Jennifer Parlamis
Professor Jennifer Parlamis's academic career has centered on pioneering social-psychological research in the areas of negotiation, conflict resolution, communication, and organization dynamics. Specifically, she studies the impact of technology on negotiation outcomes and the role of anger and incompetency emotions in negotiation and conflict contexts. In addition, she has written on ageism in organizations as well as negotiation pedagogy.
She employs the latest scholarly research to help students acquire skills and increase their awareness of effective interaction in business settings. Her classes often require real-world projects in for-profit as well as non-profit organizations in the Bay Area. She hopes that this applied experience will encourage students to become more deeply connected to the subject matter and more prepared to make the shift from student to leader in their organization.
When not teaching, conducting research, or consulting, Jennifer enjoys spending time with her husband and three kids, hiking with friends, listening to podcasts, and watching grand slam tennis.
- Negotiation and Bargaining
- Team Dynamics
- Self-as Instrument
- Consulting Practices
- Mindful Leadership
Research Areas
- negotiation
- conflict resolution
- communication
- organization dynamics
- Former Department Chair, Humanistic Management and Hospitality
- Former Program Director, Organization Development
- PhD, Social and Organizational Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2001
- The Moscow Institute of Social and Political Studies, Moscow Russian Language Certificate, Moscow, Russia, 1994
- BA, Psychology and Fine Arts (Magna Cum Laude), Georgetown University, Washington D.C., 1993
Awards & Distinctions
Negotiation and Team Resources Teaching Grant. Take It or Leave It: A Negotiation Basics Podcast. (With Zach Burns) $5000, Fall 2019/Spring 2020
Jesuit Foundation Grant, Learning from Silence: Silent Retreat as Crucible Experience. $5000, Fall 2019
Outstanding Service Award, local arrangements committee. International Association for Conflict Management. July, 2019
Outstanding Leadership Award. International Association for Conflict Management. July, 2017
Outstanding Research Award. School of Management. University of San Francisco. May, 2015
Selected Publications
Parlamis, J., Badawy, R., Haber, J., & Brouer, R. (2020). Exploring Fear of Appearing Incompetent, Competency Pressure, Tactics, and Perceptions in Negotiations. International Journal of Conflict Management. 31(4), 607-622.
Laubert, C. and Parlamis, J. (2019). Are you angry (happy, sad) or aren’t you? Emotion detection difficulty in email negotiation. Group Decision and Negotiation. 28(2), 377-413.
Parlamis, J. and Dibble, R. (2019). Teaming: Are two communication modes better than one? Team Performance management. 25(5/6), 318-333.
Parlamis, J. and Monnot, M. J. (2018). Getting to the CORE: Putting an End to the Term “Soft Skills”. Journal of Management Inquiry. 28(2), 225-227.
Ebner, N. and Parlamis, J. (2017). Weaving Together Theory, Research, Practice and Teaching: A Four-Dimensional Approach to Negotiation and Conflict Management Work. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 10 (4), 245-251.