Evan Elliot
Adjunct Professor
Part-Time Faculty
- Marketing, advertising, creative nonfiction.
Research Areas
- How fear spawns adjectives, adverbs, and puff in general.
- MA, Creative Nonfiction Writing, University of Iowa
- BA, English, Santa Clara University
Prior Experience
- Copywriter for Patagonia and J. Peterman. Copy director for J. Crew. Editor for Sunset Books.
Additional Information
- Ask the professor
How can rhetoric & language change the world?
Words can stop wars, feed the hungry, and save the trees that save us.
My aha moment:
In my senior year of college I discovered, with a shock, that I cared about grammar.
Dog or cat?
Desert-island dish?
Huevos rancheros.
Meet one person for lunch, past or present. Who and why?
Martin Luther King Jr., because he turned a dream into words into action.
My best advice to incoming students:
Explore the city. Ask questions. Remember that verbs rule, that details ring, and that only stories stick.
What I know now that I wish I knew then:
It's not the burger that makes you heavy. It's the bun.