Francine Serafin-Dickson
Adjunct Professor
Francine Serafin-Dickson, DNP, MBA, BSN, CNL has extensive experience as a healthcare administrator, educator, and consultant. Dr. Serafin-Dickson has taught since 2009 at USF in the MPA, BPA, BSHS, DNP, and MSN programs. Francine also serves as a consultant to endeavors focusing on older adult needs and caregiver issues. In addition, she served as an intern for the Health Care Financing Administration (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) and in a congressional office working on entitlements in Washington, DC.
On a personal note, she is married and has two adult daughters. She loves to eat, cook, bake, and entertain; spend time with friends; read; hike: and travel. She has spent many years volunteering for her children’s schools and church community and now volunteers for local safety net organizations. Francine sits on the following boards: Ombudsman Service of San Mateo County Advisory Board, Pink Ribbon Good Bay Area Advisory Board, and the San Mateo County Health Care for the Homeless/Farmworker Health Board.
- Leadership
- Financial Management
- Quality Improvement
- Gerontology
- Epidemiology
Research Areas
- Gerontology
- DNP PHL Program Director, 2018-2022
- 4+1 BSN-MSN Program Director, 2016-2022
- Vice Chair, Graduate Nursing Department, 2021-2022
- SONHP Program Evaluations Committee, 2018-2022
- SONHP Academic Standards Committee, 2019-2022
- Doctor of Nursing Practice, University of San Francisco, 2017
- Master of Business Administration in Health Services Management, 1986. Golden Gate University, San Francisco, California
- Certificate Program “Epidemiology – The Infection Control Team,” 1980. University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 1975. University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California
Prior Experience
- Executive Director, Hospital Consortium of San Mateo County
- Special Assistant to the CEO, Stanford Hospital & Clinics, Stanford, CA
- Manager, Healthcare Consulting Practice, Ernst & Young, Washington, DC
- Vice President of Nursing, St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital/Texas Heart Institute, Houston, TX
Awards & Distinctions
- Excellence in Education Award, University of San Francisco Santa Rosa Campus, 2011
- Who’s Who in American Nursing, 1988-89
Selected Publications
- Gerontological Community-Academic Partnership for an MSN Internship, DNP Final Project, USF Repository 2017.
- “Recognizing Achievements: The Malinda S. Mitchell Award for Service Quality.” Stanford Nurse, Vol.23, No 1, Winter/Spring, 2001.
- Kerfoot, Karlene; Serafin-Dickson, Francine; and, Green, Sue, “Managing Transition: Resigning with Style from the Nurse Manager Position.” Nursing Economics, Vol.6, No. 4, July-August, 1988.
Additional Information
- Gerontological Community-Academic Partnership for an MSN Internship, DNP Final Project, 2017.
- The Story of the Hospital Consortium of San Mateo County: History &Accomplishments, application to the American Hospital Association McGaw Prize, April 2005.
- Economic Challenge for Hospital Nursing: Costing Our Nursing Care, Winter 1984.
- An Epidemiological Study: Incidence of Femoral Artery Prosthetic Graft Infections in a Teaching University Hospital, Summer 1980.
Teaching Activities and Presentations
- See Adjunct Faculty, School of Management & School of Nursing and Health Professions University of San Francisco (USF), San Francisco, under Employment History and Experience
- “San Mateo County Convening with Hospitals and Community Agencies who Receive Discharged Hospital Patients”, Event organizer and lecturer, October 29, 2013; March 12, 2015.
- Presentations to numerous community organizations: Stroke, Pediatric Obesity, Fall Prevention, and Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment topics, 2009-present.
- “Peninsula Stroke Association and Hospital Consortium of San Mateo County Collaboration” San Mateo County Stroke Conference, October 2009.
- Presentations at numerous San Mateo County Board of Supervisors meetings: Emergency Medical System “911” Contract, Fall Prevention, and Stroke Designations and Education, 2007-present.
- San Mateo County Stroke Community Awareness Educational Campaign,” 2nd annual Stanford and Stroke Awareness Foundation’s Stroke Care Symposium, October, 2007
- “Practicing Quality Improvement: Concepts Tools and Team Dynamics,” Stanford Health Services and Stanford University School of Medicine Postgraduate Medical Education, quarterly three-day class 1991- 1997, 24 nursing CEUs and 12 CMEs.
- “Clinical Path: Measuring Quality Patient Care.” Stanford Health Services Center for Education and Professional Development, August 1995, 6 CEUs.
- “How to Identify Possible Victims of Abuse.” Stanford University Hospital, July 1994.
- “Total Quality Management.” San Francisco Bay Area OR Directors, February 1992.
- “The Future in Nursing Administration.” George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. Graduate Program in Nursing Administration, May 1990.
- “Redesigning/Restructuring/Reinventing the Patient Care Delivery System,” Virginia Management Systems Society, Richmond, Virginia, March 1990.
- “Consulting Careers for Nurses,” Marymount University, Arlington, Virginia. Graduate Program in Nursing Administration and Education, December 1989.
- “Medicare: Friend or Foe,” Gerontological Nursing ’89, Health and Education Council, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, September 1989.
- “Resizing the Department of Nursing,” Delaware Valley Hospital Council, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 1989.
- “Creating Success in the Department of Nursing,” Carolina’s Nursing Shortage Forum, Ernst & Young, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 1989.
- “Nurse-Physician Collaboration Practice Models,” Houston Organization of Nurse Executives, Houston, Texas, June 1988.
- Management Advisory Council for Master of Nursing Management Track, University of Texas School of Nursing at Galveston, Texas, 1987-88.
- Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center, School of Nursing, Houston, Texas, 1987-88.
- “Unifying the Patient Care Team: Nurse-Physician Collaboration,” St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Medical- Surgical Symposium, December 1987.
- Mentor to Texas Women’s University, School of Nursing, Graduate Student’s Administrative Resident, Summer 1987.
- “Development of a Mentorship Program, Panel Discussion,” Nurse Manager’s Course: Mentoring: The Queen Bee Syndrome, sponsored by the Houston Organization of Nurse Executives, August 1987.
- “Health Care Organizations and the Health Policy Environment,” University of California, San Francisco, California. Graduate Program in Nursing Administration, Spring Quarter, 1986.
- “RN/MD Collaboration: A Step Towards Collaborative Practice,” Panel Discussion. Creative Managing for Today and Tomorrow, National Management Symposium sponsored by the Department of Nursing, Stanford University Hospital, 1984-85.
- Computer Trainer of the Hospital Information System, Stanford University Hospital, 1984-85.
- “A Motivational Theory Applied to Leadership,” 1.5 CEUs, Stanford University Hospital, October 1983, January 1984, February 1984.
- Nursing Care of the Vascular Surgical Patient,” 6 CEUs, Stanford University Hospital, June 81.
- “Your Niche in the Health Care System,” practicums in clinical skills. Stanford University School of Medicine, Winter Quarter, 1981.
Membership in Professional Organizations
- 2003- Present Women Health Care Executives
- 1988- Present Sigma Theta Tau
- 2002- Present American Organization of Nurse Executives
- 1984-1990 American Organization of Nurse Executives
- 1989-1990 National Capital Area (Washington, D.C.) Organization of Nurse Executives
- 1989-1990 Virginia Organization of Nurse Executives
- 1988-1990 Nurses in Washington Roundtable
- 1988-1990 Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society
- 1986-1990 American Hospital Association
- 1985-1990 National League of Nursing
- 1975-1990 American Nurses’ Association
- 1986-1988 Houston Area Cardiovascular Nursing Society
- 1986-1988 American Heart Association, Nominating Committee
- 1986-1988 Texas Hospital Association
- 1986-1988 Texas Nurses’ Association
- 1986-1988 Texas Organization of Nurse Executives
- 1984-1988 Houston Organization of Nurse Executives
- 1989-1988 Association of Western Hospitals
- 1982-1984 Society for Peripheral Vascular Society; Nominating Committee, 1983-4
- 1981-1982 San Francisco Bay Area Vascular Nursing Society (Co-Founder)
- 1975-1986 California Nurses’ Association
- 1975-1975 Tri Gamma Nursing Sorority, President (while in attendance at USF)
- 1972-1975 Student Nurses’ Association of California
Community Service
- 2017- Present Advisory Board, Ombudsman of San Mateo County
- 2016- Present Villages of San Mateo County Board of Directors San Mateo County Commission on Aging
- 2013- 2015 Pacific Stroke Association Board of Directors
- 2013- 2015 Foster City Village Board of Directors
- 2001- Present Samaritan House, San Mateo, CA: Monthly Sandwich Sunday Coordination
- 2006- 2010 St. Francis High School, Mountain View, CA: Health Room Volunteer
- 2004- 2008 Notre Dame High School, Belmont, CA: Bookstore and Auction Volunteer
- 2000- 2003 St. Bart’s Catholic Church, San Mateo, CA: Children’s Liturgy and Lector
- 1999- 2000 St. Matthew Catholic School Advisory Board, San Mateo, CA
- 1998- 2000 St. Matthew Catholic School Parent Association Board: President 1998-1999 (oversight responsibilities of multiple fundraisers) Corresponding Secretary 1999-2000
- 1982- 1987 Friends of Nursing, Stanford University Hospital, Stanford, CA; President 1992
- 1986- 1991 Junior Leagues of San Francisco, 1981-1983 Washington, D.C., Houston and San Francisco
- 1981- 1983 Mid-Peninsula Family Service Agency, Palo Alto, California