Aerial view of Lone Mountain see from behind.

Board of Trustees Meeting Action Items


  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its Spring Meeting on Friday, March 31, 2023. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items from that meeting.

    Call to Order: Chairman Jack Boland opened the meeting.

    Approval of the Consent Agenda: The trustees approved the consent agenda for March 31, 2023, which included the Winter Meeting Minutes (December 9, 2022), Executive Committee Minutes (January 24, 2023), Executive Committee Minutes (February 21, 2023), and eVote Minutes (January 27-February 1, 2023) and the re-election of the following incumbent trustees to a second three-year term concluding in June 2026: M. Suzanne Calandra, Martin Connell, S.J., Margaret Doherty-Simor, Andrew Garavel, S.J., and Adam Swig; and re-elected of the following incumbent trustees to a final three-year term concluding in June 2026: Joseph Allanson, Mary DelSanto, Naomi Kelly, and Kevin Malloy.

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided an update on current institutional matters, including undergraduate and graduate recruitment outlooks.

    Report of the Finance Committee: Committee Chair Trustee John Myers delivered a status report on the FY24 operating budget.

    Discussion Session: Director of Athletics Larry Williams provided an overview and opportunities associated with NCAA Division 1 Athletics, followed by a Q&A session with trustees.

    Report of the Development Committee: Committee Chair Trustee Mark Buell provided a status report on the state of fundraising for the university.

    Report of the Strategic Marketing Communications Committee: Committee Chair Trustee Christopher Calderón, S.J. and Ellen Ryder, vice president, marketing communications, provided a report on how the Office of Marketing (along with partners in Student Life and Strategic Enrollment Management) are incorporating and publishing student outcomes and ROI data into the university’s storytelling.

    Approval of the Athletics Oversight Standing Committee: The trustees authorized the approved the formation of the Athletics Oversight Committee as a standing committee of the Board, effective in Fall 2023 and adopted the charge of the committee as proposed.

    Adjournment: The meeting adjourned in honor of former trustee colleague Tina Moylan for her unwavering commitment to USF’s Jesuit Catholic mission and her faithful dedication to the university and to the Board of Trustees.

    The next board meeting is Tuesday, June 13, 2023.

    Spring 2023 Standing Committee Meetings of the Board of Trustees

    Committee meetings were held Thursday, March 30, 2023.

    Development Committee

    Committee Chair Mark Buell called the meeting to order, and provided a progress report on trustee giving, an update on Day of the Dons. Staff member Mario Peraza, Taryn Moore, and Chadwick Woodard presented a status report on engagement and events to build momentum and affinity with alumni. Vice President Lindsey McClenahan reported on fundraising and campaign progress. The Committee reviewed and discussed top prospects.

    Joint Meeting, Academic Affairs and Student Life Committees

    Chairs Naomi Kelly (University Life) and Judy Miner (Academic Affairs) called the joint meeting to order. Ethan-Lee Bellows, president of Associated Students of USF (ASUSF) presented the undergraduate student report, and Raminder Attal, president of the Graduate Student Senate (GSS) presented the graduate student report. The committee engaged in discussion of both reports. VP Student Life Julie Orio and Provost Chinyere Oparah were invited to present an overview on the hoped-for ROI for students and setting them up for success in their lives beyond graduation. Shirley McGuire, senior vice provost; Shona Milazo, AVP and dean of student academic services; and VP Orio presented the history and an overview of past retention efforts, and the work of the Student Success, Retention, and Equity (SSRE) Task Force. The two committees then met separately to discuss new business and meet in executive session.

    Finance Committee

    Committee Chair John Myers opened the meeting and presented an update on FY23 enrollment and enrollment projections for FY24. The committee then discussed the status of the FY24 operating budget. Detailed reports were presented on FY23 operating forecast, cash flow trend and liquidity analysis, long term debt, and FY22 debt ratio.

    Audit Committee

    Committee chair Trustee Joe Allanson called the meeting to order. AVP Dom Daher reviewed and asked for trustee approval of the IRS form 990 and other tax related forms; and reviewed the FY23 internal audit plan. AVP Desmond Dair shared the FY23 Audit Engagement update.

    Committee on Catholic Identity and Jesuit Mission

    Trustee Joan McGrath called the meeting to order and invited USF Chancellor John Fitzgibbons, S.J., to offer a prayer. The committee engaged in a discussion of the readings, which were focused on Jesuit higher education by authors John O’Malley, S.J., and Stephanie Russell.

    Compensation Committee

    Committee Chair Trustee Lindbergh Porter called the meeting to order. The committee reviewed the compensation disclosure review of IRS Form 990; the employee turnover report; and perquisites and university rentals. The committee also discussed results of the committee’s self-evaluation survey; reviewed disqualified faculty compensation for the summer session; progress on developing the overscale pay policy; and pay equity compliance.

    Committee on Information Technology Strategy

    Committee Chair Faisal Shah called the meeting to order and reviewed the committee minutes. After acknowledging and thanking the student representatives, the committee discussed the new collaborative digital initiative to support student onboarding. ITS staff reviewed the annual security and compliance report. The trustee members then met in executive session.

    Physical Facilities and Master Plan Committee

    Committee Chair Jim Sangiacomo opened the meeting, and led a discussion on the Facilities priorities questionnaire. Reports included updates on: Fromm window replacement, winter storm recovery, Masonic East, Master Plan office space utilization analysis, custodial contract status, facilities data management review, and summer project planning.

    Strategic Marketing Communications Committee

    Committee Chair Christopher Calderón, S.J, opened the meeting. OMC staff provided a detailed report on how USF is incorporating ROI and outcomes data into marketing and recruitment efforts -- and asked committee members for feedback and suggestions for strengthening this message. AVP Anneliese Mauch presented results and lessons learned from the first-ever paid digital advertising campaign targeting undergraduates. Staff presented reports on OMC operations and staffing for trustee and affiliate member feedback.

  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its Summer Meeting on Tuesday, June 13, 2023. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items from that meeting.

    Call to Order: Chairman Jack Boland opened the meeting.

    Approval of the Consent Agenda: The trustees approved the consent agenda for June 13, 2023, which included the agenda for the Summer Meeting; minutes of the Spring Meeting (March 31, 2023); minutes of the Executive Committee meetings (April 25, 2023 and May 23, 2023); election of three new trustees:  Max Diez, Stacy Miller Azcarate and Arthur Tay; election of trustees emeriti/ae:  Evan Kletter; Tina Moylan and Lindbergh Porter; and the Executive Committee’s proposed leadership and trustee membership for AY24 standing committees.

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided an update on current institutional matters, including undergraduate and graduate enrollments.

    Report of the Finance Committee: Committee Chair Trustee John Myers delivered an updated report on the university’s FY24 operating budget endorsed by the committee and unanimously approved by the board.

    Discussion Session: Vice Chair Mary Del Santo, Chair, Enterprise Planning Task Force, led a presentation on and discussion of the board’s Proposed Enterprise Plan, an internal document between the board and the president designed to articulate its goals for the president over the next three to five years. Following the discussion, the board asked that at its next meeting the president bring forward his vision for operationalizing the Enterprise Plan and provide measurable criteria to track progress. The board asked to receive quarterly progress reports with the understanding that it would continue to provide oversight and strategic direction to the president in meeting the goals of the Enterprise Plan.

    Report of the Development Committee: Committee Chair Trustee Mark Buell provided a report on year-end fundraising results for the university.

    Report of the Executive Committee: Board chair Jack Boland facilitated updates by committee chairs.

    Adjournment: The meeting adjourned in honor of newly elected Trustees Emeriti Evan Kletter and Lindbergh Porter. (Trustee Emerita Tina Moylan was recognized at the Spring Meeting.)

    The Annual Fall Meeting is Friday, September 29, 2023.

    Summer 2023 Standing Committee Meetings of the Board of Trustees

    Committee meetings were held Monday, June 12, 2023

    Development Committee

    Chair Mark Buell opened the meeting. He provided a tribute to departing committee members and he delivered a final FY23 report of trustee giving, fundraising totals and top gifts for the final quarter. Vice President Lindsey McClenahan shared the FY24 development committee agenda plan and goals. Development staff shared an update on the new Campaign planning and goals. Vice President McClenahan conducted a prospect profile review and discussion.

    Academic Affairs Committee

    Committee Chair Jeffery Silk called the meeting to order, and asked Interim Provost Eileen Fung to give introductory remarks. The committee received an enrollment report and updates on the 2027 Strategic Plan. Both reports were and the Integrated Strategic Enrollment Plan for undergraduate recruitment and retention. All reports were followed by discussions. Committee Chair Silk led a review of the Committee charge and reviewed the draft agenda plan for 2023-24.

    Finance Committee

    Committee Chair John Myers opened the meeting and reviewed committee minutes. Staff provided a Fall 23 enrollment update and a Financial Ratio presentation. The committee reviewed the FY24 Budget, reports on long term debt, cash flow, and liquidity analysis.

    University Life Committee

    Committee chair Naomi Kelly called the meeting to order. Vice President of Student Life Julie Orio offered an overview of student experience, highlights of ASUSF resolutions, and campus considerations. Staff led a campus tour of student spaces and residence halls. April Crabtree provided an enrollment update.

    Audit Committee

    Committee Chair Joseph Allanson opened the meeting. The committee reviewed the university’s conflict of interest policy, the annual rotational internal audit schedule, the FY 23 audit engagement update, the university’s code of ethics and whistleblower policies. The committee also walked through the self- assessment questionnaire.

    Committee on Catholic Identity and Jesuit Mission

    Committee Chair Andrew Garavel, S.J., called the meeting to order. Fr. Garavel and Vice Chair Joan McGrath led a discussion of the readings.

    Compensation Committee

    After opening the meeting, Committee Chair Lindbergh Porter led a discussion on the committee’s role in the executive compensation review process. Chair Porter reviewed the 2023 across-the-board merit process and reviewed USF’s positions included in the review process.

    Committee on Information Technology Strategy

    Committee Acting Chair Evan Kletter, Vice Chair, opened the meeting and thanked the constituent representatives who are rotating off the committee. Staff gave updates on the resilient infrastructure initiative (telecom closets) and educational space technology upgrades.

    Physical Facilities and Master Plan Committee

    Committee Chair James Sangiacomo opened the meeting. The committee reviewed the Master Plan. Staff provided updates on campus project,and window replacements in Fromm Hall, status on Pedro Arrupe Hall, and the artificial turf installation.

    Strategic Marketing Communications Committee

    Committee Chair Christopher Calderón, S.J., opened the meeting. Staff in the Office of Marketing Communications presented results of the annual USF Magazine readership survey, and engaged in discussion with committee members about details of the findings and editorial opportunities in the year ahead. OMC staff also reported on projects and initiatives related to research; status of web and digital communications; content strategy; and office resources and personnel.


  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its Winter Meeting on Friday, December 9, 2022. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items from that meeting.

    Call to Order: Chairman Jack Boland opened the meeting.

    Approval of the Consent Agenda: The trustees approved the consent agenda for December 9, 2022, which included the meeting agenda and the proceedings of the board: the Annual Fall Meeting Minutes (September 23, 2022), eVote Minutes: September 19-24, 2022, eVote Minutes September 26-October 4, 2022), Executive Committee Minutes (November 15, 2022), and eVote Minutes (October 25-November 15, 2022).

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided an update on current institutional matters, including the undergraduate and graduate enrollment outlook.

    Discussion Session: Following the presentation “Living the Mission: A Holistic Approach to Student Wellness,” by Vice President of Student Life Julie Orio and AVP and Dean of Students Shannon Gary, trustees engaged in a discussion and Q&A about current initiatives and findings.

    Report of the Finance Committee: Committee Chair Trustee John Myers delivered the committee’s recommendation for FY24 tuition and financial aid.

    Approval of FY24 Tuition Recommendations: The trustees authorized and approved the recommendations of the University administration for tuition, fees, residency board rates and financial aid for Fiscal Year 2023-24.

    Report of the Development Committee: Committee Chair Trustee Mark Buell shared the results of USF’s Campaign Planning Study, conducted by consultants from the firm Marts & Lundy.

    Approval of the Campaign Planning Study: The trustees voted to affirm and adopt the findings of the Marts & Lundy Campaign Planning Study that sets the course for implementation of a comprehensive campaign with a working goal of $500 million over an eight-year horizon.

    Discussion Session: Alumni representative Bobby Lee provided an overview of current projects and initiatives of alumni board members, and engaged in a Q&A session with trustees.

    Academic Overview and Discussion Session: Otgontsetseg Erhemjamts, PhD, Dean, School of Management delivered a report on the state of the School of Management and outlined overall strategy going forward. Dean Erhemjamts answered questions and responded to comments from the trustees.

    The next board meeting is Friday, March 31, 2023.

    Winter 2022 Standing Committee Meetings of the Board of Trustees

    Committee meetings were held Thursday, December 8, 2022.

    Development Committee

    Trustee Chair Mark Buell opened the meeting and provided updates and progress on trustee giving, peer-to-peer fundraising, events, and Getty auction. Marts & Lundy consultants presents results the feasibility study for the next campaign. Development staff presented priorities for annual giving and family philanthropy. VP Lindsey McClenehan shared information on fundraising progress and top gifts. The committee engaged in discussion reviewing top prospects.

    Academic Affairs Committee

    Trustee Chair Judy Miner opened the meeting. The committee received information on the value proposition and distinctiveness of a USF education. Focusing on enhancing the market position and attractiveness of graduate programs, College of Arts & Sciences Dean Eileen Fung; Michael Goldman faculty director of CAS graduate programs; and Shabnam Koirala-Azad, Dean, School of Education were invited to make a presentation. Derick Brown, Senior Director, Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good briefed the committee on internships and community-based learning. Anastasia Vrachnos, Vice Provost, Global Education, Immersions and Strategic Initiatives and April Randle, Faculty Director, Star Route Farms presented information on immersive and place-based learning. The committee reviewed updates and progress on the Strategic Planning process.

    Student Life Committees

    Trustee Chair Naomi Kelly opened the meeting. The committee discussed the following updates with staff from Student Life: Career Services (Alex Hochman, Senior Director, Priscilla A. Scotlan Career Services Center); and Public Safety and Community Policing (Dan Lawson, Senior Director, Public Safety). Larry Williams, director of Athletics presented an overview of his first three months leading the department. Julie Orio, VP Student Life, presented highlights of the Student Success Survey. Ethan-Lee Bellows, President, ASUSF, delivered the undergraduate student report.

    Finance Committee

    After Trustee Chair John Myers called the meeting to order, the committee discussed with April Crabtree, vice provost, Strategic Enrollment Management and Jeff Lefkoff, vice provost, budget planning and strategic analysis, enrollment projections for Spring 2023 and enrollment targets for Fall 2023. Vice Provost Lefkoff presented the administration’s recommendations for FY24 tuition and fees. Staff shared reports on FY23 operating forecast, cash flow trend & liquidity analysis, and long-term debt outstanding.

    Audit Committee

    Trustee Chair Joe Allanson called the meeting to order. The committee reviewed the FY22 NCAA agreed-upon procedures report, and reviewed the internal audit testing results.

    Committee on Catholic Identity and Jesuit Mission

    Trustee Chair Andrew Garavel, S.J., called the meeting to order and Pat Lee, S.J., rector of the Jesuit Community offered a prayer. Committee members discussed the readings focused on Ignatius and his legacy: Eileen Burke Sullivan, “The Ignatian Tradition” in Kevin Burke, SJ and Eileen Burke Sullivan, eds. The Ignatian Tradition (Liturgical Press, 2009) and Howard Gray, SJ, “Soul Education” in Spirit, Style, Story.

    Compensation Committee

    Trustee Chair Lindbergh Porter called the meeting to order. Staff presented reports and the committee engaged in discussion around the following topics: Review of disqualified faculty compensation for the intersession and spring semesters; the committee’s self-evaluation process; succession planning; development of overscale pay guidelines; engagement of compensation consultant for Spring 2023; and adjustments to the list of executive compensation comparator schools.

    Committee on Information Technology Strategy

    Trustee Chair Faisal Shah called the meeting to order. Status reports from staff on the follow topics were discussed: resilient infrastructure initiative (telecom closets) and ERP strategy.

    Physical Facilities and Master Plan Committee

    Trustee Chair Jim Sangiacomo called the meeting to order. Consultants from the firm Sightlines presented finding related to campus planning. Heather Hickman Holland, director of facilities operations, provided the department financial update. Reports on campus projects, custodial contract, and sustainability initiatives were presented.

    Strategic Marketing Communications Committee

    Trustee Chair Christopher Calderón, S.J., called the meeting to order. OMC VP Ellen Ryder and AVP Anneliese Mauch presented a progress report on USF marketing initiatives and committee members provided feedback. AVP Marlene Tom updated the committee on progress in web analytics and accessibility remediation. AVP Angie Davis and Social Media Manager Jonathan Allen briefed the committee on USF social media strategy and progress. Staff updated the committee on staffing resources, recent creative work with campus partners, and communications issue management.


  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its Spring Meeting on Friday, March 26, 2021. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items from that meeting, which was conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Chairman’s Welcome: Chairman John Nicolai opened the meeting.

    Approval of the Proceedings of the Board: Board members voted to approve the following: Meeting Agenda (March 26, 2021), Annual Winter Board Minutes (December 4, 2020) and Executive Committee Minutes (January 19 and February 23, 2021).

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided a general update on current institutional matters as well as an update on undergraduate and graduate enrollment.

    Discussion Session: Four vice presidents delivered the presentation, “One Year In: How USF is Managing the Pandemic.” Presenting reports from their areas were Tyrone Cannon, Interim Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs; Opinder Bawa, Vice President, Information Technology and Chief Information Officer; Charlie Cross, Vice President, Business and Finance; and Julie Orio, Vice President, Student Life. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session with the board.

    Report of the Finance Committee: The board authorized and approved the budget plan of the University of San Francisco for Fiscal Year 2022. The board also approved the restructuring of the CEFA 2017 loan.

    Report of the Committee on Trustees: The board voted to re-elect the following incumbent trustees to a second three-year term concluding in June 2024: Jack Boland, Mark Buell, Judy Miner, Tina Moylan, and Nora Wu. The board also voted to re-elect the following incumbent trustees to a third and final three-year term concluding in June 2024: Joan McGrath, Jeffery Silk, and Charles Smith.

    Report of the Executive Committee: The board voted to authorize and approve the formation of the Strategic Marketing Communication Committee as a standing committee of the board and to adopt the charge of the committee as proposed.

    Strategic Theme Updates: Select committee chairs/vice chairs spoke about the “wins and worries” for each strategic theme. Reporting were: Inspiring Mission and Leadership, Catholic Identity and Jesuit Mission; Extraordinary Student Experience; Competitive Housing, Space and Technology; Physical Facilities and Master Plan; Revenue Growth and Diversity Development; and Effective Governance Audit,

    Adjournment: The board voted to adjourn in honor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Student Representatives, Rudra Sisodia and John Iosefo, and Trustee Sean Carroll, S.J., who has resigned to become the next Provincial of Jesuits West.

    The next board meeting is Tuesday, June 8, 2021.

    Spring 2021 Trustee Committee Meetings

    Committee meetings were held Wednesday, March 24 and Thursday, March 25, 2021.

    NOTE: All meetings were conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Finance Committee

    Following a review of committee minutes by Chair Carroll, Vice Provost Hamrick provided the university’s recommendation for the FY22 Operating Budget, and the FY21 enrollment update and FY22 enrollment projections. The committee reviewed the university’s financial ratios, cash flow, and liquidity analysis. The committee also reviewed the board resolution authorizing the restructuring of the CEFA 2017 loan.

    Academic Affairs Committee and University Life Committee

    University Life Committee Chair Del Santo and Academic Affairs Committee Chair Miner reviewed their respective committee minutes. After ASUSF President John Iosefo gave a report on undergraduate students, and GSS President Rudra Sisodia gave a report on graduate students, the committee chairs invited the two student government leaders to engage in a Q&A with committee members. Guest speaker University Library Acting Dean Shawn Calhoun gave an update on the Gleeson Library/Geschke Center.

    Campaign Committee

    Committee Co-Chair Malloy called the meeting to order and called for the approval of the December meeting minutes. Interim Vice President McClenahan provided an update on campaign progress and top gifts. Co-Chair Malloy and Trustee Kochis discussed future Campaign Committee meetings and the close of the campaign. The committee then conducted a prospect strategy session.

    Development Committee

    After calling for approval of the winter meeting minutes, Committee Chair Kochis provided updates on Trustee Giving, the COVID Response Fund campaign, and the Day of the Dons. The Development Committee Working Groups provided an update, and Interim Vice President McClenahan presented a progress report on the comprehensive campaign and top gifts. Guest speakers Senior Director of Special Events, Susan Ewens, and Director of Alumni Engagement, Taryn Moore provided a report on reimagining alumni engagement and events. The committee then conducted a prospect strategy session.

    Audit Committee

    Committee Chair Allanson reviewed the committee minutes. The committee then discussed insurance matters; reviewed ethics policies and the whistleblower program; and reviewed and approved the IRS form 990 and other tax related forms. The committee reviewed the FY20 financial aid audit findings, and discussed the evaluation of the audit firm.

    Committee on Catholic Identity & Jesuit Mission

    Committee Chair Burke called the meeting to order and the committee approved the minutes of the December meeting. With facilitation by the Chair Burke and Erin Brigham, the committee discussed the readings on the history of Jesuit higher education: “Jesuit Schools and the Humanities Yesterday & Today,” by John O’Malley, S.J., from Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits (Spring 2015) and “Next Steps in Jesuit Higher Education,” by Stephanie Russell, in Conversations (Fall 2014) Volume 46, Article 4

    Compensation Committee

    Guest Dom Daher provided a review of the IRS Form 990. Martha Peugh-Wade led the review of the perquisites and university rentals. Chair Porter led the discussion of the committee’s self-evaluation survey results. Martha Peugh-Wade led the review of disqualified faculty compensation for the summer semester, and provided a review of the employee turnover report. Chair Porter and Martha Peugh-Wade provided an update on the disqualified market assessment. Chair Porter provided an update on the pay equity study.

    Committee on Information Technology Strategy

    Committee Chair Shah reviewed the committee minutes and Vice President Bawa shared updates on the WIGs. Guest speakers David Kirmse and Stacy Lewis provided an update on the Bank of America to Chase migration. Guest speaker Srini Navaneethan shared an update on the Affinaquest project. Guest speaker Manuel Ruiz presented on Fall 2021 technology planning.

    Physical Facilities & Master Plan Committee

    Committee Chair Sangiacomo reviewed the committee minutes. Associate Vice President London provided Facilities’ perspective on crafting a reopening pathway and battling Covid-19. Associate Vice President London provided project updates, introduced the division’s new Director of Operations, and provided updates on the Master Plan and the St. Ignatius Church project.

  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its Summer Meeting on Tuesday, June 8, 2021. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items from that meeting, which was conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Chairman’s Welcome: Chairman John Nicolai opened the meeting.

    Approval of the Proceedings of the Board: Board members voted to approve the following: the summer meeting agenda; spring meeting board minutes (March 26, 2021) and executive committee minutes (April 20 and May 25, 2021).

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided an update on current institutional matters as well as status of undergraduate and graduate enrollment. He invited co-leads of the strategic planning working group Pamela Balls Organista, interim vice provost and special assistant to the provost, and Golden Venters, Director, Student Life Organizational Effectiveness, to update the board on progress with the planning process.

    Discussion Session: The board heard a presentation outlining the planning taking place to welcome students, faculty, and staff to a primarily in-person environment on campus for fall 2021. Presenters were: Opinder Bawa, Vice President, Information Technology and Chief Information Officer; Julie Orio, Vice President, Student Life; and David Kirmse, Associate Vice President and Director, Educational Technology Services, Information Technology Services.

    Report of the Development Committee: Committee Chair Kochis provided an update on the progress toward the Campaign goal of $300 million.

    Report of the Executive Committee: The board approved the trustee leadership and structure of standing committees for Academic Year 2021-22; appointments effective immediately; and the re-election of Vice Chair Christine Whelan.

    Election of Trustee Candidates:  The board voted to elect the following candidates to the board: Susan DaSilva; Caroline Fromm Lurie; Michael Garanzini, S.J.; Marta Nichols; Christopher Seiwald; Martin Skrip; and Carry Thacher, effective upon conclusion of the meeting;

    Election of Trustees Emeriti/ae:  The board voted to name the following trustees who have concluded their term trustees emeriti/ae: Sean Carroll, S.J.; Dixon Doll; S. Timothy Kochis; Anna Ortiz Morfit; J. Russell Pitto and Mario Prietto, S.J.

    Strategic Theme Updates: Select committee chairs/vice chairs spoke about the “wins and worries” for each strategic theme: Inspiring Mission and Leadership, Extraordinary Student Experience; Competitive Housing, Space and Technology; Revenue Growth and Diversity; and Effective Governance.

    Adjournment: The board voted to adjourn in honor of trustees and a constituent representative who concluded their terms, Trustees Sean Carroll, S.J.; Dixon Doll; S. Timothy Kochis; Anna Ortiz Morfit; J. Russell Pitto and Mario Prietto, S.J.; and Alumni Representative Herschel Leiland.

    The next board meeting is Friday, September 24, 2021

    Summer 2021 Trustee Committee Meetings

    Committee meetings were held Friday, June 4, and Monday, June 7, 2021.

    All meetings were conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Development Committee

    Chair Buell called for approval of the March 25, 2021 minutes, and provided updates on the Campaign Close, Board Member Tribute, Trustee Giving, and the COVID Response Fund campaign. Interim Vice President McClenahan provided the FY22 Agenda Plan; 1, 3 and 5-year goals; and Campaign Planning priorities. The Development Committee Working Groups provided an update, and Interim Vice President McClenahan delivered a progress report on the comprehensive campaign and top gifts. The Committee conducted a prospect strategy session.

    Academic Affairs Committee

    Chair Miner reviewed the committee minutes from the March 25, 2021 meeting, and thanked members rotating off the committee. Guest Michael Beseda, vice provost for strategic enrollment management, provided an update on enrollment. The committee discussed and drafted the agenda plan for 2021-2022, and reviewed the committee charge. Interim Provost Cannon reported on recent developments in Academic Affairs, and senior vice provost McGuire reported on curriculum delivery for Fall 2021.

    Finance Committee

    Committee Chair Myers reviewed the March committee minutes. Associate Vice President Lewis provided a review of the most recent Moody’s report. Vice Provost Hamrick reported on the FY22 budget balancing efforts. The committee reviewed the budget forecast, financial ratios, cash flow, and long-term outstanding debt.

    University Life Committee

    Committee chair Del Santo reviewed the committee minutes from the March meeting. Director of Athletics Joan McDermott provided an update. Vice President Orio reported on preparations for the fall semester, and Vice Provost Beseda updated the committee on enrollment status. Chair Del Santo shared a tribute for committee members finishing their service on the board.

    Audit Committee

    Committee chair Allanson reviewed the March committee minutes. Associate Vice President Dair provided the FY21 audit engagement status update, and reported on the Audit Committee self-assessment process. Vice President Cross provided an overview of insurance options, and reported on the spending authority matrix.

    Catholic Identity & Jesuit Mission

    Committee chair Burke reviewed the committee minutes from the March meeting. After discussing the readings on Jesuit Catholic identity and mission today, the committee engaged in discussion on the discernment process and revision of the university mission statement with Mission Council members Erin Brigham, Christopher Brooks, Evelyn Ibatan Rodriguez, and Monica Doblado.

    Compensation Committee

    Committee chair Porter led the review and approval of the March 25, 2021 committee meeting minutes. Associate Vice President Peugh-Wade provided an update on the disqualified faculty compensation fall report, and succession planning goals. The committee discussed and approved the FY21-22 committee plan.

    Information Technology Strategy

    Committee chair Shah reviewed the committee minutes from the March meeting. Guest speakers Jeff Hamrick, David Kirmse, and Nicholas Recchia presented an updated on data management and governance; and Nicholas Recchia and Manuel Ruiz shared information security updates.

    Physical Facilities & Master Plan Committee

    Committee chair Sangiacomo reviewed the March committee minutes. Associate Vice President London provided a review on operating projects; drought management efforts; fall reopening plans; the status of the campus Master Plan; and the status of the Maker Space.

  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its Annual Fall Meeting on Friday, September 24, 2021. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items from that meeting, which was conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Chairman’s Welcome: Chairman John Nicolai opened the meeting.

    Approval of the Proceedings of the Board: Board members voted to approve the following: the Fall Meeting agenda; Summer Meeting board minutes (June 8, 2021); and Executive Committee Minutes (August 24, 2021)

    Welcome Newly-elected Trustees and Constituent Representatives: The board welcomed its new trustee members: Susan DaSilva; Caroline Fromm Lurie; Michael Garanzini, S.J.; Marta Nichols; Christopher Seiwald; Martin (Marty) Skrip; and Carry Thacher. The board also welcomed its three new constituent representatives who have been invited to join the proceedings of the board as non-voting members: Hannah Mora, Alumni Representative; Raminder Attwal, Graduate Student Representative; and Marisol Castro, Undergraduate Student Representative.

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided an update on current institutional matters as well as status of undergraduate and graduate enrollment.

    Report of the Audit Committee: Committee Chair Joseph Allanson reported on the status of the Audited Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2021.

    Discussion Session I: Along with members of the Mission Council, Erin Brigham, PhD, Executive Director, Joan and Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Social Thought and the Ignatian Tradition, presented the background and context for the Council’s recommendation for a re-articulation of the 20-year old University Mission Statement.

    Action: The board voted to adopt the Re-Articulation of the University’s Mission Statement.

    Discussion Session II: Chinyere Oparah, PhD, Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs, along with colleagues from the Provost’s Office, delivered a presentation titled “Academic Excellence and Growth.”

    Report of the Executive Committee: Chairman John F. Nicolai reported that the Executive Committee approved an initial agenda plan for academic year 21/22 with the understanding that it will serve as a guide and adjustments made should pressing issues arise.
    The next board meeting is Friday, December 10, 2021.

    Fall 2021 Standing Committee Meetings of the Board of Trustees

    Committee meetings were held Thursday, September 23, and Friday, September 24, 2021. All meetings were conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Development Committee

    Committee vice-chair Trustee Adam Swig reviewed the committee’s agenda plan for the academic year along with trustee giving and the cultivation process. He invited Interim Vice President McClenahan to review the campaign consultant selection process, prioritization and the feasibility study. He led the committee in discussions on areas of growth with alumni families, parent and family giving and recent alumni. He invited the Development Committee Working groups to discuss next steps. Senior Director of Gift Planning, Louise Lucchesi, Senior Gift Planning Officer, Jennifer Callahan and Planned Giving Officer, Kelly Dyke were invited to provide a report on gift planning as a foundation for a successful campaign. Interim Vice President McClenahan provided a progress report on the comprehensive campaign and top gifts. The Committee conducted a prospect strategy session.

    Academic Affairs Committee

    Committee Chair Trustee Judy Miner invited and Provost Oparah to co-lead a discussion on revised committee goals and agenda plan for the academic year. Trustee Miner, College of Arts and Sciences Interim Dean Fung, and School of Education Dean Koirala co-led a discussion on the changing higher education landscape and nature of work. Provost Oparah was invited to report on strategic priorities, challenges, and opportunities. Interim Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment Management Crabtree and School of Law Dean Freiwald were invited to led a discussion on the challenges and opportunities of enrollment. Senior Vice Provost for Curricular Innovation and Inclusive Excellence McGuire and Dean of Student Academic Services and Associate Vice President for Student Life Milazo were invited to led a discussion on COVID-19 Re-entry and Academic Success. Senior Vice Provost for Equity, Inclusion, and Faculty Excellence Balls Organista and CRASE Co-directors Grinshteyn and Professor Sankalia were invited to led a discussion on fostering faculty excellence, wellbeing, and diversity during the pandemic. Provost Oparah was invited to review agenda items for the Winter Meeting.

    Finance Committee

    Committee chair Trustee John Myers invited Vice Provost Hamrick to review the Fall 2022 Census Report and provide a summary of FY22 budget balancing measures. The committee also reviewed the forecast; long term debt and cash flow; and liquidity analysis.

    University Life Committee

    Committee chair Trustee Mary Del Santo invited Vice President Orio to provide a COVID update and Interim Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment Management to provide an enrollment update. She also invited Marisol Castro, ASUSF President, to provide an undergraduate student update and Raminder Attwal, GSS President to provide a graduate student update.

    Audit Committee

    Committee chair Trustee Joe Allanson reviewed the committee’s self-assessment results. The committee reviewed its annual strategic goals, contracts and agreements, the FY21 audit engagement status, and employee benefit plans audit. He also led a discussion on recapped insurance renewals.

    Compensation Committee

    Committee chair Trustee Lindbergh Porter invited cabinet members to join the committee for a discussion on the future of work and how USF is responding. Staff member Peugh-Wade provided a review on disqualified faculty compensation for the fall semester.

    Committee on Information Technology Strategy

    Committee chair Trustee Faisal Shah invited ITS staff members Steph Carter (Interim Director, Digital Engagement Technology) and Srini Navaneethan (Associate VP and Director of Application Services) to provide an update on digitization programs. David Kirmse (Associate VP and Director of Education Technical Services) and Manuel Ruiz (Director, Infrastructure and Operations) were also invited to present on fall reopening preparations.

    Physical Facilities & Master Plan Committee

    Committee chair Trustee Jim Sangiacomo led discussions on the return to campus summary, ATP Testing and other proactive protection measures, asset inventory project, large deferred maintenance projects, the institutional master plan process, safety issues, and sustainability.

    Strategic Marketing Communications Committee

    Committee chair Trustee Jack Boland welcomed members to the first meeting of this new standing committee. He invited committee members to engage in a discussion of metrics to track approved strategic goals. OMC staff members reported on current projects.

  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its Winter Meeting on Friday, December 10, 2021. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items from that meeting.

    Chairman’s Welcome: Chairman John Nicolai opened the meeting.

    Approval of the Proceedings of the Board: Board members voted to approve the following: the Winter Meeting agenda; Fall Meeting board minutes (September 24, 2021); and Executive Committee Minutes (November 16, 2021).

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided an update on current institutional matters including the School of Law bar exam results and trends. 

    Action: The board authorized and approved the recommendations of the University administration for tuition, fees, residency board rates and financial aid for Fiscal Year 2022/23.

    Report of the Development Committee: Committee chair Mark Buell delivered the current Campaign fundraising update. Bobby Lee ’07, President of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, delivered a report on the State of the University Alumni/ae.

    Discussion Session: Julia Chinyere Oparah, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs; Pamela Balls Organista, Ph.D., Senior Vice Provost for Equity, Inclusion, and Faculty Excellence; and Golden T. Venters, Director of Organization Effectiveness presented a report and facilitated a discussion of the proposed USF Strategic Plan 2027. They provided the context and vision of the plan, a high-level presentation of the strategic goals and objectives, and next steps for setting the stage for a living document that is to be implemented over the next five years.

    Faculty Representative Dr. Sonja Martin Poole delivered a State of the University Faculty and Librarians Report. She highlighted the  results of a survey of faculty and librarians focused on how work has evolved during the COVID19 pandemic, job satisfaction, and attitudes toward administrative decisions.

    The next board meeting is Friday, March 25, 2022.

    Winter 2021 Standing Committee Meetings of the Board of Trustees

    Committee meetings were held Thursday, December 9, 2021.

    Development Committee

    Committee Chair Mark Buell called the meeting to order, and provided an update on trustee giving, meetings with new trustees, and the campaign planning process.  Interim Vice President Lindsey McClenahan provided a progress report on the comprehensive campaign, goals and top gifts. The committee engaged in a strategic discussion on annual giving and operations investment in the pipeline led by Chantel Smith, Associate Vice President; Jason Walker, Director of Annual Giving; Francesca MacCormack, Senior Director of Donor Services; and Brandon Graves, Associate Athletic Director.  The meeting closed with a review and discussion of top prospects.

    Academic Affairs Committee

    Committee Vice Chair Jeff Silk invited Interim Dean of School of Nursing and Health Professions Patricia Pearce, and Associate Dean of College of Arts and Sciences Osasere Evbuomwan to lead a discussion on how new programs and modalities can position USF to respond to the future of work, innovations in science and technology, and pressing issues of our time. Provost Chinyere Oparah gave an overview of USF’s academic programs, their strengths, challenges and opportunities. Guest speakers Senior Vice Provost of Curricular Innovation and Inclusive Excellence Shirley McGuire, Associate Vice Provost of Educational Effectiveness Deborah Panter, and Associate Dean of Graduate Programs, School of Management Richard Stackman led a discussion on assessing and revitalizing academic programs. Guest speakers Interim Vice Provost of Strategic Enrollment Management April Crabtree, and Assistant Vice President of Student Engagement Lester Deanes led a discussion on developing a strategic enrollment plan. Provost Chinyere Oparah reviewed agenda items for the committee’s next meeting.

    Finance Committee

    Committee Chair John Myers opened the meeting and invited Jeff Hamrick, Vice Provost, Institutional Budget, Planning, & Analytics to present the spring 2022 enrollment projections and the fall 2022 enrollment targets.  The committee then reviewed FY21 financial statements and statement of activities to operating budget reconciliation, as well as reports on the FY22 operating forecast,  long term debt and cash flow and liquidity analysis.  The Chair asked for review and approval of the IT Network Closet Upgrade and Malloy Practice Facility projects. 

    Vice Provost Hamrick also presented the administration’s tuition, fees, residency board and financial aid recommendations for FY23, and the committee voted to recommend to the board that it approve these recommendations)

    University Life Committee

    Committee Chair Mary Del Santo called the meeting to order and reviewed the committee minutes. Julie Orio, Vice Provost, Student Life, provided an update on the impact COVID-19 on the campus.   Marisol Castro, ASUSF President, provided an undergraduate student update, and Raminder Attwal, GSS President, provided a graduate student update. Guests Shona Milazo, Associate Vice President and Dean, Student Academic Services and Sara Solloway, Assistant Dean, Student Academic Success presented the results of the Student Success Survey.

    Audit Committee

    Committee chair Trustee Joe Allanson reviewed the FY21 Financial Statements and Statement of Activities to Operating Budget Reconciliation. Guest speaker Kinman Tong (who is this?) presented the NCAA Agreed-Upon Procedures Report.  The chair then led a discussion on the committee’s role in reviewing Management’s compliance and ethics_protocols, followed by a discussion on risk management topics and review of the annual Internal Audit Plan.

    Committee on Catholic Identity and Jesuit Mission

    Committee Chair Kevin Burke opened the meeting, and invited Erin Brigham to update the committee on the status of the Mission Priority Examen (MPE).  Chair Burke then led a discussion of the readings:  Dean Brackley “Higher Standards for Jesuit Higher Education,” America Magazine (February 6, 2006); and Bryan Massingale, “The Ignatian Witness to Truth in a Climate of Injustice” in Conversations Magazine (August 12, 2017).

    Compensation Committee

    Committee Chair Trustee Lindbergh Porter invited staff member Martha Peugh-Wade to lead the review of the Executive Compensation Philosophy. Chair Porter then led a review of the committee charter,  the review of the committee charge, and a discussion on the committee’s self-evaluation process. Martha Peugh-Wade provided an update on disqualified employee turnover over the last year, and staff member Maria Mays led a review of the disqualified faculty compensation for the intersession and spring semesters.

    Committee on Information Technology Strategy

    Committee Chair Faisal Shah reviewed the committee minutes, and invited guest speakers Deborah Chase, Stephanie Dang, Desmond Dair, and Srini Navaneethan to provide an update on the Bank Migration Project. Guest speakers Kim Pham, David Kirmse, Robert Bromfield, and Shirley McGuire provided an update as well as a demonstration of the new Transfer Student Portal.

    Physical Facilities & Master Plan Committee

    Committee Chair Jim Sangiacomo opened the meeting, and led a discussion on the following topics:  review of the Institutional Master Plan schedule, the steam distribution system disruption status, seismic inspections, the “slow streets” proposal from the City of San Francisco, and issues involving supply chain delays.

    Strategic Marketing Communications Committee

    Committee Chair Jack Boland opened the meeting, and introduced guest speaker Anneliese Mauch, AVP for Marketing, who led a discussion on the different models within OMC for marketing support of divisions and the schools.  Guest speaker Angie Davis, AVP for Content Strategy, reviewed key communications decisions related to the Sports Illustrated report on sexual assault cases at USF.  Guest speaker Marlene Tom, AVP for Web Strategy, updated the committee on the progress of the website redesign project.  AVP Mauch briefed the committee on the findings of the 2021 Brand Awareness Study.  Vice President Ellen Ryder updated the committee website metrics that will be tracked throughout the year, the positioning project for trustees, and staffing resources within OMC.


  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its quarterly Spring Meeting on Friday, March 27, 2020. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items from that meeting, which was conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Chair’s welcome: Chairman John Nicolai opened the meeting.

    Approval of the proceedings of the board: Board members voted to approve the following: Annual Winter Board Minutes (December 6, 2019); minutes of the electronic vote on the University administration’s recommendation for tuition, fees, residency and board rates for FY21 (December 19 to 23, 2019); minutes of the Executive Committee Meetings (January 21, 2020 and February 18, 2020); and minutes of the Executive Committee’s electronic votes (January 14, 2020) on resolutions to confer honorary doctorates.

    Action: Approval of a resolution to demonstrate the leadership of the USF Board of Trustees by the establishment of a COVID-19 Response Fund and a pledge of unanimous personal contributions toward a preliminary sum of $1M for this fund to be deployed at the discretion of the president to support the University's greatest needs in response to this evolving crisis.

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided trustees with an update on the business of the university. Among the topics he addressed: how the transition to remote instruction and remote working benefited from the significant investment in IT and support from the trustees; that $5 million was returned to students living in residence halls in reimbursement when they returned to their permanent addresses; and the specific charges of the working groups. He also thanked the Audit Committee for the ongoing discussions around financial aid compliance, and reported on how scenarios are being developed regarding enrollment and retention, given the impact of the pandemic.

    Plenary Session: Julie Orio, Vice President, Student Life, led a presentation on the university’s response to COVID-19. The trustees then engaged in a Q&A with presenters VP Orio, VP Ellen Ryder, and Senior Vice Provost Shirley McGuire.

    Actions: The Board of Trustees re-elected the following incumbent trustees to a second three-year term concluding in June 2023: Joe Allanson, Mary Del Santo, Naomi Kelly, and Kevin Malloy. The board also re-elected the following incumbent trustees to a third and final three-year term concluding in June 2023: Sean Carroll, S.J., Evan Kletter, and Lindbergh Porter.

    The next board meeting is June 9, 2020.

    Spring 2020 Trustee Committee Meetings

    Wednesday, March 25, 2020

    Campaign Committee

    Note: Meeting was conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Co-Chair Tom Malloy provided an update on campaign progress and Vice President Peter Wilch provided an update on the campaign pipeline. Vice President Wilch provided an overview of the campaign plan for FY2021 and FY2022 and adjustments that are being made during this time of external turmoil with both the pandemic and economic declines.

    Thursday, March 26, 2020

    Note: All committee meetings were conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Compensation Committee

    Dominic Daher, associate vice president for tax compliance and internal audit, provided a review of the IRS Form 990. Chair Lindbergh Porter led the review of the December committee meeting minutes. Martha Peugh-Wade, associate vice president for compliance and compensation, led the review of the university-wide perquisites and related matters. Chair Porter initiated the discussion of the results of the committee’s self-review. AVP Peugh-Wade provided a review of disqualified faculty compensation for the intersession, spring, and summer semesters; and provided a review of employee turnover. Also, AVP Peugh-Wade provided a review of AJCU presidential turnover, and a review of career advancement ladders at AJCU universities.

    Audit Committee

    Committee Chair Joe Allanson opened the meeting and led the discussion of reviewing the FY19 Financial Aid Audit Findings. The Committee reviewed and approved the IRS form 990 and other tax-related forms.

    Catholic Identity and Jesuit Mission

    Committee Chair Kevin Burke, S.J., reviewed the Committee minutes, and led the discussion among Committee members of readings: Hans Peter Kolvenbach “The Service of Faith and Promotion of Justice in American Jesuit Higher Education” and Dean Brackley, “Higher Standards” (from America Magazine).

    Committee on Information Technology Strategy

    Guest speakers Phillip Beidelman and Ginny Schroeder from the consulting firm WTC presented on USF’s infrastructure assessment. ITS Associate VP and Director of Technology Services Srini Navaneethan and Senior Vice Provost Shirley McGuire discussed the transfer articulation initiative. David Kirmse presented on the technology response scenarios for COVID-19.

    Physical Facilities and Master Plan Committee

    Committee Chair Jim Sangiacomo opened the meeting and reviewed Committee minutes. The Committee reviewed the Proposed Summer Projects 2020 list, and reviewed Facilities Data Management. The Committee reviewed and approved the Physical Facilities and Master Plan Charter.

    Joint Meeting Academic Affairs & University Life

    University Life Committee Chair Mary Del Santo and Academic Affairs Committee Chair Pamela Hamel opened the meeting calling for approval of the December 5, 2019 minutes. Vice Provost for Institutional Budget and Planning & Analytics Jeff Hamrick gave an update on the budget. Undergraduate Student Representative Hector Bustos gave a report on undergraduate students, and Graduate Student Representative Annika Miyamoto gave a report on graduate students. Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment Management Michael Beseda gave an update on Enrollment. Vice Provost Jeff Hamrick gave an update on the Center for Institutional Planning & Effectiveness (CIPE). The Academic Affairs Committee then convened in executive session.

    Development Committee

    Committee Chair Tim Kochis called for approval of the December 5, 2019 minutes, and then provided a report of the chair and shared an update on the trustee giving. Campaign Co-Chair Serra Falk Goldman and Vice President Peter Wilch provided an update on the comprehensive campaign. Vice President Wilch provided a progress report on the FY2020 WIGs and an update on staffing and personnel in the development division. The Development Management Team (Peter Wilch, Vice President, Development, Ronica Smucker, Associate Vice President, Development, Jennifer Azzi, Associate Vice President, Engagement, and Chantel Smith, Associate Vice President, Annual Giving & Operations) facilitated a discussion on sustaining fundraising progress during a time of turmoil.

    Finance Committee

    Committee Chair Sean Carroll reviewed the Finance Committee Minutes from the December Meeting. The Committee reviewed the FY21 Operating Budget Recommendation, and discussed various scenarios to prepare for the financial implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the operating budget for FY21. Given the fluid situation, the Committee will stay in close communication with staff and may not have an operating budget until after the Fall Census date. In addition to reviewing the following reports -- Operating Forecast, Cash Flow Trend and Liquidity Analysis, Financial Ratios, Enrollment and Housing Updates, and Long-Term Debt Outstanding -- the Committee reviewed the FY20 Enrollment Update and FY21 Enrollment Projections.

  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its quarterly Summer Meeting on Tuesday, June 9, 2020. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items from that meeting, which was conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Chair’s Welcome: Chairman John Nicolai opened the meeting.

    Approval of the Proceedings of the Board: Board members voted to approve the following: Annual Spring Board Minutes (March 27, 2020); and Executive Committee Minutes (April 21 and May 19, 2020);


    • Approval of the Standing Committee Structure for academic year 2020/21), trustee appointments effective immediately.
    • Election of Trustee Candidates: M. Suzanne Calandra; Martin Connell, S.J.; Margaret Doherty-Simor; Andrew Garavel, S.J.; Linda Hothem; and Adam Swig effective upon conclusion of June 9 meeting.
    • Posthumous designation of Bishop George V. Murry, S.J., as a USF Trustee Emeritus.
    • Election of Trustees Emeriti/ae: Greg Blaine; Serra Falk Goldman; Pam Hamel (Vice Chair Emerita); Eva Monroe; Peter Pabst, S.J.; Eddie Siebert, S.J.; effective upon conclusion of June 9 meeting.

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided trustees with an update on the business of the university, including review of three overarching principles of the roadmap to re-opening and volatility of enrollment due to COVID-19 and economic conditions. The president also announced that he was appointed to as a member of the San Francisco Economic Recovery Task Force.

    Plenary Session: The board received an overview of the COVID-19 response by working group leads.

    The meeting was adjourned in honor of the late Rev. George V. Murry and the newly-elected Trustees Emeriti/ae.

    The next board meeting is Friday, September 25.

    Summer 2020 Trustee Committee Meetings

    MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2020

    NOTE: All meetings were conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Academic Affairs

    Following Chair Hamel calling the meeting to order, Senior Vice Provost McGuire presented the findings of surveys developed to assess the experiences of USF faculty and staff during the pandemic and move to remote teaching. SVP McGuire then presented the university’s Fall Instruction Planning/Scenarios. With committee members, Interim Provost Tyrone Cannon reviewed and updated the committee’s charge and the committee’s Wildly Iportant Goal(s) and metrics.

    Compensation Committee

    Chair Porter called the meeting to order. Guest Diane Nelson, assistant vice president for Human Resources, presented a report on USF exit interviews. Staff from Human Resources discussed the bi-annual schedule of executive compensation and updated information on disqualified faculty compensation for the fall semester. The committee reviewed Wildly Important Goal(s) and Metrics, and discussed the presidential review process.

    Audit Committee

    Chair Allanson called the meeting to order. Guest Neva Nguyen, associate vice president, accounting and business services, present the FY20 audit engagement status update. The committee reviewed Wildly Important Goal(s) and metrics, and reviewed and approved the committee charge.

    Catholic Identity and Jesuit Mission

    Chair Burke reviewed the work of the Lane Center as one way USF engages the Catholic identity of the university, and introduced the collaborative initiative between the Lane Center and Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity that highlights the role of Catholic Sisters in applying and advancing Catholic social thought. The committee reviewed and discussed readings.

    Committee on Information Technology Strategy

    Chair Shah called the meeting to order and reviewed Wildly Important Goals (WIGs) for 2020 with Vice President and CIO Opinder Bawa. With guests Nicholas Recchia and Manuel Ruiz from ITS, the committee reviewed projects and plans affected by COVID-19; security status report; and upcoming fall 2020 projects.

    Physical Facilities & Master Plan Committee

    Chair Sangiacomo called meeting to order. After reviewing the committee’s charge and discussing the Wildly Important Goals and metrics, VP Cross and AVP London presented Facilities’ COVID-19 planning, budget adjustment, and personnel furloughs. AVP London updated the committee on FY21 planning and the master plan update.

    Development Committee

    Following Chair Kochis’ call to order, the committee heard updates on Report on Trustee Giving and COVID-19 Response Fund, and reviewed the committee charge. Trustee Falk Goldman and VP Wilch delivered the Campaign Progress Report. VP Wilch gave an update on the FY2020 WIG progress report and reviewed WIGS for FY2021, FY2023, and FY2025. VP Wilch and Development Management Team presented and led discussion on how the pandemic is affecting the campaign as well as the FY21 operational plan.

    Finance Committee

    The committee discussed WIGs and metrics and reviewed the committee charge. Staff presented a high level update on measures to the balance the FY21 placeholder operating budget and updated the committee on forecasted shortfalls. VP Hamrick and AVP Lewis presented financial ratios, cash flow trend and liquidity analysis, and outstanding long term debt. VP Hamrick provided an update on enrollment and housing.

    University Life Committee

    Chair Del Santo called the meeting to order and reviewed the committee charge. VP Orio reviewed WIGS and provided a COVID-19 update. VP Beseda presented the enrollment update.

    TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2020

    NOTE: Meeting was conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Campaign Committee

    Co-Chair Serra Falk Goldman called the meeting to order and Co-Chair Tom Malloy provided an update on campaign progress. VP Wilch updated the committee on campaign pipeline, and an overview of the campaign plan for FY2021 and FY2022 adjustments that are being made during this time of external turmoil with both the pandemic and economic declines.

  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its quarterly Annual Fall Meeting on Friday, September 25, 2020. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items from that meeting, which was conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Chair’s Welcome: Chairman John Nicolai opened the meeting.

    Approval of the Proceedings of the Board: Board members voted to approve the following: Annual Summer Board Minutes (June 9, 2020) and Executive Committee Minutes (August 18, 2020).

    Welcome to New Trustee Members: The board welcomed M. Suzanne (Susan) Calandra, Martin Connell, S.J., Margaret Doherty-Simor, Andrew Garavel, S.J., Linda Hothem and Adam Swig. The board also welcomed three new constituent representatives who have been invited to join the proceedings of the board as non-voting members: Sonja Martin Poole, PhD, Faculty Representative; Rudra Sisodia, Graduate Student Representative; and John Iosefo, Undergraduate Student Representative. The board welcomed back its continuing constituent representatives: Anna Kwong, EdD, RN, Faculty Representative; and Herschel Lelaind, Alumni Representative.

    Board Approvals: The board approved the Comprehensive Standing Committee Structure for academic year 2020/21; and approved the campaign to raise $5 million toward COVID-19 Response Fund by May 31, 2021.

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided an update on enrollment at the university as well as other current institutional matters.

    Discussion Session I: Following a presentation by Charles Cross, Vice President, Business and Finance, and Jeff Hamrick, Vice Provost, Institutional Planning, Budget and Analytics, the board engaged in a discussion on the financial impact of Covid-19.

    Discussion Session II: Following a presentation by Julie Orio, Vice President, Student Life; Jess Varga, Title IX Coordinator; Shannon Gary, Associate Vice Provost, Dean of Students; Donna Davis, General Counsel, the board engaged in a discussion of the university’s Title IX practices, trainings, and procedures. General Counsel Davis also provided an update on the external investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by members of the men’s soccer team.

    Strategic Theme Updates: The board heard reports from chairs (or designees) of the standing committees who shared ‘wins and worries’ from committee deliberations on wildly important goals (WIGs), followed by discussion. Reports were heard by committees responsible for the following strategic themes:

    1. Inspiring Mission and Leadership Catholic Identity and Jesuit Mission
    2. Extraordinary Student Experience
    3. Competitive Housing, Space and Technology Information Technology Strategy
    4. Revenue Growth and Diversity
    5. Effective Governance

    The next board meeting is Friday, December 4, 2020

    Fall 2020 Trustee Committee Meetings

    Committee meetings were held Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday September 23, 24, and 25, 2020:

    NOTE: All meetings were conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Campaign Committee

    Board chair Nicolai led the meeting. Minutes of the June 9, 2020 meeting were approved. Co-Chair Tom Malloy provided an update on campaign progress. Vice President Peter Wilch reviewed the top prospect dashboard. The committee members engaged in a prospect strategy session.

    Audit Committee

    Committee Chair Allanson reviewed the committee minutes. The committee reviewed its charter, and reviewed and approved the retirement plan committee charter. The committee received an update on the FY20 audit engagement status and the employee benefit plan audits.

    Committee on Information Technology Strategy

    Guest speakers David Kirmse, Srini Navaneethan, Nicholas Recchia, and Manuel Ruiz provided an update on the FY21 technology initiatives.

    Physical Facilities & Master Plan Committee

    Committee Chair Sangiacomo reviewed the committee minutes. Associate Vice President London reviewed the university’s project report card; discussed campus decompression efforts; reported on building closures; and discussed Facilities’ budget cuts/savings.

    Development Committee

    Chair Kochis called for approval of the June 8, 2020 minutes, and reviewed the committee agenda plan. Vice President Wilch reviewed the dashboards and WIGs. Campaign Co-Chair Falk Goldman and Vice President Wilch provided a progress report on the comprehensive campaign. The committee revisited the board’s role in closing the campaign and in preparation for the next campaign scheduled to commence in FY2024.The committee reviewed the top prospects and conducted a prospect strategy session. 

    Finance Committee

    Chair Carroll opened the meeting and called for approval of the minutes from the meeting of June 8, 2020. Associate Vice President for Accounting and Business Services Nguyen provided an update on the audited financial statement and current year status report. Vice Provost Hamrick presented on actual enrollment vs. pre-COVID expectations, as well as a housing update and outlook/forecasts for the year ahead. Associate Vice President Lewis reported on cash flow trend, liquidity analysis, and long-term debt outstanding.

    University Life Committee

    Chair Del Santo called the meeting to order, reviewed committee minutes, and welcomed members. Internal resource personnel reviewed organizational charts. Vice Provost Beseda provided an enrollment update. Vice Provost Orio, Vice Provost provided a student life update. John Iosefo, ASUSF President provided an undergraduate student update. Rudra Sisodia, GSS President provided a graduate student update.

    Compensation Committee

    Chair Porter reviewed the committee charge. Associate Vice President Peugh-Wade provided a follow up on disqualified faculty compensation for the fall semester, and updated the committee on method for sharing policies with new Compensation Committee members.

    Academic Affairs Committee

    Chair Miner reviewed the committee minutes from the June 8, 2020 meeting. Guest speakers Stephen Devlin and Mindi Mysliwiec presented on the Masters in Data Science program and Data Institute. Vice Provost Beseda updated the committee on university enrollments. Vice Provost Balls Organista presented on the university’s strategic planning process. Senior Vice Provost McGuire presented on transition to remote learning. Interim Provost Cannon provided an update on Academic Affairs.

  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its Winter Meeting on Friday, December 4, 2020. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items from that meeting, which was conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Chairman’s Welcome: Chairman John Nicolai opened the meeting.

    Approval of the Proceedings of the Board: Board members voted to approve the following: Meeting Agenda (December 4, 2020), Annual Fall Board Minutes (September 25, 2020) and Executive Committee Minutes (November 17, 2020).

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided an update on enrollment at the university as well as other current institutional matters. As part of the President’s Report, Fr. Fitzgerald invited Strategic Planning Working Group co-chairs Pamela Balls Organista and Peter Wilch to provide an update on progress to date.

    Approval of Resolution to Amend the Bylaws: The board unanimously voted to extend the trustee term by one-year of John F. Nicolai and to re-elect him to a concurrent one-year term as chairman concluding on June 7, 2022.

    Report of the Finance Committee: Following the report by Committee chair Sean Carroll, S.J., the board voted to authorize and approve the administration’s budget plan for fiscal year 2021, and to authorize and approve the recommendations of the administration for tuition, fees, residency board rates and financial aid for fiscal year 2021-22.

    State of the University Alumni/ae: Alumni Representative Herschel Leland reported on programmatic developments for and engagement patterns with alumni during the past year.

    Discussion Session: Following a presentation featuring Lester Deans, vice provost for student engagement; Anna Kwong, associate professor, School of Nursing and Health Professions; Shirley McGuire, senior vice provost, Academic Affairs; Julie Orio, vice president, Student Life; Sonja Martin Poole, associate professor of marketing, School of Management; and Nora Wu, member, Board of Trustees, the board engaged in a discussion centered on learning, engaging, and teaching in a remote environment.

    State of the University Faculty and Librarians: Faculty representatives to the board, Anna Kwong, EdD, and Sonja Martin Poole, PhD, presented a survey of faculty and librarian perspectives, with an emphasis on the challenges of balancing responsibilities during the pandemic.

    Report of the Campaign Committee: In addition to an update on the progress of the Campaign, Committee member Timothy Kochis submitted for board consideration a minimum challenge gift from the Board of Trustees in the sum of $500,000 for the COVID Response Fund as part of the Day of the Dons (February 25, 2021). The board gift will be unlocked only if the donor target of 2,021 is met or exceeded. The board approved the measure.

    The next board meeting is Friday, March 26, 2020.

    Winter 2020 Trustee Committee Meetings

    Committee meetings were held Thursday December 3, 2020.

    NOTE: All meetings were conducted in a virtual environment, via Zoom.

    Academic Affairs Committee

    Committee chair Miner led the meeting. Minutes of the September 24, 2020 meeting were approved. A presentation on the social sciences at USF was delivered by College of Arts and Sciences Dean Marcelo Camperi and Josh Gamson, associate dean for social sciences in CAS. Deborah Panter, Associate Vice Provost for Educational Effectiveness, presented on the WSCUC accreditation and recommendations, and the status of academic program reviews.

    Development Committee

    Chair Kochis called for approval of the September 24, 2020 meeting minutes, and reviewed the committee agenda. The chair delivered his report, including progress on trustee giving, an update on the COVID response fund, and next steps with working groups. Vice President Wilch reviewed the dashboards and committee goals, and provided a report on Campaign progress. The committee heard a presentation by Development staff members Chantel Smith and Jason Walker on strategies for expanding the donor base, and then reviewed and discussed prospects.

    University Life Committee

    Chair Del Santo called the meeting to order, reviewed committee minutes of September 24, 2020, and welcomed members. Resource staff members provided updates on COVID-19 response and management, athletics, enrollment, undergraduate and graduate student issues.

    Audit Committee

    Following approval of the September meeting minutes, the committee reviewed the NCAA agreed-upon procedures report in fiscal year 2020. The committee also received an update on the FY20 Single Audit and an overview of enterprise risk management. Before concluding, the committee reviewed the updated committee charge.

    Committee on Catholic Identity & Jesuit Mission

    Chair Burke called the meeting to order and reviewed the minutes of the June 8, 2020 meeting, which were approved. Chair Burke and Erin Brigham reviewed and facilitated discussion of the readings on Ignatius and his legacy: “The Ignatian Tradition,” (Liturgical Press, 2009) and “Soul Education” by Howard Grey, S.J., in “Spirit, Style, Story.”

    Compensation Committee

    Chair Porter called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the meeting minutes from September 25 and October 29, 2020. Among the issues discussed and reviewed: executive compensation philosophy, committee charter, committee’s self-evaluation process, future of work, and process to avoid conflicts of interest with family members.

    Committee on Information Technology Strategy

    Committee chair Shah called the meeting to order and asked for approval of minutes from the September 24 meeting. ITS staff members David Kirmse, Larry Montagna, and Jeffery Rotter presented a demonstration of the hyflex classroom. ITS staff members Srini Navanethan and Deborah Chase discussed pape4r forms automation. VP Bawa presented the division’s current project pipeline and prioritization process.

    Physical Facilities & Master Plan Committee

    Committee Chair Sangiacomo reviewed the committee minutes from the September meeting. Facilities staff members provided a construction project update, briefed the committee on the status of the Malloy Pavillion, Sightlines 2019 summary, and potential capital projects.

  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its Summer Quarterly Meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2019. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items during the plenary meeting.

    WIG approval: Approval of WIGs (Wildly Important Goals) and metrics for academic years 2020, 2022, and 2024, with options for the committees to continue to make adjustments over time.

    Standing Committees: Trustees approved the standing committee structure and membership for academic year 2020.

    Trustee elections: Elections effective immediately were new chair John Nicolai; new vice chair Christine Whelan; new trustees Chris Calderon, S.J., Jamie Martin, John Myers, David Schrader, Karen Rose, and Timothy Simon; Chair Emeritus Steve Hamill; Trustees Emeriti/ae John McGarry, S.J., Frank Noonan, Ron Rose, Margaret Tempero, MD, Steve Sundborg, S.J., and Beth Wall Hanson.

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided the trustees with a general update on the business of the university, including next year's projected enrollments.

    Other agenda items: In the Academic Overview session, the board heard from Mark V. Cannice, professor and department chair of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Strategy, on the philosophy, history, process, and future of USF’s entrepreneurship programs. Joining Professor Cannice in the presentation were current MSEI student Bruna Bessa Mansilla and MSEI alumna Ikram Mansori.

    Peter Wilch, vice president for development, delivered the plenary session on “Philanthropy at USF: Progress Report and a Look Ahead.”

    The next board meeting is September 27, 2019.

    Summer 2019 Trustee Committee Meetings

    MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2019

    Compensation Committee

    The committee discussed the role of the Compensation Committee as it pertains to disqualified employees (i.e., the IRS term for employees who hold a position that exercises substantial influence over a nonprofit organization’s operations and business affairs). There was a review of USF’s disqualified positions and our executive compensation philosophy, as well as the actual compensation process for these employees in comparison to a pool of similar universities in similar markets.

    Audit Committee

    The committee reviewed the Wildly Important Goals, and the committee charge. The committee also reviewed the status of the FY19 audit and heard risk management and insurance updates. 

    Catholic Identity & Jesuit Mission Committee

    The committee viewed the new video on “living the mission at USF.” After dividing into small groups, the committee reviewed and discussed readings selected for this session.

    Physical Facilities & Master Plan Committee

    The committee reviewed Facilities Management’s organizational charts. The master plan update and annual agenda plan were also discussed. The committee reviewed Wildly Important Goals and the committee charge. Following a review of current projects, the committee participated in a site tour of construction projects.

    Committee on Information Technology Strategy

    ITS staff Nicholas Recchia and Manuel Ruiz provided an update on infrastructure and cybersecurity projects. The committee reviewed the committee charge, and reviewed and approved Wildly Important Goals. Opinder Bawa provided a metrics update.

    Academic Affairs Committee

    Guest speaker Opinder Bawa, vice president and chief information officer, presented an overview on how ITS supports Academic Affairs. Guest speaker Susan Freiwald, Dean of the School of Law, gave an update on the law school. The committee reviewed and updated the committee charge, drafted the agenda plan for 2019-20, and reviewed and updated the Wildly Important Goal(s) and metrics.

    University Life Committee

    The committee reviewed the University Life Committee charge. Committee member Julie Dowd, director of university ministry, reported on University Ministry. Guest speakers Lester Deanes, assistant vice provost of Student Engagement; Lamonte Stamps, director of First Year Programs and Family Engagement; and committee member Julie Orio, vice provost of Student Life, will report on New Student Orientation. Committee member Michael Beseda, vice provost of Strategic Enrollment Management reported on projected new student enrollment. Julie Orio reported on the committee's Wildly Important Goals.

    Development Committee

    Committee Chair Tim Kochis provided an update on trustee giving and reviewed the committee charge. Vice President Peter Wilch provided a report on the FY2019 WIGs, an overview of FY20, FY22 and FY24 WIGs, and the FY20 agenda plan. The development team discussed the BOT members’ role in the campaign’s public phase. Campaign Co-Chair Serra Falk Goldman, Vice President Wilch and Campaign Counsel Elizabeth Garrison provided an update on the comprehensive campaign and planning for the campaign public phase.

    Finance Committee

    The committee reviewed the 2019-20 agenda plan, Wildly Important Goals, and the committee charge. Vice Provost Jeff Hamrick provided the FY20 enrollment projections update. The committee reviewed reports including Operating Forecast; Cash Flow Trend and Liquidity Analysis; Financial Ratios; and Long-Term Outstanding Debt.

    TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2019

    Campaign Committee

    Committee Co-Chair Serra Falk Goldman provided an update on campaign progress and Vice President Peter Wilch provided an update on the campaign pipeline of projected future benefactors. VP Wilch and Senior Associate VP Preston Walton provided an overview of the September 27 Campaign Leadership Launch and the October 19th Community Campaign Launch events.

  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its Fall Quarterly Meeting on Friday, September 27, 2019. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items during the plenary meeting.

    Chair’s welcome: Chair John Nicolai opened the meeting and on behalf of the board welcomed its new trustee members: Christopher Calderón, S.J., Jamie Martin, John Myers, Karen Rose, David Schrader, and Timothy Simon. The board also welcomed its three new constituent representatives who have been invited to join the proceedings of the board as non-voting members: Herschel Lelaind, Alumni Representative; Annika Miyamoto, Graduate Student Representative; and Hector Bustos, Undergraduate Student Representative.

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided the trustees with a general update on the business of the university, including projected enrollments.

    Other agenda items: In the Academic Overview session, the board heard from Margaret Baker, PhD, RN, Dean of the School of Nursing and Health Professions.

    Joining Dean Baker were Joyce Nortey, MPH-MSBH 2018; and Dough Williamson, Doctor of Nursing Practice – Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (DNP- PMNHP) Program

    Trustee Tim Kochis brought forward a resolution from the Investment Committee regarding the Investment opportunity with Impact Venture Capital II, L.P. The resolution was approved.

    Trustee Joseph Allanson presented the university’s FY19 audited financial statements.

    The board approved the election of Tracy Porter to Trustee Emeritus.

    In the plenary session, Candice L. Harrison, Ph.D., Faculty Director, BASE, and Associate Professor of History; and Michael Tadesse-Bell, Assistant Dean, Retention and Persistence Programs Center for Academic and Student Achievement (CASA) delivered an update on the progress of the Black Achievement, Success and Engagement Initiative (BASE).

    The next board meeting is December 6, 2019.

    Fall 2019 Trustee Committee Meetings


    Academic Affairs Committee

    After welcoming new members, the committee heard an update on the launch of the university’s engineering program from College of Arts and Sciences Dean Marcelo Camperi and Assistant Dean for Engineering Jeremy Kasdin. Provost Donald E. Heller then outlined his office’s strategic priorities and challenges as well as longitudinal measures of academic quality.


    Campaign Committee

    The committee reviewed the Campaign progress report and pipeline overview, and Vice President for Development Peter Wilch discussed Harney as a Campaign priority.


    Audit Committee

    The committee reviewed its updated Wildly Important Goals (WIGs) and committee charter. The committee discussed the FY19 Audited Financial Statements, the auditor’s required communications, and employee benefit plan audits.

    Committee on Information Technology Strategy

    The committee reviewed and approved the committee charge. Updates regarding the committee WIGs for 2020, 2022, and 2025 were discussed with Opinder Bawa, Vice President & Chief Information Officer; David Kirmse, Associate VP and Director, Academic Systems; Srini Navaneethan, Associate VP and Director, Technology Planning; Nicholas Recchia, Director, Information Security & Compliance; and Manuel Ruiz, Director, Infrastructure.

    Physical Facilities & Master Plan Committee

    The committee reviewed the project dashboard, master plan, WIGs, and committee charter with Mike London, Associate Vice President, Facilities Management. AVP London also facilitated the planning horizon discussion and delivered the summer project report. The committee took a tour of the residence hall site.

    Development Committee

    The committee heard a report on trustee giving; reviewed and updated the committee charge; and heard an update on the campaign progress. VP Wilch delivered his report and discussed with the committee a review of 2020, 2022 and 2024 WIGs.

    Finance Committee

    The committee reviewed the updated committee charter. AVP Nguyen presented financial statements, including operating results. VP Cross presented a quasi endowment resolution. VP Hamrick and AVP Lewis presented reports on forecast, financial ratios, cash flow trend and liquidity analysis, long term debt outstanding, and enrollment and housing. The committee also reviewed WIGs.

    University Life Committee

    Following the chair’s welcome and introductions, the committee reviewed organizational charts and heard updates from University Life, Strategic Enrollment Management, University Ministry, and Athletics. Constituent representatives from ASUSF and Graduate Students delivered updates.

  • The University of San Francisco Board of Trustees held its quarterly Winter Meeting on Friday, December 6, 2019. The following is a summary of board actions and agenda items from that meeting.

    Chair’s welcome: Chairman John Nicolai opened the meeting. Board members voted to approve the Annual Fall Board Minutes (September 27, 2019) and Executive Committee Minutes (November 19, 2019 and October 4, 2019). Chairman Nicolai led the discussion and presentations by committee chairs/vice chairs related to strategic themes. 

    State of the University Faculty and Librarians:  Dr. Anna Kwong, professor in the School of Nursing, the board’s faculty representative, presented a summary of the report of the annual survey of faculty and librarians, and engaged in Q&A with members.

    Plenary Session:  Ellen Ryder, VP Marketing Communications, delivered an update and presentation on the platforms, organization, and strategy behind USF’s storytelling and the work of the Office of the Marketing Communications. She was joined by senior leaders in OMC: Anneliese Mauch, Associate Vice President; Angie Davis, Assistant Vice President; and Marlene Tom, Assistant Vice President. A Q&A with members followed.

    Report of the Finance Committee: Chair Sean Carroll, S.J., brought forward a resolution to approve the administration’s FY21 tuition, fees, residency and board rate recommendations. After a break and additional discussion, the board voted to approve a motion to table that resolution. The board voted to approve a resolution to vote electronically in 10 business days from the date of the winter board meeting and requested that the president respond in writing to student demands presented to some members of the board that morning and to share his responses with the board prior to the electronic vote. See below*

    State of University Alumni/ae:  Alumni/ae representative Herschel Lelaind ’11, president of the USF Alumni Board of Directors, presented a summary of his full report and engaged in Q&A with the board.

    President’s Report: Paul J. Fitzgerald, S.J., provided the trustees with a general update on the business of the university, including projected enrollments.

    Overview of Academic Program: Assistant Dean for Engineering Dr. Jeremy Kasdin, with Dr. Hana Böttger, Inaugural Director of Engineering, presented an update on the plans, goals, and curriculum development for the university’s new engineering program, launching in the summer of 2020.

    * Follow up on actions: After the meeting, the board received supplemental information from the president and his cabinet about the university’s pricing philosophy for the recommended tuition, fees, residency and board rates for FY21 and the president shared with the board the administration’s written responses to the Fall 2019 ASUSF Senate List of Demands. Chairman Nicolai invited interested trustees to participate in a Zoom conference call to discuss the pricing philosophy scheduled on December 18.

    Between December 20 and December 23, 2019, the board cast electronic votes on a resolution to authorize and approve the recommendations of the university administration for tuition, fees, residency and board rates for FY21. The resolution was approved by unanimous vote.

    The next board meeting is March 27, 2020.

    Winter 2019 Trustee Committee Meetings


    Campaign Committee

    Co-Chair Tom Malloy provided an update on campaign progress and Vice President Peter Wilch provided an update on the campaign pipeline. Vice President Wilch, Provost Heller and Vice President Cross provided an update and overview of the Harney project and fundraising to date.


    Academic Affairs Committee

    Chair Hamel welcomed Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment Management Michael Beseda, who gave an overview of the university’s enrollment management process. The committee also heard reports from staff on academic program reviews. Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Donald E. Heller gave an update on the School of Law.

    Audit Committee

    Chair Allanson led a review of the FY19 NCAA Agreed-Upon Procedures Report, as well as the FY19 Audit Finding Update in the financial aid area.

    Committee on Information Technology Strategy

    Chair Shah welcomed guest speakers Nicholas Recchia and Manuel Ruiz (ITS), who provided an update on infrastructure and security projects. He also welcomed David Kirmse (ITS) and Jeff Hamrick (Provost Office), who presented plans related to the professional certificates initiative.

    Physical Facilities & Master Plan Committee

    Chair Sangiacomo led a committee review of the Sightlines Presentation, the Master Plan update; Facilities Charter updates; and the Sightlines sustainability update.

    Development Committee

    Chair Tim Kochis provided an update on trustee giving. Campaign Co-Chair Serra Falk Goldman and Vice President Peter Wilch provided an update on the comprehensive campaign. Vice President Wilch provided a progress report on the FY2020 WIGs and an update on staffing and personnel in the development division. Vice President Wilch and staff provided an update on the Harney Science campaign priority and the committee discussed the current prospect pool for this initiative.

    Finance Committee

    Chair Carroll, S.J., led a committee review of the Spring 2020 Enrollment Update/Fall 2020 Enrollment Projections. Staff presented reports on Operating Forecast; Cash Flow Trend and Liquidity Analysis; Financial Ratios; Enrollment and Housing Updates; and Long-Term Debt Outstanding. The committee also agreed to bring forward to the board the administration’s tuition, residency and fee recommendations for FY21.

    University Life Committee

    Chair Del Santo welcomed guest presenters Tom Merrell, Assistant Dean and Director, Student Disability Services, and Shanie Chambers, Director, Koret Health and Recreation Center, who reported on their respective units.

    Committee on Catholic Identity & Jesuit Mission

    Chair Kevin Burke, S.J.,welcomed new members and led a review of the committee charge and curriculum. It met in small groups to discuss assigned readings.

    Compensation Committee

    Chair Lindbergh Porter discussed the committee’s self-evaluation process. Martha Peugh-Wade reported on the Executive Compensation Philosophy. Chair Porter and Martha Peugh-Wade provided a status update on pay equity and the Advanced Compensation implementation. Martha Peugh-Wade also reported on disqualified turnover in the last year, and provided an update on auto allowances.