Patricia Mitchell
Faculty Emeritus
Professor Patricia Mitchell’s scholarly work focuses on gender inequity in higher education, including the disparity in women’s representation in higher education leadership. She has over three decades of experience working with school districts, major corporations, industry, religious organizations, training of teachers, designing curricula, conducting leadership workshops, and designing instructional materials. She has had experience across all levels of public education, ranging from preschool through doctoral level teaching. Professor Mitchell’s aim is to train students to become social justice leaders who will transform organizations in a global society.
Research Areas
- Organizational development
- Leadership styles
- Management issues
- Women's issues
- K-12 administration
- K-12 teaching
- Language development
- Literacy
- PhD, Education, concentration: Educational Administration, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
- MS, Education, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
- BS, Elementary Education, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD
Awards & Distinctions
USF Ignatian Faculty Service Award, 2015
Selected Publications
Mitchell, P. (2016). African American males in higher education leadership: Challenges and opportunities. New York: Peter Lang Publishers. (forthcoming)
Mitchell, P. & Ramirez, S. (2016). Lessons in Leadership: Tips for an emerging P-20 leader in the 21st century. Fremont: Robertson Publishing.
Mitchell, P. (2013). Cracking the wall twenty years later: Women in higher education leadership. Knoxville, TN: CUPA-hr Publishing.
Mitchell, P. & Ramirez, S. (2013). Collaboration and peak performance: A multidisciplinary perspective for emerging leaders. Los Gatos: CA. Robertson Publishing.
Mitchell, P. & Parry, G. (2011). Ten stupid things women do to mess up their careers. Los Gatos: Robertson Publishing.
Mitchell, P. (2016). Walking the tightrope of academe with no net. In book: Marina, B and Ross, S. Beyond retention: Cultivating spaces of equity, justice and fairness for women of color in higher education. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing Inc.
Mitchell, P. (2016). It’s not as easy as you think: Tips for an emerging department chair. In book: Mitchell, P. and Ramirez, S. Lessons in leadership: Tips for an emerging P-20 leader in the 21st century. Fremont: Robertson Publishing.
Mitchell, P. (2016). Developing a community of trust and inclusiveness by increasing leader’ awareness of race and privilege. 14th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, January 2016.
Mitchell, P. (2015). An upward journey reversing the leaky pipeline: Networking for success to leadership in higher education. 13th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, January 2015.
Mitchell, P. (2015). Navigating a landscape of change: Transforming an organization from inside out. 13th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, January 2015.
Mitchell, P. (2014). Collaboration and peak performance: A multidisciplinary perspective for emerging leaders. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, January 2014.
Mitchell, P. (2014). Building intergenerational relationships capacity in higher education: A call to action. Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 2014.