled in the USF-sponsored health insurance provided through Aetna. Exception: Graduate students enrolled in online degree programs who do not reside in USF operated housing will NOT be automatically charged and enrolled in the USF-sponsored health insurance.
Waive USF Plan
Students who have a health insurance plan with coverage comparable to the USF-sponsored plan may choose to waive the student insurance each academic year. Students can visit Health Promotion Services to view waiver instructions and access the health insurance waiver application.
Voluntary Enrollment
Domestic graduate students registered for under 6 credit hours and graduate students enrolled in an online degree program are eligible to voluntarily purchase the plan online by visiting Health Promotion Services.
Summer Session Students
Students who commence their enrollment in the summer session are not automatically enrolled in and not billed for the University-sponsored health insurance plan. These students must purchase the coverage for the summer session or apply for a waiver in order to comply with the USF health insurance policy.
The deadline to waive the student insurance or voluntarily enroll for each semester is below. If a student waives in fall, the waiver is good for fall and spring semesters. However, students, who waive in the spring semester, must waive again for the following fall semester. Students who have waived the plan in a given year or semester are eligible to re-enroll in the USF-sponsored health plan for the following semester.
Fall semester – September 1
Spring semester – February 1
More Information
UC Fifth Floor
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
Tel: (415) 422-5797
Email: hps@usfca.edu
To protect the health of all USF community members, USF requires all international students and domestic graduate students living in university-operated housing to submit proof of immunizations.
Domestic Students (residing in USF-operated housing only)
Graduate students born on or after January 1, 1957, who are living in USF-operated housing, must submit evidence of two doses of the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine. If proof of immunization for MMR is not available, a blood titer showing immunity for each disease will be accepted.
International Students
International students must submit the following immunization records:
- Evidence of two doses of the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine. If proof of immunization for MMR is not available, a blood titer showing immunity for each disease will be accepted.
- Proof of a Tuberculosis PPD (Mantoux) test administered within the last 12 months. (Students with a positive PPD test are required to submit the results of a chest x-ray administered in the last 12 months).
- Proof of three doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine or a test showing immunity.
Submit Proof
Evidence of immunization must be submitted in writing from a licensed medical professional. Records such as an immunization card or high school transcript showing immunizations will also be accepted. To download the Immunization Form, go to Health Promotion Services and click on the Immunization Form link under the Quick Links section. Attach evidence of the required immunizations and mail, email or fax the forms to Health Promotion Services.
The deadline to submit proof of immunizations is below. Failure to submit required records will result in a $100 late fine and possible registration hold.
Fall semester – August 15
Spring semester – January 15