The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is a direct entry program. This means:

  • There is no separate application for undergraduate nursing students
  • You are admitted directly to the nursing program when you are admitted to USF
  • If you are admitted to a different major, you cannot later transfer into the nursing program

Academic Requirements for Nursing

A strong academic record of college prep courses shows us that you're motivated and that you care to put forth your best work. To be considered for admission, first-year nursing applicants should have taken:

  • ENGLISH: 4 years
  • MATHEMATICS: 3 years
  • SOCIAL SCIENCES: 3 years
  • LAB SCIENCES: 2 years
    • Nursing applicants are required to have completed chemistry prior to applying for admission.
    • Biology or Physics (Only one of these courses needs to be completed. It will not increase your chances of being admitted if you have completed both.)

See more of what we look for in first-year applicants.

First-Year Nursing Admission Statistics

As a highly selective program, we have far more applicants than spaces available each term. While there is no specific formula to guaranteeing admission, here are admission statistics from past years:

Term Applications Offered Admission Admit Rate Average GPA* Average SAT**
Fall 2023 1,841 443 24% 3.99 1375
Fall 2022 1,862 433 23% 3.96 1348
Fall 2021 2,434 512 21% 3.99 1375
Fall 2020 2,086 487 23% 3.93 1349

*Internally-calculated GPA of core courses
**As mentioned, test scores are not required for admission to USF. The average test scores for fall 2020 through 2022 represent the scores of students who opted to include scores in their application. For the fall 2021 entering class, 79% of admitted nursing students were admitted without test scores.

First-Year Nursing Dates and Deadlines

The application opens in August each year. We review all applications at the deadline. You do not get priority for submitting early, so we recommend carefully working through your application rather than rushing. Late or incomplete applications will not be reviewed but will be offered consideration for the following term.

Fall Early Action/Early Decision I Dates
Deadline to apply November 1
All transcripts and materials must be received by November 15
Decision notification (Early Decision I) mid-December
Decision notification (Early Action) late January
Reply/deposit date (Early Decision I) May 1 (intl.)
May 15 (domestic)
Reply/deposit date (Early Action) May 1 (intl.)
May 15 (domestic)


Fall Regular Decision Dates Early Decision II Dates
Deadline to apply January 15 January 15
All transcripts and materials must be received by February 9 February 1
Decision notification begins mid-March mid-Feb
Reply/deposit date May 1 (intl.)
May 15 (domestic)
May 1 (intl.)
May 15 (domestic)



Office of Undergraduate Admission

Lone Mountain Main 251
2800 Turk Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94118

Monday - Friday:
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Call (415) 422-6563
Text (415) 636-6272