Daniela Domínguez
Associate Professor
Dr. Daniela Domínguez is an associate professor in the counseling psychology department, where she coordinates the Marriage and Family Therapy program at the Santa Rosa Location. She is a licensed psychologist and professional clinical counselor with a special interest in liberation psychology, anti-racism, migrant justice, and gender and sexuality matters.
- Abolition feminism
- Migrant justice
- Anti-racism
- Queer mental health
- Member, University of San Francisco's Mission Council
- Member, Undocumented Student Scholarship Committee in the School of Education
- Our Lady of the Lake University, PsyD in Counseling Psychology, 2015
- Our Lady of the Lake University, MS in Counseling Psychology, 2010
- St. Mary's University, BA in Psychology, 2007
Prior Experience
- Research Director, Hanna Institute, Sonoma Valley, California
- Owner and Executive Director, On the Margins, LLC, San Francisco, California
- University Counselor, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas
- Mental Health Clinician, Community Counseling Service, San Antonio, Texas
- Bilingual/Bicultural Clinical Supervisor, Community Counseling Service, San Antonio, Texas
- Mental Health Clinician, Rape Crisis Center, San Antonio, Texas
- Private Practice, D&D Counseling & Psychological Services, San Antonio, Texas
- Postdoctoral Resident and Predoctoral Intern, Texas State University Counseling Center, San Marcos, Texas
Awards & Distinctions
- Certificate of Special California Legislature Assembly Recognition, 2022
- Certificate of Special United States Senate Recognition, 2022
- Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition, 2022
- University of San Francisco’s Outstanding Professor Beyond the Hilltop Award, 2022
- Puente and Ganas Award, 2022
- National Latinx Psychological Association star Vega Distinguished Service Award, 2021
Selected Publications
- Domínguez, D. G. (2022). Abolition feminism, Liberation psychology, and Latinx migrant womxn in detention, Women & Therapy Journal, 45(2-3), 207-225.
- Domínguez, D. G., Hernandez-Arriaga, B., Noriega, M. A., García, D., & Martínez, D. A. (2022). “They treat us like we are not human”: Asylum seekers and “la migra’s” violence. Psychology of Violence, 12(4), 241–251.
- Domínguez, D. G., Cheng, H.-L., & De La Rue, L. (2022). Career barriers and coping efficacy with international students in counseling psychology programs. The Counseling Psychologist, 50(6), 780-812.
- Domínguez, D. G., & Noriega, M. (2022). Testimonios in the mouth of the dragon: A call for Black liberation in psychology. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 69(2), 146–156.
Domínguez, D. G, Hernandez-Arriaga. B., Sharon, P. K. (2020). Cruzando fronteras: Liberation psychology in a counseling psychology immersion program. Journal of LatinX Psychology.
Domínguez, D.G. (2019). Ignatian Banners of Hope and Support for Recently Detained Immigrant Families. Resilience and Resistance:Immigrant Youth and Families. Ed. Flavio Bravo and Erin Brigham. Published by the University of San Francisco Press Joan and Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Social Thought and the Ignatian Tradition.
Domínguez, D. G., & Yeh, C. (2018). Social justice disaster relief, counseling, and advocacy: the case of the Northern California wildfires. Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 1–25.
Domínguez, D.G., & Coppock, J. (2018). Immigrant and Binational Individuals and Couples: Risk Factors for Relationship Dissatisfaction, Conflict, and Divorce. LGBTQ Divorce and Relationship Dissolution: Psychological and Legal Perspectives and Implications for Practice. Ed. Abbie Goldberg and Adam P. Romero. New York: Oxford University Press.
Domínguez, D. G., Bobele, M., Coppock, J., & Peña, E. (2015). LGBTQ relationally based positive psychology: An inclusive and systemic framework. Psychological Services, 12(2), 177–185.