Roger (Rongxin) Chen
Roger Chen brings to USF forward-thinking expertise in the fields of corporate innovation and growth, competition and global strategy - areas he views as entirely interdependent. By developing a balanced approach to his research endeavors - devoting equal time and effort between pure quantitative/academic research and case research methods - Dr. Chen embodies academic rigor, benefiting his students, fellow academics, global corporations and communities with his egalitarian work philosophy.
Professor Chen sees USF's Bay Area location as a distinct advantage for students, researchers and professors of entrepreneurship and international business strategy. Silicon's Valley's current business renaissance is creating unprecedented opportunities to integrate into one of the most exciting global business networks of all time.
Professor Chen was co-founder of the "Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists Confidence Analysis and Index," as well as the Journal of Asia Business Studies. Dr. Chen has also provided consulting and executive training to many leading enterprise companies, including Intel, Panasonic, Caterpillar, Michelin, V-Tech, Tyco Electronics, Lenovo, Volkswagen China, and Li-Ning.
- Ph.D., Strategy and International Management, University of Texas at Dallas, 1996
- M.S., Industrial Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, 1986
- B.S., Operations Management, Shanghai Engineering and Science University, China, 1983
Awards & Distinctions
Faculty Research Award, USF School of Business and Management, 2001, 2006, 2009
Service Award, USF School of Business and Management, 2005
Silicon Valley Round Table Guru Award, U.S. National Business Economics Association and Silicon Valley Round Table, 1999
Abramson Award for Outstanding Article, Business Economics, 1998
Chair, Graduate Curriculum Committee of the School of Management, University if San Francisco, 2013–2016
Chair, Department of Marketing, Globalization and Strategy, School of Business and Professional Studies, University of San Francisco, 2009 - 2011
Chair, Faculty Development Committee of the School of Business and Management, University of San Francisco, 2001 - 2004
Selected Publications
- "I-Star: Expanding in North America," Case, Ivey Publishing, Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, Canada, Product Number: 9B12M041. August 14, 2012 (with William Wei, Xiaohua Yang, Kimberley Howard, and Stanley Kwong)
- "Dynamic capability and IJV performance: The effect of exploitation and exploration capabilities," Asia Pacific Journal of Management, October 2010, pp. 1-32 (with Wu Zhan)
- "Acquisition of organizational capabilities and competitive advantage of IJVs in transition economies: The case of Vietnam," Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Volume 26, Issue 2, 2009, Page 285, (with Wu Zhan, M. Krishna Erramilli, Duc Tri Nguyen)
- "The Impact of MNC Parents on the Cost of Doing Business Abroad (CDBA) of their Foreign Subsidiaries in Emerging Markets," Multinational Business Review, Volume 16 #3, 2008
- “Managing International Technology Transfer Risk: Alternatives and Complements to Ownership Structure,” Management International Review, Special Issue, 2004 (with M. Cannice and John D. Daniels)
- “Firm Resources as Moderators of the Relationship Between Market Growth and Strategic Alliances in Semiconductor Start-Ups,” Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 45, No. 3, 527-545, 2002 (with S. H. Park and S. Gallagher)