Chrysalis: The 21st Thacher Art + Architecture Annual

May 1-Aug. 9, 2020
A sheltered state or stage of growth, a chrysalis may be a physical space or set of circumstances that allow for an individual to transform. Featuring 67 artworks by 53 junior and senior majors and minors from the University of San Francisco’s Department of Art + Architecture, Chrysalis is a representation of the artistry in vulnerability and struggle.
As viewers, we are often only privy to the end result of the artistic process. The 21st Thacher Art + Architecture Annual celebrates the labor associated with creating a piece of art, and the growth and transformation that can happen along the way. Reoccurring themes include the environment, identity, experimentation, consumerism, art history, and the city of San Francisco.
Chrysalis is presented by USF’s Thacher Gallery and Art History/Museum Studies Thacher Practicum Class led by Nell Herbert. This year’s jurors include artist Jonathan Anzalone; artist, curator and educator Kevin Chen; Matea Fish, Senior Director at Gallery Wendi Norris; and artist and curator Rio Yañez.
Congratulations to this year's Thacher Annual award recipients!
Gloria Osuna Pérez Award : Aerin Cassano
Honorable Mentions: Yesenia Canales and Elizabeth Moore
Mary and Carter Thacher Prize: Lily Applegate and Rose Gluck
Honorable Mentions: Jen Brooks, Melissa Chang, Mikaela Nagy
Thacher Practicum Student Choice Award: Alyssa Little
Honorable Mention: Collette Golden
- Erin Abbatiello
- Joshua Alas
- Matenia Altikatis
- Lily Applegate
- Mae Artuso
- Jen Brooks
- Jamie Brown
- Juliet Buck
- Sheila Burke
- Carson Burns
- Yesenia Canales
- Brenna Carrick
- Aerin Cassano
- Melissa Chang
- Ellise Chiu
- Ellie Chung
- Vanaka Din
- Delaney Gibbons
- Malaya Gibson
- Rose Gluck
- Collette Golden
- Sarah Hamilton
- Jacob Hanicak
- Nicole Herath
- DJ Hoffman
- Hanna Kahn
- Charles LaBonge
- Sarah Lee
- Samantha Li
- Qiaodan Lou
- Alyssa Lytle
- Rongjie Ma
- Kellie Manchester
- Lauren Marone
- Mackenzie Miller
- Elizabeth Moore
- Makaela Nagy
- Albert Nessia
- Julia Nollfo
- Evanne O’Sullivan
- Sophia Patino
- Stephanie Pillert
- Riley Pratt
- Paola Reyes Melendez
- Coco Romano Giordano
- Amanda Sondy
- Maxine Taylor
- Tasha Westbrook
- Ken Wilson
- Sixun (Amara) Yang
- Ji Eun Yang
- Alexander Ziemba
Student Curators
- Azariyah Franklin
- Caroline Milowicki
- Gabrielle Moreta
- Alondra Ramos
- Jenna Smith
- Yiyi Yang