Dean's Fall Letter

Dear Friends,
The beginning of this fall semester is a particularly exciting time for our law school community. After more than a year of learning, teaching, and working remotely, we are back together on our beautiful campus in August fog. It is a joy to see students back in Kendrick Hall, connecting with each other, sharing stories and laughter, and continuing on the path to fulfilling legal careers.
In addition to welcoming a talented group of new J.D. and L.L.M candidates, several professors have joined our faculty. Among them, the Honorable Victoria Kolakowski from the Alameda County Superior Court, who taught a course this summer called Equality and Religious Freedom, exploring how religious expression can suppress equality or enable it. And tax litigation expert and former Senior Counsel with the Internal Revenue Service Office of Chief Counsel, Professor Kaelyn J. Romey teaches Federal Income Taxation and Corporate Tax this year as a visiting professor. I know our students will benefit from both Judge Kolakowski and Professor Romey’s knowledge of and passion for their respective areas of expertise.
Our alumni continue to demonstrate their care for our school and our communities. Claire Solot ‘92 co-founded the Legal Services Funders Network (LSFN), a group that funds legal aid organizations. In 2020, LSFN introduced a new post-graduate law fellowship and we are thrilled that 2021 graduates Jennifer Fair and Jordan Hameen were among this year’s awardees.
Another alum who inspires current students and graduates alike is Sal Torres ‘88, president of the USF Law Board of Governors. Last week, during orientation, Sal delivered sage advice to our 1L’s on how to comport themselves as burgeoning lawyers, and administered the Oath of Professionalism to them. Sal also hosted our virtual alumni-graduates celebration and awards reception last May, where we recognized several outstanding members of our community, including Sal, our Donald L. Carano ‘59 Alum of the Year Award recipient!
Many alumni have already registered for this year’s mentorship program. If you haven’t, please consider signing up as well for a rewarding experience that provides personal growth to both the mentor and the mentee.
As always, I thank you for your engagement with and commitment to our community and our students. I wish you all a happy and healthy fall and look forward to seeing many of you this academic year.
All my best,
Dean Susan Freiwald