Program Overview
Analyze the forces that shape and carry out public policy. Prepare for jobs in public policy analysis, research and not-for-profit organizations, and business and government entities.
Public Policy Minor
A minor in public policy is the perfect way to better understand how policy affects all aspects of society-from urban development, criminal justice, and technological change to health care, education, and the environment.
The Public Policy Minor is open to undergraduates from all majors who seek a coherent program of study in the broadly defined field of public policy. This program prepares students for careers in a variety of policy-related fields, including jobs in policy analysis, research and not-for-profit organizations, and as consultants for business and government entities.
The undergraduate courses in public policy deal with the substance of public policy, how it is made, how its effects can be gauged, and what the purposes of policy should be. The courses consider both the policy process and particular policy issues. By examining different policy problems in their political and social contexts, students gain a greater sensitivity to the forces which shape and carry out public policies and to the impact of social, political, economic, and legal power.
Students will receive training in policy analysis, implementation and evaluation in two courses in addition to internship experience in a policy environment. All students must complete a 400-level advanced public policy research course.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will:
- Apply social science methods and policy analysis to practical problems of government, communities, regions, and/or global issues
- Demonstrate the ability to apply oral and written communication skills in public appearances, written reports and documents
- Develop critical thinking about public policy issues and the ability to conduct professional analyses of social, political, and economic structures and bureaucratic processes
- Experience policy environments through internship placements
Minor Requirements (20-24 units)
Required Courses (8 units)
Internship Requirement (4-8 units)
Students complete a minimum of 4 units to fulfill the internship requirement.
Research Requirement (4 units)
Students must complete at least one 400-level Politics course to fulfill their research requirement.
- POLS 425 - Fire, Water and Food
- POLS 492 - Special Topics in Politics
- POLS 494 - Senior Public Serv-Honors Sem
- POLS 495 - Senior Pol - Honors Seminar
Elective (4 units)
Students may complete an additional internship or research course listed above, or courses from other programs as approved by the program.
- BAIS 399 - BAIS Internship
- ENVA 396 - Community Internships
- POLS 371 - USF in DC: Internship
- POLS 396 - Public Admin Internship
- POLS 397 - Fieldwork in Pub Int Org
- POLS 399 - McCarthySFUrban Policy Fellows
- POLS 492 - Special Topics in Politics
- POLS 494 - Senior Public Serv-Honors Sem
- POLS 495 - Senior Pol - Honors Seminar