Net Price Calculator
Estimate your Cost
Use the Net Price Calculator to see what a new first-year or transfer undergraduate student may be expected to pay to attend the University of San Francisco.
This calculator will provide an estimate of what you might pay for your first year. Remember:
- This calculator is not intended for graduate, readmitted, continuing, international non-resident visa holders, or part-time students.
- This is not an application for admission or for financial aid
- The results will only be as reliable as the data you provide
- You still need to complete the FAFSA or the CA Dream Act application by the deadlines in order to get an actual financial aid offer.
Office of Financial Aid
Lone Mountain Main 203
2800 Turk Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94118
2800 Turk Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94118
Monday – Friday:
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Fax (415) 422-6084