Global Perspective

Japan (Kakehashi) Study Tour Forum


Intro tables in action

When a major trip to Japan is over, photographs archived, and memories begin to blur a little, what does one do? Why, organize a forum of course! Student participants in the USF/MAPS 2017 Kakehashi program convened a dynamic exchange of ideas and experiences on April 25,


Japan 2017 Studytour Poster

Special guests included Ms. Maiko Tamagawa and Mr. Steven Goldman from the San Francisco Japan Consulate, as well as a number of USF faculty and students. Dr. Melissa Dale, Executive Director for the USF Center for Asia Pacific Studies also attended. Event logistics and a delicious lunch was capably organized by MAPS program assistant Ms. Annmarie Belda.


Speaker (Damon) talking

Students organized themselves according to their interests in Japanese “History/Culture,” “Trade/Business,” and “Japanese Society,” and then set up tables with various information, artifacts, objects, and even some finger-food available to visitors.


History culture table


History culture group

Students at each “station” had talking points prepared in advance, which led to some good conversations and exchanges with visitors. Each visitor received a card upon entering the room, which was stamped at each table and then exchanged for a small gift.

In her remarks to the group, Consul Tamagawa (speaking on behalf of Consul Akira Ichioka) noted the importance of bilateral exchange opportunities in fostering mutual understanding and cooperation between Japan and the U.S. She encouraged MAPS students to continue learning about Japan and find other ways to stay involved in promoting people-to-people connections.


Damon Do, Justin McDonnell, Consul Tamagawa, Steven Goldman, Dr. Dale


History culture

Most forums have a panel of experts at the front of the room, who speak briefly on topics related to their expertise. The MAPS Kakehashi Forum, like the trip itself, was a lively and interactive way to share information and learn from each other.


Brian and Melissa


Ryan Shinkansen


Blake Nolan