Gennifer Smith
Assistant Professor
Gennifer (Genna) Smith received her BS in electrical engineering with a double major in biology from the University of New Mexico. While pursuing her BS, Gennifer conducted research at Sandia National Laboratories where she worked on a point-of-care device for tuberculosis detection. She then continued to research low-cost medical devices as part of her PhD in electrical engineering at Stanford University. In particular, she developed a portable urinalysis device capable of analyzing the chemical and cellular makeup of a sample, which can be done by untrained personnel. Her postdoctoral research, also at Stanford University, focuses on assay development for cell-free DNA testing. In particular, she is designing a blood-based test for early detection of atherosclerosis.
As a teacher, her main goals are to arm students with field-specific technical knowledge, promote intellectual curiosity, enhance students’ critical inquiry, and encourage community involvement. Her teaching style is heavily influenced by the quote, “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
- PhD, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
- MS, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
- BS, Electrical Engineering, Biology, University of New Mexico
Awards & Distinctions
T32: The Multi-Disciplinary Training Program in Cardiovascular Imaging Postdoctoral Fellowship (NIH)
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
Selected Publications
Smith, G.T., Li, L., Zhu, Y., and A.K. Bowden, “Low-power, low-cost urinalysis system with integrated dipstick evaluation and microscopic analysis.” Lab on a Chip 18, 2111-2123 (2018).
Smith, G.T., Dwork, N., Khan, S.A., Millet, M., Magar, K., Javanmard, M., and A.K. Ellerbee Bowden, “Robust dipstick urinalysis using a low-cost, micro-volume manifold.” Lab on a Chip 16(11), 2069-2078 (2016).
Smith, G.T., Lurie, K.L., Zlatev, D.V, Liao, J.C, and A.K. Ellerbee Bowden, “Multimodal 3D cancer-mimicking optical phantom.” Biomedical Optics Express 7(2), 648-662 (2016).
*Smith, G.T., *Dwork, N., O’Connor, D., Uzair, S., Lurie, K.L., Pauly, J., and A.K. Ellerbee, “Automated, depth-resolved estimation of the attenuation coefficient from optical coherence tomography data.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 34(12), 2592-2602 (2015).
*Dwork N., *Smith. G.T., Leng, T., Pauly, J.M., and A.K. Bowden, “Automatically Determining the Confocal Parameters from OCT B-Scans for Quantification of the Attenuation Coefficients.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 38(1), 261-268 (2019).
* co- first author