Faculty & Staff Achievements

Professor of Education Wins Statewide Recognition

by Edward Carpenter

Christopher Thomas, assistant professor of leadership studies at the University of San Francisco’s School of Education, has been recognized as Professor of Education of the Year by the Association of California School Administrators.

ACSA, established in 1971, is the largest umbrella organization for school leaders in the nation, serving more than 16,000 school leaders. The award is one of 19 the association presents annually to recognize outstanding performance and achievements by individuals in the public education system.

Thomas, who is a member of ACSA, chairs the School of Education’s Department of Leadership Studies, directs the school’s administrative services credential program, and facilitates the Peru immersion project, among other responsibilities.

“Professor Thomas deserves this recognition because he is committed and dedicated to the graduate students at USF, including his commitment as the adviser to the Graduate Student Association,” said Cynthia Rapaido, the student who nominated Thomas. Rapaido, who is also an ACSA member, serves as president of the USF Graduate Student Association.

She originally nominated Thomas for the award in the San Francisco and San Mateo counties region. Thomas’ experience and credentials impressed the awards committee so much that he not only claimed that honor but the statewide award in addition.