Sharpening Humanizing Education through DisCrit: Dis/ability Justice & Critical Race Theory as Levers for Transformative Praxis

5:00PM - 6:30PM
University of San Francisco, Lone Mountain, Del Santo Room

Subini Annamma, Ph.D., is a critical scholar who centers disabled youth of color as knowledge generators. Annamma's research and pedagogy focus on increasing access to equitable education for historically marginalized students and communities, particularly students of color with disabilities. In this conversation, Annamma will share nuanced understandings about how racism and ableism circulate across educational spaces, multiplicative identities, and intersecting oppressions, and explore what teachers can co-create with students if they imagine disability as a social construction with material realities, as well as a political identity with a lineage of resistance in their praxis. Any questions please contact us Sponsors: USF's Center for Humanizing Education & Research (C-HER), Teacher Education Department & Special Education Program.