Equipped to Lead and Succeed

Don’t Let Coronavirus Stop Your Career

Use this lull as a time to build your brand

by Sayantika Mandal, USF News

While the job market has cooled because of the pandemic, students can still move forward. Ellen Kelly and Yesame Kinfe of the Career Services Center describe how.

Build Your Portfolio

Put all your best work in your profile on Wix, Github, Squarespace, Medium, Wordpress, or Tumblr. If you’ve done social media or any kind of marketing, make a website to highlight your work. Also, update your Linkedin and Handshake profiles.

Work on a Passion Project

If you don’t have much work to showcase, create your own project. If you like technology, develop an app. If you like journalism, start a blog to write about things that interest you.

Acquire More Skills

Use LinkedIn Learning, provided at no charge by USF, to learn new software and earn badges. Also, enhance your resume with transferable skills from previous jobs. If you’ve been a barista, for example, highlight your skills in customer service.

Expand Your Network

With more people now open to virtual networking via Zoom or phone, use Linkedin to connect with alumni and set up virtual meetings with them. Join the Dons Helping Dons group on Linkedin or USF’s Alumni Mentor Program.


Check idealist.org to browse for volunteer opportunities to gain experience.

Adjust Your Expectations

If you aren’t seeing your preferred jobs online, switch to Plan B. If you hope to be a volunteer coordinator at a nonprofit, for example, try to get your foot in the door by applying to be an assistant at a similar organization.

Practice Interviews

Practice mock interviews with Career Services; they offer their services free for a year after graduation. Try Biginterview.com, a platform that offers on-demand interview practice.

Take Care of Yourself

Fight job-related anxiety by meditating and exercising. Register with Counseling and Psychological Services for an online session on dealing with anxiety.