First-Year Admission Deadlines

First year students can apply early. Learn about the differences between Early Decision, Early Action, and Regular Decision and see which one is right for you.

Fall Early Decision I Early Action
Application deadline Nov. 1 Nov. 1
Supplemental materials
Nov. 15 Nov. 15
Decision notification begins Mid-Dec. Mid-Dec.
FAFSA deadline* March 1 March 1
Deposit deadline March 1 May 1

*For U.S. citizens and permanent residents only. March 1 is a target deadline for submitting a FAFSA. The Department of Education plans to distribute FAFSA data to institutions in batches starting in mid to late March. We want to start processing as many applications as possible after we receive the data. If you’re having technical difficulties completing the FAFSA by March 1, just do your best to submit it as soon as you can, and let us know at that you’re working on it. 

Fall Early Decision II Regular Decision
Application deadline Jan. 15 Jan. 15
Supplemental materials
Feb. 1 Feb. 9
FAFSA deadline* March 1 March 1
Decision notification begins mid-Feb. mid-March
Deposit deadline March 1 May 1
Spring Regular Decision
Application deadline Nov. 1
Deposit deadline Dec. 1

Institutional aid for those who apply after the deadline will be offered on a funds available basis.

*For U.S. citizens and permanent residents only. March 1 is a target deadline for submitting a FAFSA. The Department of Education plans to distribute FAFSA data to institutions in batches starting in mid to late March. We want to start processing as many applications as possible after we receive the data. If you’re having technical difficulties completing the FAFSA by March 1, just do your best to submit it as soon as you can, and let us know at that you’re working on it. 

Transfer Admission Deadlines

Deadlines Regular Decision
Spring application deadline November 1
Spring deposit deadline December 1
Fall application deadline* March 1
FAFSA deadline** March 1
Decision notification begins April 1
Fall deposit deadline June 1

*Applications completed after the posted deadlines will be reviewed on a space-available basis.
**For U.S. citizens and permanent residents only.

Office of Undergraduate Admission

Lone Mountain Main 251
2800 Turk Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94118

Monday - Friday:
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Call (415) 422-6563
Text (415) 636-6272