The Teacher Education program prepares reflective practitioners who foster intellectual growth, personal development, and multicultural democratic community in their classrooms and schools. Our candidates learn how to provide their students — especially those most vulnerable to injustices — with an equitable, responsive, and empowering classroom experience. Teacher candidates are recommended by USF to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for the Preliminary Multiple Subjects (36 units) or Single Subject (34 units) Teaching Credential with optional Bilingual Authorization in Spanish.

Preliminary Multiple Subject (MS) Teaching Credential

Candidates for the Preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential must demonstrate subject matter competency for Multiple Subjects through passage of the applicable California Educator Credentialing Examinations (CSETs), or through USF's verification that previous coursework or degree majors fulfill the requirement. See here for further details on the Basic Skills Requirement and Subject Matter Requirement.

All credential students also choose and enroll in one of the master of arts programs offered by the Teacher Education department.

Preliminary Multiple Subject (MS) Teaching Credential Curriculum | 36 Credits

Course schedule is subject to change.
Course descriptions are found in the catalog.

1st Semester | 14 credits

TEC 600 - Teaching, Learning & Technology (2)
TEC 610 - Learning & Teaching (3)
TEC 618 - Teaching for Diversity & Social Justice (3)
TEC 621 - Multiple Subject Curriculum & Instruction - Early Literacy (3)
TEC 643 - Education of Exceptional Children (3)

2nd Semester | 15 credits

TEC 611 - Education of Bilingual Children - Theory & Practice (3)
TEC 630 - Multiple Subject Curriculum & Instruction - Social Studies (2)
TEC 612 - Multiple Subject Curriculum & Instruction - Reading & Language Arts in the Intermediate Grades (3)
TEC 608 - Multiple Subject Curriculum & Instruction - Science (2)
TEC 609 - Multiple Subject Curriculum & Instruction - Math & Physical Education (2)
TEC 602 - Multiple Subject Curriculum & Instruction - Visual & Performing Arts (1)
TEC 616 - Multiple Subject Student Teaching I (2)

3rd Semester | 7 credits

TEC 642 - Health Education (1)
TEC 605 - Multiple Subject Student Teaching II - Fieldwork (3)
TEC 606 - Multiple Subject Student Teaching III - Fieldwork or
TEC 607 - Multiple Subject Student Teaching III - Bilingual Authorization (3)

Bilingual Authorization candidates are required to take two courses in addition to their preliminary credential program prior to or concurrently with MS Student Teaching III:

The Bilingual Authorization in Spanish is open to candidates who satisfy language proficiency requirements. Students must demonstrate satisfactory language proficiency competence prior to enrolling in Bilingual Authorization courses.

In addition, written and oral knowledge of Spanish at an FSI Level 3 ("Able to speak, read, and write in the language with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary to participate in most formal and informal communications on practical, social, and professional topics.") or its equivalent, must be demonstrated prior to Student Teaching II and III.

Preliminary Single Subject (SS) Teaching Credential

Candidates for the Preliminary Single Subject (SS) Teaching Credential, must meet the basic skills requirement through one of the eight options from the Basic Skills Requirement list in the "Teaching Credential Applicants" section here. They must also pass the California Subject Exam for Teachers (CSET) in their subject area. In lieu of the CSET, these candidates may demonstrate competency by providing proof of successful completion of a CTC-approved undergraduate subject matter preparation program.

Preliminary Single Subject (SS) Teaching Credential Curriculum | 34 Credits

Course schedule is subject to change.
Course descriptions are found in the catalog.

1st Semester | 14 credits

TEC 600 - Teaching, Learning and Technology (2)
TEC 610 - Learning and Teaching (3)
TEC 618 - Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice (3)
TEC 643 - Education of Exceptional Children (3)

Students whose first semester is the fall semester also take one of the following three courses:

Students whose first semester is the spring semester also take:

2nd Semester | 13 credits (fall-entry) | 11 credits (spring-entry)

TEC 611 - Education of Bilingual Children - Theory and Practice (3)
TEC 622 - Single Subject Curriculum and Instruction - Academic Literacy (3)
TEC 660 - Single Subject Student Teaching I - Fieldwork (2)

Students whose second semester is in the fall semester also take one of the following three courses:

Students whose second semester is in the spring semester also take:

Students whose second semester is in the spring semester also take one of the following four courses:

3rd Semester | 7 credits (fall-entry) | 9 credits (spring-entry)

TEC 642 - Health Education (1)
TEC 655 - Single Subject Student Teaching II - Fieldwork (3)
TEC 656 - Single Subject Student Teaching III - Fieldwork or
TEC 657 - Single Subject Student Teaching III - Bilingual Authorization (3)

Students whose 3rd semester is in the spring semester also take one of the following 4 courses: