13th Thacher Art + Architecture Annual

May 4, 2012 to July 8, 2012
Featuring 66 artworks by over 60 juniors and seniors from the University of San Francisco’s Departments of Art + Architecture and Media Studies, this student- organized exhibition consists of a diverse collection of paintings, photographs, prints, typography, sculptures and architectural pieces to juxtapose traditional techniques and new media. The students have integrated various art disciplines to highlight their individual skills, sensibilities and points of view as independent artists.
Mojgan Aghamir, Andrew Blakney-Jimenez, Chris Chappelle, Matt Ching, Stephanie Chun, Azlynn Cornish, Alexander Crook, Parina Daraphet, Nelene DeGuzman, Ian DeYoung, Sasha M Doo, Natalie Eakin, Nathaniel Eck, Cami Eder, Carrie Edgil, Jacob Ewing, Cormac Fawsitt, Isaac Fine, Michael Fior, Nora M. Frazier, Gianni Gigliotti, Charlotte Goff, Sofia Gonzalez, Leonard Gray III, Alex Hartong, Kaity Hayashi, Kate Hedrick, Drew Herron, Antonia Hidalgo, Kris Hunter, Karim Iliya, Joel P. Johnson, Evan Kikawa, Katie Kinsey, Iris Lerch, Mackenzie Lisenby, Laura Macias, Dustin Manning, Jamie McClafferty, Kelsey McLaughlin, Dana Merrill, Alexa Michael, Ngoc Lan Nguyen, Wrenn Okada, Bailey Miyoko Onaga, Alex Orvell, Kalie E. Patterson, Meredith Pentzien, Mark F. Perdiguerra, Lianna Piccetti, Grace Rahn, Wendy Rangel, Kristin J. Ross, Sarah Ruiz, Quinn Sanders, Kristen Scarpa, Gabrielle Scharaga, Kenya Stabler, Caitlin M Supe, Nicolett Sziatinszky, Madelyne Todd, Jana Tom, Matthew Tominaga, Jannea Tschirch, Mengxing Wang, Darren Wong
Friday, May 4
4–4:30 pm: Awards Ceremony, Gleeson Plaza
4:30–6 pm: Opening Celebration, Thacher Gallery