Protect Mother Earth: Organizing among Other-than-human-people

12:00PM - 1:15PM
McLaren Complex 250

Please join us in this event honoring Latino/a/x Heritage Month co-sponsored by the Lane Center and University Ministry. This event is hybrid: please register for Zoom or in-person attendance. 

When we think of Community Organizing, we never consider the possibility of alliances with other-than-human people. Rooted in Indigenous traditions, this talk explores the Catholic ethical implications of conceiving a world where Earth beings exist and provides some guidelines on how to build relationships with them.

Dr. Cecilia Titizano is a native of Bolivia of Quechua-Aymara descent. She is a core faculty member at NAITTS, an Indigenous Learning Community, a Canadian graduate theological school. She is currently the Director of Latina/o Theology and Ministry Leadership Network of the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University. Her research areas include indigenous philosophies and ethics, relational ontologies, and indigenous and feminist decolonial thought.