Faculty & Staff Achievements

Faculty Lend Expertise on Panels, Podcasts

by Melissa Brooks, College of Arts and Sciences

Our distinguished Urban Studies faculty have made a splash in the media recently with appearances on panels and podcasts, providing their expert insight on everything from city planning to socioeconomics.

Professor Tanu Sankalia moderated a panel for World Affairs on designing cities that foster a sense of inclusion, safety, and pride in public spaces. He also gave an interview for the Hoodline article “Why Do SF’s New Real Estate Developments Look So Similar,” exploring the fall of Victorian-style homes and the rise of sleek-paneled, shimmery-paned buildings in San Francisco.

Meanwhile, Pedro Lange-Churión made a guest appearance on the A-Infos Radio Project podcast, where he talked about Hugo Chávez’s Bolivarian Revolution and Venezuela’s socioeconomic crisis. In an interview with the Bay Area photojournalism podcast streetpx, he discussed his photography project on Spain’s Stolen Children crisis, where Francisco Franco’s fascist regime colluded with the church and medical establishment to steal 300,000 newborn babies from their mothers.