Anthony Fels

Anthony D. Fels

Faculty Emeritus

Faculty Emeritus


Anthony D. (Tony) Fels, Professor Emeritus of History, is a social and religious historian of the United States. At USF he taught US history, historical methods, US religious history, US racial and ethnic history, Native American history, American Revolution, Civil War and Reconstruction, and the Gilded Age. He chaired the History Department in 1997-2000 and 2003-2006, retiring from teaching in 2018. His book on the Salem witch hunt came out in 2018, and he has recently returned to the subject of his doctoral dissertation: the place of Freemasonry in American religious history.

Please email Prof. Fels for a full c.v.


  • PhD, History, Stanford University, 1987
  • MA, History, Stanford University, 1979
  • BA, History, Cornell University, 1971

Selected Publications