Davis Named Associate Dean for Faculty Scholarship

Davis is director of the Center for Law and Ethics and teaches Civil Procedure, Constitutional Theory, Judicial Review, Legal Ethics, the Legal Scholarship Seminar and Remedies. He is also a Dean’s Circle Scholar, a designation that honors the achievements of the law school’s most productive scholars.

“I believe that Professor Davis is particularly well suited to the task having worked hard for years to enhance our scholarly production and reputation. He has collaborated with others over the past decade to organize various scholarly events and to reform the law school so it will better support scholarship. He is also a productive scholar in his own right,” Dean Jeffrey Brand said.

Davis said the law school has a vibrant academic environment and impressive scholarly production. “Our faculty members are already very productive as scholars,” he said. “I look forward to helping them to become even more productive and to get the word out about all we are doing.”

Legal scholarship, Davis said, is critical not only as a means to seek the truth, an intrinsically valuable endeavor, but also as a way to contribute to legal reform, and ultimately to change society to make it more humane and just. “We believe in theory, social commitment, and the pursuit of the truth. That is the heart of legal scholarship.”