Gubernatorial Hopefuls Stump at USF

In the coming weeks, USFers and the public will have a chance to hear from and ask questions of top candidates in California’s governor race, thanks to a speaker series put on by the Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good and news organization POLITICO.
Through February and March, gubernatorial candidates including former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, former State Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin, Republican businessman John Cox, and State Treasurer John Chiang will visit campus individually to lay out their political priorities. The talks — five scheduled, and others possibly on the horizon — will be moderated by POLITICO reporters.
Feb. 5: Gavin Newsom
Feb. 15: Delaine Eastin
March 1: John Cox
March 22: John Chiang
All events take place at
McLaren Conference Center
from 5–7 p.m. and are free
and open to the public.
California on the world stage
The speaker series is called “Conversations for the Common Good — Race for the Second Most Important Office in the Country.”
California — with a population of nearly 40 million — has one of the world’s largest economies, is home to more immigrants than any other state, and is a leader in everything from global trade to climate change policy, says McCarthy Center Director David Donahue.
“Whoever is governor of California is on a national and international stage,” he says. “It’s not unfair to think of the job as the second most important in the country.”
The speaker series was created to celebrate the McCarthy Center’s 15th anniversary. Next year the center plans to invite change makers from other fields, including arts and business.
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