Campus Life

Sigma Theta Tau International Celebrates its 52nd Induction Ceremony

On Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022, Sigma Theta Tau International, USF's Beta Gamma Chapter of Sigma, celebrated the 52nd induction ceremony for 135 graduate and undergraduate nursing students.

Leading the event, Chapter President Benson K Yeung, DNP, RN, along with the Beta Gamma board leaders and Dean Fry-Bowers, welcomed the students, their families and friends, who joined this meaningful ceremony for the inductees professional and personal journeys.

"Our founders chose the Greek Letters – Sigma, Theta, Tau – taken from the Greek words meaning Love, Courage, and Honor, as they believed them to be the enduring values that are the root of the nursing profession," shared Dr. Patricia Lynch, Beta Gamma Vice President.

This honor society was founded in 1922 by six nursing students at Indiana University. From those six founding members, the organization has grown to more than 135,000 active members, in more than 560 chapters, in over 100 countries around the world.

Hanley Tran, Senior 1 BSN student, shared, "It is a great honor to be recognized for the work and efforts dedicated towards cultivating the nurse I hope to become and to be able to share that passion and joy of nursing in the company of exceptional future nursing colleagues. The more I have been immersed in nursing at USF, the more I realize what a special role and privilege it is to care for patients and earn their trust in our care. My nursing journey has helped me to grow both personally and professionally in shaping my mind and heart towards my fullest self and bringing an intention of compassionate, patient-centered care to my work. Being in this space, surrounded by my peers, who continually inspire me, has been a blessing. I cannot wait to see the countless ways you will touch and impact the lives of your patients throughout your nursing careers. Thank you all."

Dean Eileen Fry-Bowers, shared in her address named, Nursing is Essential: "While it is a play words referencing the name of the national curriculum for nursing education, it is also acknowledgement of the value of the role you will take on for society."

She continued, "the world feels especially challenging at present, as we witness the havoc that the pandemic has wrecked on our communities, and systems are just not working the way they should for us, as individuals, communities, and as a profession. As nurses, you are and will be the backbone of the United States health system."

In closing, the Dean poited out, "I wish each of you the best of luck and the brightest of futures because this honorable profession, the one we call Nursing, IS essential. With love, courage, and honor, as a nurse and a leader, you will change the world's health from wherever you are."