Organizations & Activities
In the School of Nursing and Health Professions, student and administrative organizations help to develop programming and fundraising initiatives, and make decisions that impact program sustainability and future goals. Most importantly, the nursing organizations on campus create a lasting network of leaders, educators, and advocates in the health care industry and strengthen the nursing and health professions communities at the University of San Francisco.
Administrative Organizations
Administrative professionals in the fields of nursing and health care have the opportunity to make a great impact on the School of Nursing and Health Professions by lending their expertise in business administration, fundraising, programming, and student and faculty support by joining one of the professional organizations below.
Advisory Board, Dean’s Circle - For more information about joining these organizations, please contact Hiroshi Yamaguchi in the School of Nursing and Health Professions at (415) 422-2334 or Hsyamaguchi@usfca.edu.
Student Organizations
Students can play a more active role in the School of Nursing and Health Professions and in the larger Bay Area community by joining an organization on campus. Both undergraduate and graduate students have the opportunity to get involved with one or more of the many student associations in nursing.
Student Organization LinkedIn Groups
Interested in joining an organization in the School of Nursing and Health Professions? Learn more about our administrative and student community groups.
Behavioral Health Student Association

The purpose of the Behavioral Health Association (BHA) shall be to create a sense of community and solidarity within the MSBH Program while expanding the understanding of the degree within the campus community and surrounding Bay Area healthcare community.
The BHA will work towards its goals by developing professional and social relationships among the current University of San Francisco (USF) population health students and alumni, as well other campus organizations and resources beneficial to the growth of the organization and behavioral health program learning outcomes and mission. It will also serve to encourage and promote community involvement by association members to stimulate interest and advancement in the profession of behavioral health through culturally sensitive outreach and inter-disciplinary collaboration with other university areas of study. This purpose does not contradict the University’s mission or it’s Catholic, Jesuit character.
Graduate Nursing Association (GNA)
The goal of the Graduate Nursing Association is to connect Graduate level nursing students to one another, encourage collaboration and connectedness as a professional team, provide academic and social support, and ultimately develop professionally through networking and research endeavors. We hope to be graduate nurses gathered together to collaborate and support one another on campus as well as aid one another in personal and professional development through mentorship and networking. GNA as done this in the past by sponsoring and hosting a symposiums, facilitating mentoring opportunities, and providing opportunities off -campus to connect and engage with other organizations, institutions, and community settings.
Male Student Nurses Society (MSNS)

We are an organization dedicated to giving student nurses, including male nursing students, the best experiences and memories that the University of San Francisco can offer. We are a group that strives for academic excellence and leadership skills to help improve the nursing profession and community. As an organization, we are here to guide, support, and inspire male student nurses to reach the height of their potential through membership and activity. Although our main focus is to empower male student nurses, we do not exclude anyone; we fully encourage anyone to join and understand the viewpoint of a male undergoing a female-predominant profession.
The MSNS Leadership Team Photo:
Top - Kaleike Lentz, Matthew Domingo, Ryan Esquerra, Patrick Jose, Nick Banaria
Bottom - Shane Yoshiyama, McKevin Ragasa (President)
- For more information and how to join MSNS, please contact: msnsusf@gmail.com
- Our faculty adviser is Soo Young Lee (slee76@usfca.edu).
Master of Public Health Student Association (MPHSA)

MPHSA works to create a sense of community and solidarity within the Master of Public Health program at the University of San Francisco. The organization fosters professional and social relationships among current students and alumni as well as public health practitioners. MPHSA also encourages and promotes community involvement by its members and is dedicated to advancing public health professions.
For more information about joining the MPHSA, please contact faculty adviser, Dr. Courtney Keeler, at ckeeler@usfca.edu.
Nursing Student Association (NSA)

The Nursing Student Association works collaboratively with the School of Nursing and Health Professions to identify and meet the needs of nursing students at the University of San Francisco.
or example, NSA has worked to make the following certification classes available on campus: the BLS (Basic Life Support),ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support), PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support), and others. Additionally, NSA works to strengthen student participation in community events in the Bay Area (such as AIDS Walk and National Depression Day).
For more information about joining NSA, please contact NSA Membership Officer Jayden Lin at hlin31@dons.usfca.edu.
Nursing Student Multicultural Interest Group
The Nursing Student Multicultural Interest Group is a dynamic organization with members who are dedicated to sharing their own culture, learning about other cultures, and increasing cultural awareness of both faculty and students within the School of Nursing and Health Professions at the University of San Francisco.
For more information about joining the Nursing Student Multicultural Interest Group, please contact: Drs. Betsy Stetson at stetsonb@usfca.edu, Robin Buccheri at buccherir@usfca.edu, Anna Kwong at aykwong@usfca.edu, or Tina Lemos at aklemos@usfca.edu.
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing: Beta Gamma Chapter
Sigma Theta Tau is the honor society of nursing leaders and scholars. The organization’s membership is international, and members with a BSN degree or above may be inducted as undergraduate or graduate nursing students or as community leaders. Student eligibility is based on academic achievement, and community leader induction is based on outstanding contribution to the profession of nursing. Undergraduate nursing students may be inducted during their junior or senior years. Graduate nursing students are eligible after they have completed at least a quarter of their program with a GPA of 3.5 or above.
For more information on Sigma Theta Tau, please see the organization’s website at http://www.nursingsociety.org/.
Tri Gamma Nursing Society

Tri-Gamma was established at the University of San Francisco in the School of Nursing and Health Professions under the banner “Goodness, Graciousness, and Generosity.” Since 1948, the members of Tri-Gamma have worked to uphold these values through community service, academic achievement, and a commitment to sisterhood. Tri-Gamma aims to promote academic excellence, develop strong characters, champion community participation, and establish deep friendships and broaden the moral, intellectual, and spiritual life of its members.
For more information about joining Tri-Gamma, please contact the School of Nursing & Health Professions at nursing@usfca.edu.
Student Society of Pediatric Nursing (SSPN)

The mission of the Student Society of Pediatric Nursing (SSPN) at the University of San Francisco is to foster the transformation from student nurse to pediatric nurse through leadership opportunities, professional development, public service, and education. SSPN aims to promote and organize participation in community affairs and activities towards a pediatric nursing profession including, but not limited to, professional shadowing, volunteer work, and round tables with current professionals. This purpose does not contradict the University’s mission or its Catholic, Jesuit character.