Jonathan Hunt
Jonathan Hunt is the director of USF's Writing Center. He teaches public speaking and composition courses in the Department of Rhetoric and Language at USF. He also teaches courses in the first-year seminar program and USF's Honors College. His courses are activity-based and student-centered, focused on fostering students’ intellectual curiosity and rhetorical agency. Professor Hunt has been at USF since 2012 and served as co-director of the Tracy Seeley Center for Teaching Excellence from 2016 to 2019. He directed the composition program in the Department of Rhetoric and Language from 2019 to 2022 and co-chaired the Academic Integrity Committee from 2018 to 2022.
Prior to coming to USF, he taught at Stanford University, where he served as associate director of the program in writing and rhetoric from 2010 to 2012, and at Santa Clara University, where he served as associate editor of the flagship NCTE journal College English from 2000 to 2006.
Research Areas
- Rhetoric
- Writing Studies
- Pedagogy
- Faculty Development
- Director, USF Writing Center
- Chair, Rhetoric & Language Curriculum and Assessment Committee
- Steering Committee, Seeley Center for Teaching Excellence
- Advisory Board, USF Writing Center
- Representative, USF Faculty Association Policy Board, Arts Division
- PhD in World Literature and Cultural Studies, UC Santa Cruz
- BA in English, Dartmouth College
Prior Experience
- Associate Director, Program in Writing and Rhetoric, Stanford University
- Associate Editor, College English (NCTE)
Selected Publications
Hunt, J. (2015). “Communists in the Classroom: Radicals in U.S. Education,1930-1960.” Composition Studies, 43(2), 22-42.
Hunt, J. (2012). "From Cacemphaton to Cher: Foul Language and Evidence in the Rhetorical Tradition." Relevant Rhetoric, 3.
Hunt, J. (2009). “Reading and Writing about a Bicycle.” In The World Is a Text, Third Edition. Upsaddle River, New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 93-98.
Hunt, J. (2004). “Naturalism.” In The New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.