Student and parent in Gleeson Plaza

Get Involved

Sure, your student is the one enrolled in school. There are numerous opportunities for you to engage with Don Life. Explore the array of options available, and if you have a specific idea in mind that isn't listed, let us know.

The Parent Leadership Council

Join the Parent & Family Leadership Council, a community of over 100 dedicated parents and family members whose philanthropic contributions, time, and expertise significantly enrich the student experience and foster a stronger parent and family community at the University of San Francisco.

The Parent & Family Leadership Council is a vital partner in ensuring student success at USF.

Our Council members receive exclusive invitations to special events throughout the year, providing unique opportunities to engage with USF leadership, including President Father Paul Fitzgerald, S.J., and other distinguished guests. Explore the benefits of joining the Parent & Family Leadership Council today.

Membership Commitment

Members of the Parent & Family Leadership Council demonstrate their commitment to the University of San Francisco by making an annual leadership gift. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our current Parent & Family Leadership Council members for their unwavering support. Your dedication plays a crucial role in helping our students acquire the knowledge, skills, and values to contribute to a more humane, just, and sustainable world.

Members of the Parent and Family Leadership Council

As a member of the Parent and Family Leadership Council, you actively contribute to the success of USF by:

  • Supporting the university with an annual leadership-level gift to an area you care most about.
  • Serving as ambassadors by fostering relationships with fellow parents and family members to broaden their University knowledge and encourage their support.

Parent and Family Leadership Council Benefits

  USF Parents and Family Members USF Parent and Family Leadership Council
Parent and Family Newsletter Yes Yes
Parent and Family Yes Yes
USF Magazine Yes Yes
PFLC Impact Report No Yes
USF Calendar No Yes
Regional Engagement Yes Yes

PFLC Annual Leadership Meeting & Reception
(typically held during Family Weekend)

No Yes
Concierge service for information on upcoming events, parking, and help setting up your campus visit No Yes
Insider Access Webinars and/or Conference Calls No Yes
PFLC In-the-Know Quarterly Emails No Yes
President’s Ambassador Membership Card* No Yes
Exclusive one-time, Koret Health and Recreation Center, entry passes No Yes

President’s Ambassador Membership Card*

  • Checkout privileges at Gleeson Library | Geschke Center
  • 10 percent discount at the USF bookstore on your favorite Dons gear


Give to the Parents Fund

We understand that life gets busy, and there may not be enough hours in the day to volunteer your time. Supporting the Parents and Families Fund, at any dollar amount, is another way to help students to Change the World from Here.

USF family at outdoor event

Parent Engagement & Philanthropy

2130 Fulton St.
Lone Mountain Rossi, 323
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080

Mon-Fri: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.