“Here You’re Celebrated and Challenged in the Best Way”

Professor K.M. Soehnlein invites you to become a better writer and bring your full self to USF's MFA program.

Adjunct Professor K. M. Soehnlein

What makes the MFA program at USF distinct?

Our classes are always on the same nights, at the same time, so everyone is here in the same building together. So much happens in the hallways — on-on-the-fly conversations, plans for the future. Everyone has a chance to meet everyone else. That’s really special — and rare.

What do you find most special about the MFA writing education/experience?

The chance to bring your full self — strengths and vulnerabilities alike — to participate within an artistic community. Writing can be lonely and isolating, but here you’re celebrated and challenged in the best way.

How can pursuing an MFA support your writing process/journey now and later?

People become better writers faster when they dedicate themselves to an MFA program. It’s that simple. You’ll come to understand what you’re good at, what you need help with, and — most important of all — how to edit your own writing for the rest of your life.

Writing can be lonely and isolating, but here you're celebrated and challenged in the best way.”

How would you sum up your classroom dynamic (or teaching style) in a few words?

In seminars I talk a lot about my craft and technique, which in my experience students want to understand better. In workshops I emphasize process — what can be done in your next draft. My goal is to create a space where students feel excited to participate, learn, and write more.

Why do you teach writing?

I love being in the world of words — books, authors, writing, reading. I never get tired of it. I hope I transmit my love for this to the people who take my classes. They should leave more excited than when they started.