The University of San Francisco Debuts New Thacher Gallery Exhibit on February 25 - Jenifer K Wofford: Limning the Liminal

The exhibit will run through April 14, 2019

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (February 25, 2019) -- The Thacher Gallery at the University of San Francisco (USF) is presenting Jenifer K Wofford: Limning the Liminal from February 25 to April 14, 2019. The gallery and exhibit are free and open to the public from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily.

This work by interdisciplinary artist Jenifer K Wofford returns to notions of the liminal — the threshold between worlds or ideas—to express her intercultural, creative logic. With no fixed points in her background, Wofford’s visually crisp artwork exudes imagination, humor, and a healthy appreciation for the absurd.

Spanning over a decade, the artworks include her iconic studies of nurses and Filipina comfort women as well as recent paintings examining the aftermath of seismic disruptions. In the Nurse (2006-07) drawings, Wofford presents images of Filipina nurses enveloped in an abstract, institutional green goo, reminding us of the ways in which these essential caregivers are often made invisible. Lolas (prints, 2016) presents portraits of some of the longest-living “Lolas” (Filipina grandmothers) and WWII comfort women. In contrast to these figurative works, Wofford will also present recent acrylic paintings rendering the aftermath of seismic ruptures. Begun in 2016, these paintings depict ghostly landscapes from earthquakes around the Pacific Rim. The paintings function as metaphor for broader contemporary conditions of cognitive and cultural collapse. Seen together, the works in Limning the Liminal remind viewers of the tenuous nature of our times.

About the Artist

Jenifer K Wofford is a San Francisco-based artist and educator whose work has been exhibited at the Berkeley Art Museum, Oakland Museum of California, YBCA, San Jose Museum of Art, Southern Exposure, and Kearny Street Workshop as well as at New Image Art (Los Angeles), Wing Luke Museum (Seattle), DePaul Museum (Chicago), Silverlens Galleries (Philippines), VWFA (Malaysia), and Osage Gallery (Hong Kong). She is a 2017 recipient of the Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters and Sculptors Grant among many other awards. She teaches in Fine Arts and Philippine Studies at the University of San Francisco, and holds degrees from the San Francisco Art Institute (BFA) and UC Berkeley (MFA).

About the Thacher Gallery

Celebrating its 20th year, the Thacher Gallery, located in the University of San Francisco’s Gleeson Library, is a public art gallery where creativity, scholarship, and community converge. The gallery is free and open to the public daily from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Located at 2130 Fulton Street. (415) 422-5178 USF's Thatcher Gallery

About the University of San Francisco

The University of San Francisco is located in the heart of one of the world’s most innovative and diverse cities and is home to a vibrant academic community of students and faculty who achieve excellence in their fields. Its diverse student body enjoys direct access to faculty, small classes, and outstanding opportunities in the city itself. USF is San Francisco’s first university, and its Jesuit Catholic mission helps ignite a student’s passion for social justice and a desire to “Change the World From Here.” For more information, visit USF Home Page

Media contact:
Kellie Samson
Media Relations, University of San Francisco
(415) 422-2697

Gallery contact:
Glori Simmons
Thacher Gallery, University of San Francisco
(415) 422-5178