A student sitting on a desk discusses a topic with others in a computer lab
Data Science, BS


What can you do with a USF data science degree? Data scientists are in high demand across a range of industries around the San Francisco Bay Area and the world. 

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Wall Street Journal

Careers in Big Data

All kinds of companies and organizations rely on data scientists to grow and to thrive. From eCommerce to health care to social networking, our students graduate ready to explore data in just about any industry they want.


Big data has transformed how companies operate their e-commerce businesses. Retargeting campaigns, predictive modeling, and customer service all rely on data generated from commercial websites to improve products and increase sales.

Health Care

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 78 percent of physicians in the U.S. use an electronic health record system. This gives data scientists the opportunity to more effectively track drug trials, map human DNA, monitor patients remotely, and predict the spread of disease.

Business and Finance

Big data is driving huge business. From analyzing day-to-day transaction information to tracking inventory, monitoring in-store traffic to optimizing high frequency trading, data scientists are crucial to the decision- making process.

Social Networking

What and where we click and post online is a goldmine for data scientists. Working with data generated from social networking sites, they are able to target advertising by location or personal preferences and improve customer service.


Nearly every field of science — genetics, biotechnology, particle physics, climatology, and chemistry — relies on large datasets to advance its research. Data scientists have more information than ever before, and they’re scrubbing, sorting, and synthesizing it at a rapid pace.

The best way to learn anything is by actually doing it, and my data engineering internship at Vacasa gave me some of that very valuable experience. I learned how to apply the tools I knew in a professional setting, how to collaborate with non-technical users, and project management skills that are difficult to teach in the classroom."

— Malik Khouma ’23

Read Malik's Story