Sight Circus: The 2007 Thacher Student Showcase

May 4, 2007 to July 15, 2007
Artists: Antone Abuyaghi, Erica Baptiste, Nico Barredo, Emily Bender, Dave Binegar, Kristan Bonde, Rosa Lynee Chicaiza, Jonathan Chinchilla, Monica Davis, Martina DeSantis, Miriam Diaz, J. Ryan Dunn, Valarie Duran, Lauren Emerson, Rayna Garcia, Fiamma Giger, Nicole Ginelli, George Haiiar, Sandy Hayashi, Fabiola Hernandez-Soto, Saya Karimi Tani, Kari Kelley, Giselle Kennedy, Meiko Kikuta, Regie Kong, Lee Martinez, Corinne Matesich, Trudy May, Dionisia Montanez, Katie Newman, Erick Perez, Lauren Rassel, Jessica Ringer, Tiffany Sanchez, Andy Skogrand, Ashley Stewart, Stefanie Stowers, Rosana Sullivan, Davis Termpitayavei, Carlo Torrano, Haley Waterson, Benjamin Wells, Jessica Willis, Hillary Wittrock, Danielle Wright, Leanna Wright, Sebastiano Zecchetto.
For Sight Circus, the jury selected over 60 works of art by juniors and seniors enrolled in the Visual Arts and Media Studies programs at the University of San Francisco. The constant variety and surprising visuals of the student's work (from classical painting and drawing to photography and urban architecture) inspired the undergraduate Museum Studies class, organizers of the event, to give the showcase its whimsical title.
Many of the artists in this year’s showcase present their knowledge of current events, diversity of cultures and ethnicity, and interest in themes concerning the unsettled youth of the nation. Camouflage, a life-size self-portrait by Fiamma Giger, the artist in army fatigues surrounded by letters she exchanged with a friend discussing their differing points of view about ROTC and how "slight changes in [their] lives could make [them] different people." This piece was part of a display at the state capital that was censored. Nico Barredo entered a photographic series, entitled Homeland, which comments on the artist’s heritage after his first trip back to the Philippines in twelve years. Additionally, this year marks the first year USF will be showing works from its new Architecture program. Majors Antone Abuyaghi and Haley Waterson present their designs and models of Chabot Street Student Housing, an imagined residential home for University students.
The recipients of the two annual awards—the Mary Thacher Prize for the best work(s) in technique and style in the exhibition, and the Gloria Osuna Pérez Award for the work(s) which best address social and community issues—will be announced at the reception. This year’s judges included sculptor Pamela Blotner, architect Tania Sankalia, and video artist Robin Lasser.
Opening Reception
Friday, May 4, from 4 to 6 p.m.
Awards Ceremony at 4:30 p.m.