Barbara Sattler
Faculty Emeritus
Dr. Sattler is a Professor at the University of San Francisco and an international leader in environmental health and nursing. She is a founding and active member of the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, an international organization that is helping to integrate environmental health into nursing education, practice, research, and policy/advocacy. While at the University of Maryland, she directed the Maryland Hospitals for Healthy Environments, a 10-year statewide initiative that helped hospitals develop sustainable policies and practices to achieve the triple bottom line of employee health, patient health, and ecological health. Supported by grants from the US Department of Agriculture she also helped to bring local, sustainable, healthy foods to Maryland’s hospitals.
Dr. Sattler has worked at the local level in communities facing environmental health risks associated with lead-based paint, pesticides, Superfund sites, and risks associated with gas and oil extraction, including fracking. She has been an advisor to the US EPA’s Office of Child Health Protection and the National Library of Medicine for informational needs of health professionals on environmental health. Dr. Sattler has been the recipient of NIEHS, HUD, and EPA grants, as well as grants from a host of private foundations. She is the author of Environmental Health and Nursing, and a host of peer-reviewed articles. Dr. Sattler is a Registered Nurse with an MPH and DrPH from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. She is a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing.
- Board of Directors, Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
- Ambassador Council, The Ceres Community Project
- Scientific Advisory Board, Breast Cancer Fund
- DrPH, Public Health Oc/Environmental Health, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
- MPH, Johns Hopkins University 1982
- BS, University of Baltimore, Political Science, 1980
Awards & Distinctions
- 1975 – Merit Award, Pilgrim Psychiatric Center School of Nursing--Community Service
- 1981 – Mayor's Award for Merit at the University of Baltimore
- 1981 – Governor's Award for Achievement at the University of Baltimore
- 1988 – National Safety Council Scholarship Award for activities and achievement in occupational safety and health
- 1997 – Ruth B. Freeman Award of the Maryland Public Health Association
- 2001 – Certificate of Recognition by the EPA from IAQ/Tools for Schools Program
- 2003 – Induction as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
- 2003 – Recognition Award from Environmental Section of the American Public Health Association
- 2003 – Maryland Nurses Association Outstanding Leadership Award
- 2004 – Inducted into the Delta Omega Honorary Public Health Society, Alpha Chapter (Johns Hopkins SPH)
- 2008 – Charlotte Brody Award for Lifetime Contribution to Environmental Health and Nursing
- 2008 – National Champions for Change Award - Programmatic Award for MD H2E Project:
- 2011 – Environmental Health Visionary Award from the funders of the Maryland Hospitals for a Healthy Environment
- Sattler, B. (2018) (submitted) Environmental Health Chapter. Environmental Health Chapter. In M. Stanhope & J. Lancaster (Eds.), Foundations of Nursing in the Community. Community-Oriented Practice, 9th Ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby.
- Sattler, B (2018) Editor, E-text Environmental Health and Nursing, Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, AJN 2018 Award for Best Book on environmental health.
- Sattler, B. (2016). Environmental Health Chapter. In M. Stanhope & J. Lancaster (Eds.), Foundations of Nursing in the Community. Community-Oriented Practice, 8th Ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby.
- Sattler, B. (2014). Environmental Health Chapter. Fundamentals of Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing: AAOHN Core Curriculum - 4th Edition. Editors: P Moore and R Moore, Pensacola, FL: AAOHN Academy ISBN: 978-0-9848861-2-8
- Sattler, B. (2014). Environmental Health Chapter. In M. Stanhope & J. Lancaster (Eds.), Foundations of Nursing in the Community. Community-Oriented Practice, 8th Ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby.
- Sattler, B. (2013). Environmental Health Chapter. In AAOHN edited edition: Core Curriculum for Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing. Third Edition, Editor M Salazar. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders/Elsevier
- Sattler, B. (2010). Environmental Health (chapter). In C. Blue (Ed.), Community and Public Heath Nursing (7th ed). Clifton Parks, NY. Delmar Learner
- Sattler, B. (2009) Environmental Health (chapter). In C. Smith, F. Maurer (Eds.), Community Health Nursing: Theory and Practice. Saunders Company: Philadelphia, PA.
- Sattler, B. (2008). Environmental Health (chapter – revised). In M. Stanhope & J. Lancaster (Eds.), Foundations of Nursing in the Community. Community-Oriented Practice, 7th Ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby
- Trinkoff, A., Geiger-Brown, J., Caruso, C.C., Lipscomb, J., Johantgen, M., Nelson, A., Sattler, B., Selby, V. (2008). Personal Safety for Nurses. (Invited and peer-reviewed). In Hughes, R., (Ed.) Patient Safety & Quality – an Evidence-based Handbook for Nurses, Chapter 39. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
- Sattler, B. (2005). Environmental Health. In M. Standhope & J. Lancaster (Eds.), Foundations of Nursing in the Community. Community-Oriented Practice, 7th Ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby.
- Sattler, B. (2005). Environmental/Occupational Health. In Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, Our Bodies, Ourselves. Touchtone. Simone & Schuster: NY, NY.
- Sattler, B., Afzal, B., McPhaul, K., & Mood, L. (2004). Environmental Health, Community and Public Health. 6th Ed. Stanhope & Lancaster. Mosby, St. Louis, MO.
- Sattler, B. & Lipscomb, J. (2001). Environmental Health. M.K. Salazar ed., AAOHN Core Curriculum for Occupational Health Nursing. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Company.
- Stroebel, C, Clemente I., Sattler, B. & Gitterman, B. (1999). Advocating for Pediatric Environmental Health. In S.J. Balk & R.A. Etzel (Eds.), Pediatric Environmental Health: Putting it all together, Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics.
- Sattler, B. (1999). Occupational and Environmental Risks in Nursing. In L. Shinn (Ed.), Take Control: A Guide to Risk Management. Maginnis and Associates, Kirke-Van Orsdel, Inc.
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Curtis, A, Sattler, B. (2018) Organophosphate insecticide exposure: A clinical consideration of chlorpyrifos regulation. J Am Assoc Nurse Pract. 2018 May;30(5):299-304. doi: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000028.
- Sattler, B. (2017) Why are nurses suing the EPA? The Washington Nurse, Winter 2018
- Sattler, B. Abstract Creating global environmental health nursing practitioners, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Oct 30, 2016
- Sattler, B. Abstract Developing a new generation of environmental health scholars, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Oct 33, 2016
- Lary DJ, Lary T, and Sattler B (2015) Using Machine Learning to Estimate Global PM2.5 for Environmental Health Studies. Environmental Health Insights 2015:Suppl. 1 41-52. DOI: 10.4137/EHI.S15664
- Leffers J, Smith C, McDermott-Levy R, Resick L, Hanson M, Jordan, L, Jackman-Murphy K, Sattler B, Huffling K (2015) Developing Curriculum Recommendations for Environmental Health in Nursing, Nurse Educator. May/June2015 – Volume 40 – Issues 3 – p 139-143. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000133
- Leffers J, McDermott-Levy R, Smith C, Sattler B. (2014). Nursing education’s response to the 1995 Institute of Medicine Report: Nursing, Health, and the Environment. Nurs Forum, doi: 10.1111/nuf.12072.
- Sattler, B. (2014) Evidence-based Choices: Caring for Mother Earth. Dedicated issue on Environmental Health. International Journal of Human Caring, Vol. 18, No 2. Doi.org/10.20467/1091-5710-18.2.18
- McDermott-Levy R, Katkins N, and Sattler B (2013) Fracking, the Environment, and our Health. AJN, American Journal of Nursing: June 2013 – Volume 11 – Issue 6 – p45 – 51 doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000431272.83277.f4
- Ortner, P. and Sattler, B. (2013) Drugs in the environment: Nurses’ roles and responsibilities. American Nurse Today. February 2013 Vol. 8 No. 2
- Savell D and Sattler B (2012) Infusing Environmental Health Concepts into Existing Courses. Nurse Educator. 2012 Nov; 37(6):268-72. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0b013e31826f27a7.
- Gilden R, Friedman E, Sattler B, McPhaul K, Squibb K (2012). Potential Health Effects Related to Pesticide Use on Athletic Fields. Public Health Nursing Journal, 29(3): 198-207
- Sattler B, Randall KS, and Choiniere D. (2011). Reducing Hazardous Chemical Exposures in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A new role for nurses. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly Journal, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 102–112
- Sattler, B. (2011) The greening of a major medical center. American Journal of Nursing. 04/2011; 111(4):60-2. DOI:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000396559.09620.94
- Sattler, Barbara (2011) Surviving and thriving: chemical policy reform – nurses must say “Yes”. Ohio Nurses Review, 2011 Jul-Aug; 86 (4): 8-9. ISSN: 0030-0993
- Choi M, Curriero FC, Johantgen M, Mills ME, Sattler B, and Lipscomb J. (2011) Association between ozone and emergency department visits: an ecological study. Int J Environmental Health Res 2011 Jun;21(3):201-21.
- Gilden, R, Huffling, K, and Sattler, B. (2010). Pesticides and Health Risks. Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Neonatal Nursing. JOGNN, 39: 103-110.
- Mejia, E.A., Sattler, B. (2009). Starting a Health Care System Green Team. Association of Operating Room Nurses Journal, 9(1). (Article of the Year Award from AORN)
- Sattler B. and Choiniere D. (2009). The Greening of Health Care. P Cowley & S Moorehead (Eds), Current Issues of Nursing, 8th ed. St Louis, MO: Elsevier.
- Sattler, B. & Del Bene Davis, A. (2008). Environmental Health Risks During Pregnancy. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2008;34(4):329-339
- Sattler, B, Hall, K. (2007). Healthy Choices: Transforming Our Hospitals into Environmentally Healthy and Safe Places. On-line Journal in Nursing OJIN, 12(2) May.
- Afzal, B, Hall, K. V, & Sattler, B. (2007). Environmental Health, A Priority for all Nursing Organizations. American Nurse Today, 2(7), 38-9.
- Mitchell L, Carpenter H, and Sattler B. (2007). Healthy Food in Health Care. The Maryland Nurse, 8(3), 16-17.
- Choi, M, Afzal, B, Sattler, B. (2006).Geographic Information Systems: A new tool for environmental health assessment. Public Health Nursing, 23(5), 381-391.
- Sattler, B. (2006) Removing Asthma Triggers One Product at a Time. Green Design.
- Sattler, B. (2005). The Risky Business of Reproduction: Environmental Exposures and Associated Risks to Fertility and Healthy Babies. Zero to Three, 26(2).
- Sattler, B. (2005). Policy Perspectives in Environmental Health: Nursing’s evolving role, American Journal of Occupational Health Nursing, 53(1).
- Sattler, B. (2003). Editorial, Environmental Health. Journal of Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice, 4(1), 4.
- Sattler, B. (2003). The greening of health care: environmental policy and advocacy in the health care industry. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice. 4(1), 6-13.
- Condon, M., Sattler, B. (2002). Chlorine controversy... "Nurses tackle environmental issues -- and each other," News, April. American Journal of Nursing, 102(8), 13-4.
- Burns, C., Dunn, A.M., Sattler, B. (2002). Patient management exchange. Resources for environmental health problems. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 16(3), 138-42.
- Young, L., Sattler, B. (2002). The new threat to antibiotic resistance: why we need a health policy. American Nurse, 34(3),17.
- Burns, C, Dunn, A.M., Sattler, B. (2002). Resources for environmental health problems. J Pediatr Health Care, 16(3), 138-42.
- Sattler, B. (2002). Environmental Health Risks in the Health Care Industry, The American Nurse, 34(2).
- Sattler, B., White Paper: Environmental Health Education and Nursing, Part of the Nursing Environmental Roundtable (August 26-27, 2002) Report, co-sponsored by the National Institute of Nursing Research, the National Institute of Environmental Health Science and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
- Wilburn, S., Melamed, A., Sattler, B. (2002). Health & safety. Protecting patients from toxins in plastic: Are you aware of the health hazards posed by DEHP? American Journal of Nursing, 102(4), 92
- Sattler, B., Afzal, B., Condon, M., Belka, E., & McKee, T. (2001). Environmentally Healthy Homes and Communities, The American Nurse, 33(6), 25-40.
- Sattler, B., Afzal, B., Condon, M., Belka, E., & McKee, T. (2001). Safe Workplaces and Healthy Learning Places: Environmentally healthy schools, The American Nurse, 33(4), A1-12.
- Wu, C., Suarez, A., Lin, Z., Kidwell, P., Borgou, P., Caffrey, P., Ondov, J., Sattler, B. (1998). Applications of an Ir Tracer to Determine Soot Exposure to Students Commuting to School on Baltimore Public Buses, Atmospheric Environment.
- Sattler, B., Lippy, B., and Jordan, T, Hazard C: A Review of the Science Underpinning the Art of Communication for Health and Safety, US-DOL OSHA Report, 1997
- Sattler, B. (1996). Occupational and Environmental Health: From the Backroads to the Highways. AAOHN Journal, 44(5), 233-7.
- Snyder, M., Ruth, V., Sattler, B., and Strasser, J. (1994). Environmental and Occupational Health Education: a Survey of Community Health Nurses’ Need for Educational Programs. AAOHN Journal, 42(7), 325-8.
- Sattler, B., "Rights and Realities: A critical Review of the Accessibility of Information on Hazardous Chemicals", Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Review, Vol. 7, No. 2, June 1992, Philadelphia, Hanley and Belfus, Inc.
- Sattler, B., Kolp, P., Blayney, M., & Sherman, S. (1992) The Comprehensibility of Material Safety Data Sheets
- [Special Issue]. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 23(1).Averill, E., Henry, C., Rubenstein, H., Sattler, B., and Tirey, S. (1992). The Content of Worker Notification
- [Special Issue]. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 23(1). Averill, E., Henry, C., Rubenstein, H., Sattler, B., and Tirey, S. (1992). Notification in the Community [Special Issue]. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 23(1).
- Sattler, B and Lippy B. (1991) The Comprehensibility of Material Safety Data Sheets, Final Report, Research report for the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Spring 1991.
- Accidents Will Happen: A small town guide to planning for hazardous material response. National Association of Towns and Townships and the National Center for Hazard Communication, published by the National Association of Towns and Townships. 1990.
- Sattler B. Dissertation: "Implementation of the Right to Know Law in Unionized Manufacturing Plants in Maryland: A Contemporary Analysis of Occupational Safety and Health," Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Spring, 1990.
Non-Referred Publications
- Sattler, B (2015) Fracking and health. California Nurses Association.
- Sattler, B. (2011). Chemical Trespass. The Maryland Nurse, April/May Issue.
- Sattler, B. (2009). Book Review of Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry, by Stacey Malkan for The Maryland Nurse.
- Sattler, B. (2009) Our bodies and the legacy of “better living through chemistry”. Komen Maryland e-magazine
- Sattler, B. (2008) Environment and Health Basics, Komen Maryland e-magazine
- Sattler B, Archer L, and Hoolihan J, (2006). Mirror, Mirror on the wall, what’s in my personal care products. The Maryland Nurse.
- Sattler, B Book Review of Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry, by Stacey Malkan for The Maryland Nurse
- Sattler, B., Malkan S. (2006). Nursing alert: Warming IV bags. Maryland Nurse, 7(2), 27.
- Sattler, B. (2006). Bringing order to chemical chaos. Maryland Nurse, 7(3), 21.
- Sattler, B., Chemtrina. (2006). Direct Hits, Near Misses, and Opportunities for Prevention. The Maryland Nurse, 7(1).
- Sattler, B., & Oaks, J. (2006). Nurses’ Engagement in Clean Air: There Was “No Smoking” and Now There’s "No Smoke". The Maryland Nurse, 7(1).
- Sattler, B. (2005). MD H2E healthy hospitals: Hospitals for a Healthy Environment. Nursing Spectrum (DC/Maryland/Virginia Edition), 15(17), 13.
- Sattler, B., Malkan S. (2005). Toxic chemicals in IV tubing. Maryland Nurse, 6(4), 27.
- Jackson, N., Wilburn, S., Sattler, B. (2005). Green meetings -- our new motto: leave no plastic cup behind. Maryland Nurse, 7(2), 23-4.
- Sattler, B. (2005). Policy perspectives in environmental health: nursing's evolving role. AAOHN Journal, 53(1), 43-51.
- Sattler, B. (2005). Chemtrina: Direct Hits, Near Misses, and Opportunities for Prevention. The Maryland Nurse, 7(1).
- Sattler, B., & Oaks, J. (2005). Nurses’ Engagement in Clean Air: There Was “No Smoking” and Now There’s "No Smoke". The Maryland Nurse, 7(1).
- Huffling, K, & Sattler, B. (2005). The Genetically Modified Food Debate, The Maryland Nurse, 4(1).
- Clouse, R.L., Sattler, B. (2004). Nurses and environmentalists exploring common ground. Maryland Nurse, 6(4), 21.
- Sattler, B. (2004). Something fishy... Reprinted from The Nurse Stethoscope, May 2004. Maryland Nurse, 6(3),25.
- Sattler, B. (2004). Pass the pollution, please. Maryland Nurse, 6(3), 24.
- Sattler, B. (2004). Pioneering the environmental health frontier. Maryland Nurse, 6(4), 20.
- Sattler, B. (2004). Nurses Moving Boldly into the Environmental Health Policy Arena, The Maryland Nurse, 1(6).
- Sattler, B., Condon, M. (2003). Nurses -- defenders of environmental health, the problems posed by medical waste. Maryland Nurse, 5(1), 19-21.
- Sattler, B. & Condon, M. (2003). Environmentally Preferable Purchasing, The Maryland Nurse, 4(5).
- Sattler, B. & Condon, M. (2003). Cleaners, Disinfectants, and Sterilants, The Maryland Nurse, 3(5).
- Sattler, B. & Condon, M. (2003). Nurses – Defenders of Environmental Health. The Problems Posed by Medical Waste, The Maryland Nurse, 1(5).
- Sattler, B. (2002). Environmental Health Risks in the Health Care Industry, The American Nurse,
- Sattler, B., Condon, M. (2002). Nurses -- defenders of environmental health, polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Maryland Nurse, 4(4), 12-3.
- Sattler, B. (2002) Nurses -- defenders of environmental health: MERCURY. Alabama Nurse, 4(3), 19.
- Young, L., Sattler, B. (2002). Antibiotics and Animal Agriculture, Nursing Spectrum, 12(1), 14-5.
- Sattler, B., Book Review: Toxic Deceit, Journal of Public Health Policy, Spring 2001
- Afzal, B., Balbus, J., Crawford, J, Hobbins, T., Keyserling, H., Olson, E., Paulson, J., and Sattler, B. (2000). REPORT: Drinking Water and Disease: What health care providers should know, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Washington, DC
Additional Information
- Sattler, B. and Balan S. (2018) Blogging your environmental health, multimedia presentation at the APXPO, San Francisco, CA, Oct 8, 2018
- Sattler, B. and Ruiz, M. Movie: Climate Change and Nursing (2016 - 17) a 25-minute video created with funding from the USF Jesuit Fund. This multimedia program includes the movie, PPT with voiceover, and a substantial resource section for nurses. It was selected for viewing by the American Public Health Association at their annual meeting Film Festival in Nov 2017.
- EnviRN-evidence (2016) created with a grant secured from the National Library of Medicine (NLM). Working with Claire Sharifi, Reference Librarian / Nursing and Health Science Liaison at the University of San Francisco (USF) Gleeson Library and Michelle Ruiz, a USF graduate student in Digital Technology for Teaching and Learning in the School of Education (and who was working with the USF Center for Instructional Technologies), we created an on-line educational program to teach nurses how to use the NLM’s ToxNet resources – a suite of databases and informational sources. This 5-hour program uses 4 content areas (lead poisoning, perchloroethylene [a dry cleaning chemical], fracking (a technique used to extract natural gas), and adult-onset asthma in nurses to help nurses both learn new content and learn how to find evidence-based science about occupational and environmental health topics. I was responsible for the environmental health content, Ms Sharifi for the NLM database/informational source definitions and navigation, and Ms. Ruiz for the instructional design and production.
- Environmental Health Nursing e-Text. In lieu of creating another new paper-based textbook for environmental health, I worked with a group of nursing academics to co-create an on-line textbook to be used by nursing academics, nursing students, and practicing nurses. The e-Text is “housed” on the official website for the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments. The newest “edition” will launch late fall 2016.
- Year-long national webinar series on chemical exposures in health care for the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (2013)
- Co-created www.enviRN.org, the official website of the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments. This new website that was launched Feb 2011 and incorporates a unique blend of social networking, educational platform, and content management into a single entry website. It now includes an on-line virtual textbook (e-Text) for nursing faculty to teach environmental health.
- National Webinar on Toxicology for Nurses for the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environment (2012)
- National webinar series on chemical policies – archived on www.enviRN.org (2011)
- Development of on-line education models on core environmental health concepts/skills with Dr. Andrew Weill and his staff at the University of Arizona Institute on Integrative medicine, (2010).
- Sattler, B. Trained as a facilitator of Awakening the Dreamer, and multimedia, interactive workshop to explore issues regarding the environment, social justice and spirituality, Virginia, October, 2009.
- Convened a Wingspread Conference for Nurses and Health Environment, Wingspread Conference Center, supported by the Johnson & Johnson Foundation, Racine, WI, June26-28, 2009.
- Produced Webinars for Health Care Without Harm’s Nurses’ Work Group on Chemical Policies (series of 3), 2008.
- Produced a Webinar on neurotoxicants for the American Association for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 2008.
- Co-created an on-line CE program on Environmental Health Nursing Advocacy (co-creators: Brenda Afzal, RN, MS and Pam Ortner, RN MS). Program was co-produced by the University of Maryland School of Nursing and the University of Michigan Public Health Institute (2004).
- Co-created with Andrew Kane, PhD, an on-line version of Applied Toxicology for Nurses.
- Created on-line Certificate on Environmental Health for Nurses. (2003).
- Produced a set of 3 on-line continuing education programs for the ANA (funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) on environmental health risks in the Home and Community, in Health Care Settings, and in Schools. This was also viewed via Medscape’s CE programs. It was Medscape’s most popularly viewed continuing education program that year. (2003).
- Created a set of 3 on-line “Independent Study Modules” for the American Nurses Association’s website on children’s environmental health. (2001, 2002).
- Created www.enviRN.umaryland.edu, an environmental health website for nurses with information on education, practice, research, and advocacy/policy (1999) which became www.enviRN.org and is currently supported by the national Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments.
- Created a national (now international) listserve (enviRNetwork) of environmental health nurses for education and resources sharing. (1999) Now hosted by the national Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
Abstracts and Presentations
- Academic Year 2017 – 2018 Presentations, Workshops, Talks and Invited Meetings
- Plenary, Critical Environmental Health Issues for Nurses, New England Public Health Nursing Conference, Kennebunkport, ME, Sept 24, 2017
- Presenter and Facilitator, Day-long Workshop, Climate Change for Health Professionals, Health Center, Chico, CA, Oct 13, 2017 (This was a collaborative program with the Public Health Institute, the American Lung Association, and the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments.)
- Presenter and Facilitator, Jonas Scholars Conference, Environmental Health and Nursing, Washington, DC, Oct 29, 1018
- Presenter ( X 2) , APHA Annual Meeting, Fossil Fuels and Cancer and Climate Change and Nursing, New Orleans, LA, Nov 8, 2017
- Plenary, California Chapter of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Occupational Health and Safety in Agriculture, Sacramento, CA, Nov 9, 2017
- Webinar Presenter, Public Health Nurses of California, Fires and Health, Nov 17, 2018
- Guest Lecture, Santa Rosa Junior College Nursing Program, Environmental Health and Nursing, Santa Rosa, CA, Nov 17, 2018
- Plenary, USF Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, Nurses’ Occupational and Environmental Exposures, USF, Nov 19, 2017
- Guest Lecture, Meera Nosek’s Class, Maternal Child Health and the Environment, USF, Nov 30, 2018
- Presenter, ACES Program, Preparing People for Climate Change, California Endowment, Jan 24, 2018
- Webinar presenter, American Lung Association, Climate Change and Health, March 7, 2018
- Organized and attended 4-day, national leadership retreat on Environmental Health and Nursing, Oracle, AZ, March 25 – 28, 2018
- Plenary, National Association of Student Nurses, Climate Change and Nursing, Nashville, TN, April 5, 2018
- 2 Workshops for the National Association of Student Nurses, one for students and one for faculty on integrating environmental health into nursing education, practice, research, and policy, Nashville, TN, April 6, 2018
- Invited Speaker, the “Ples Center Talk”, Environment, Climate Change and Health, New York University, NYC, NY, April 19, 2018
- Presenter, Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments Annual Conference, Lead Poisoning: The Legacy Continues, San Diego, CA, May 6, 2018
- Presenter, Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments Annual Conference, Disaster Preparation and Nursing, San Diego, CA, May 7, 2018
- Presenter, CleanMed National Conference, Sustainable Foods for Hospitals, San Diego, May 7, 2018
- Presenter, SEIU Annual Health Care Workers’ Conference, Climate Change and Health, Sacramento, CA, May 21, 2018
- Organizer and presenter, All-day Nursing CE Workshop sponsored by USF, Health Implications of Food and Agriculture, Bolinas, CA, May 25, 2018
- Workshop Presenter, New England Nurse Educator Conference, Integrating Environmental Health into Nursing Curriculum, Falmouth, MA, May 30, 2018
- Presenter, St. Anselm College Nursing CE Program, 2 sessions: 1) Environmental Health Risks in our Everyday Lives, and 2) Climate Health and Disaster Preparation, Kennebunkport, ME, June 14 and 15, 2018
- Pecha Kucha presentation, Climate Change, USF CRASE event, Sept 6, 2018
- Presenter, Global Climate Action Summit Satellite Event - Labor and Climate Change, Climate Change and Health, Brouwer Center, Berkeley, CA, Sept 12, 2018
- Delegate, Global Climate Action Summit, San Francisco, CA, Sept 13, 2018
- Invited Participant, European and US-based Funder Meeting on moving towards a plant-based diet, Los Angeles, CA, Oct 1, 2018
Professional Activities
- 1994-1996 National Academy of Science, Institute of Medicine, Committee on Enhancing Environmental Health Content in Nursing Practice, invited participant
- 1994 National Institute for Building Science, Committee for Lead-based Paint Operations and Maintenance Standard Practices
- 1995 ASTM Committee Chairperson, Standardized Environmental Audit for Residential Properties
- 1996 - 1998 National Academy of Science, Institute of Medicine, Committee to Advise the National Library of Medicine on the Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program, Committee Member
- 1997-2003 Chair, Education Committee, Children’s Environmental Health Network. Co-chaired the planning committee for the first national, scientific conference on children’s environmental health, San Francisco, 1999
- 1997-2002 Federal Advisory Committee to the U.S. EPA “Children’s Health Protection Advisory Committee”
- 1998-2000 Member of the U.S. EPA "Right to Know Workgroup" of the National Drinking Water Advisory Council
- 1999-2001 Member of the U.S. EPA "Community Assessment Workgroup" of the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council
- 2001-2010 Commissioner, Maryland State Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainability (Governor appointment)
- 2001-present Co-Chair, Nurses Workgroup, Health Care Without Harm Campaign
- 2002 Member, Section Governing Council, Environmental Health Section, American Public Health Section
- 2002- 2008 Board Member, Health Care Worker Training Institute, SEIU
- 2002 - 2003 Founding Board Member, National Asthma Educator Certification Board
- 2003 Expert Advisor to the Board on Children’s Health and the Environment in North America,
- Commission for Environmental Cooperation (NAFTA-created Commission)
- 2003- presenAdvisory Board, International City Managers Association Risk Communication Project
- 2004Steering Committee, Persistent Bioaccumulative and Toxic Program conference: “Mercury: Medical and Public Health Issues”, Symposium held April 28-30, Tampa, FL (sponsored by U.S. EPA)
- 2003- present Governor’s Commission on Environmental Justice (as Commissioner)
- 2005- presentGuiding Light, Luminary Project
- 2006- present Adv Com for the CDC Environmental/Public Health Tracking Grant to DHMH
- 2006- present Adv Com for the Environmental Health Risks During Pregnancy Project with EPA
- 2006- present Adv Board for the Healthy Homes Division of the Baltimore City Health Department Member DHMH Health Tracking Advisory Board
- 2007- 2011 Appointed to the Child Protection Advisory Committee, US EPA
- 2010 - present Adv Board for the University of Washington SON Advisory Board for their HRSA Grant Member of the UMB Campus Sustainability Committee
- 2008- present Member of the ANHE Steering Committee
- 2009- 2011Member CDC Conversation on Chemical Policy Community Outreach Committee
- 2010- 2012 Chair, Board, Alliance of Nurses for Health Environments
- 2010- present AAN, Appointed member of the Expert Panel on Environmental Health
- 2010- present AACN, Appointed member of the Environmental Sustainability Committee
- 2011- 2012 Chair, Environmental Health Committee, Maryland Nurses Association
- 2012 – present Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environment, grant specialist *
- 2013 – present Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Breast Cancer Fund
- 2016 – present ANHE representative to the QUAD Council / Member of the QUAD Council Steering Committee
Other Activities
- Managed a national Mini-Grant Program for nurses
- Green Bag Lunch Series at the UMSON – green cleaners, personal care products, sustainable foods, etc.
- Organizer, Wingspread Conference on Environmental Health and Nursing, supported by grants and the Johnson Family Foundation, Racine, WI, June 25 – 28, 2009
- Director, Maryland Hospitals for Healthy Environments
- Co-created a CE program on the PACE – EH program (Protocols for Assessing Excellence – Environmental Health) with the National Association of City and County Health Officials (2006)
- NIEHS Center Grant Reviewer
- NIOSH ERC Grant Reviewer
- Public Service with Government Agencies
- Baltimore City Health Dept, Healthy Homes Division, Community Advisory Board
- Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Environmental Health Tracking Advisory Board
- US EPA, Child Health Protection Advisory Board
- US EPA, Perinatal Partnership
- Maryland Dept of the Environment, Healthy Hospital Audits
- Governors’ Environmental Justice Commission (Maryland)
- California Environmental Protection Agency, work on preparing health professionals to address climate change
- California county health departments in Sacramento, San Francisco, Kern, and Butte counties