Graphic Storytelling and Environmental Advocacy: A Conversation with Eddie Ahn

5:00PM - 6:00PM
Cowell Hall 106 - Lecture Hall

Happy hour prior to the event
4:30-5 p.m.

Thacher Gallery


Eddie Ahn has been an environmental justice attorney and nonprofit worker for fifteen years, and the executive director of Brightline Defense, a San Francisco–based environmental justice nonprofit. He is also the writer and artist of the graphic memoir, Advocate, (Penguin Random House, 2024) that chronicles his professional trajectory from college forward.

Eddie has served as president of the San Francisco Commission on the Environment and as a commissioner for the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Bay Conservation and Development Commission. Eddie was inducted into the State of California’s Clean Energy Hall of Fame in 2021. His artwork has been exhibited on ten utility boxes throughout San Francisco and in solo shows launching each of his comic books.

Presented in conjunction with Long Distance Relationship: Asian American Comics Artists and the Complexities of Connection on view through Nov. 10 in Thacher Gallery

Co-presented by USF’s AAPI Center, BIPOC Students for the Environment, Environmental Studies, International Studies, MA in Asian Pacific Islander Studies, and Thacher Gallery