Faculty & Staff Achievements

Professor Xiaohua Yang invited to 2011 "Washington China-US Investment Forum"

by Xiaohua Yang


2011 washington china us investment forum

Professor Xiaohua Yang was invited as a special guest and expert to attend “2011 Washington China-US Investment Forum”. The forum is aimed at helping Chinese enterprises and investors gain a comprehensive understanding of the American investment environment, to promote and improve investing in America for Chinese enterprises, to enhance commercial cooperation and to develop win-win commercial opportunities for Chinese and Americans. The forum was jointly organized by the China Society (Washington DC), US-China Business Council, Center for China and Globalization (Beijing) and the “China Times”(Beijing), and held on October 5th and 6th on Capitol Hill and in the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center.

University of San Francisco’s School of Management, is a strategic partner of China General Chamber of Commerce, and was the only university represented at the forum.

At the forum, more than 150 Chinese and American top level enterprises, politicians, think tank experts, media and people from all walks of life who deal with China-US investment gathered together on Capitol Hill in this Forum to jointly explore the opportunities and challenges for Chinese investing in the US.

Under the context of the major national “go out” strategy, China has been continuously seeking to enhance global cooperation and is currently accelerating the pace of its overseas investment. At the same time, along with the favorable performance of the Chinese economy this year and the growing strength of Chinese enterprises, the pace at which Chinese are participating in international investment and economic cooperation is steadily increasing. The US, as the largest economic entity in the world, has great attractiveness for Chinese capital. This June President Obama, through executive order and for the first time in American history, established Select USA within the Department of Commerce for the specific purpose of attracting foreign investment. Not long ago in Beijing, Vice President Biden emphasized American welcome for Chinese investment. And many American state and local governments are actively attracting Chinese investment. Clearly, Chinese investment in America is entering a new stage. The “2011 Washington China-US Investment Forum”had the primary goals of helping Chinese investors explore investment opportunities in the US and gain a comprehensive understanding of the US investment environment, successfully creating a good platform for dialogue and exchange among Chinese investors, American business people and American government officials in order to promote future win-win investments.

House of Representatives US-China Working Group Co-chair, Representative Rick Larsen (Democrat, WA), pointed out in his breakfast meeting speech that Chinese investment holds a 0.1% share of all foreign investment in the US. Thus, the space for further development is enormous: from 2009 to 2010 that investment increased 130% on an annual basis. Chinese investment in the US already extends across 16 industries, ten in manufacturing and six in services; 75% of the investments in the US are made by privately owned or non-state-controlled listed enterprises.