Jo Loomis
Associate Professor
Dr. Jo Loomis is a Family Nurse Practitioner and an Associate Professor at the University of San Francisco School of Nursing and Health Professions. Dr. Loomis received her DNP from the University of Minnesota and has maintained certifications in the women’s health areas of lactation and menopause as well as certification as a Simulation Healthcare Educator (CHSE). Dr. Loomis is a family nurse practitioner with a focus on primary care and women's health. She focuses on lactation, perinatal care, and other aspects of women's health. She is a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator and focuses on simulation for research and scholarship.
Dr. Loomis has spent the last 10 years developing expertise in the use of simulation as a teaching modality to undergraduate and master’s entry nursing students and to nurse practitioner (NP) students. As a pioneer in the use of graduate-level simulation to teach NP students, Dr. Loomis created a clinical laboratory course for NP students to gain skills in both physical assessment and diagnostic reasoning. She has used simulation as a vehicle to prepare students for clinical experiences in urban and rural low-resource settings and has developed interprofessional educational (IPE) clinical experiences for NP students focusing on professional collaboration and communication skills. Dr. Loomis incorporates community partner relationships into simulation experiences, such as the Poverty Simulation, creating cultural as well as clinical enrichment experiences for students. The development of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) for all USF NP students every semester has created a venue for improved faculty evaluation of student competencies in clinical skills as well as a process for student self-evaluation. Besides Physical Assessment, Loomis teaches Doctor of Nursing Practice courses such as Evidence-Based Scholarship, and master’s level maternity simulation courses.
Teaching philosophy: A major goal of my teaching and at the heart of my teaching philosophy is active learning for adult learners. I believe that students will learn better through a process where the student is an active participant. Many of my teaching methodologies involve working alongside students who participate in real-world activities, either out in the community or involving the pedagogy of simulation. Simulation is a holistic learning environment that mimics the clinic setting or some other area of the real world and creates realism through careful planning of the environment and activities of people in that environment. My teaching philosophy is also intertwined with my philosophy of nursing which is family- and patient-centered.
- Primary care
- Perinatal care
- Lactation support
- Menopause support
Research Areas
- Simulation
- Nurse practitioner education
- Co-chair, Joint University Curriculum Committee
- Chair, SONHP Curriculum Committee
- Program Director, DNP Program
- DNP, University of Minnesota
- MSN, Family Nurse Practitioner, San Jose State University
- BSN, University of Missouri
Selected Publications
- Cheun, A. & Loomis, J. (2018). Prevention of Cervical Cancer among the Latina Population: A Culturally Sensitive Approach Using the Promotora Model. Nursing for Women’s Health Vol. 22. No. 4. Published as CNE learning activity for August 2018.
- Mark, J., & Loomis, J. (2017). The STEADI toolkit: Incorporating a fall prevention guideline into the primary care setting. Nurse Practitioner, 42(12), 50-55.
- Rohrback, G., Schopfer, D., Krishnamurthi, N., Pabst, M., Bettencourt, M., Loomis, J., & Whooley, M. (2017). The design and implementation of a home-based cardiac rehabilitation program. Federal Practitioner 34(5); 34-39.
- Balch, M. S., & Loomis, J. (2017). Enhancing Care Models to Capture Psychological Trauma. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 55(4), 29-36. Winner of 2017 Shirley A. Smoyak Article of the Year Award.
- Loomis, J. & DeNatale, M. (2017) Teaching compassion for impoverished patients through simulation. Nursing2017, 47, 8. 20-23.
- Loomis, J. (2016) Expanding the use of simulation in Nurse Practitioner education: A new model for teaching physical assessment. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, Volume 12, Issue 4, Pages e151–e157.
- Liego, M., Loomis, J., Van Leuven, K., & Dragoo, S. (2014). Improving outcomes through the proper implementation of acute care nurse practitioners. The Journal of Nursing Administrators, 44, 47-50.
- Loomis, J., Willard, B., Cohen, J., (December 22, 2006). “Difficult Professional Choices: Deciding Between the PhD and the DNP in Nursing.” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing.
Additional Information
- 2017 Advanced Nurse Lactation Consultant (ANLC)—Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice
- 2017 Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC)—Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice
- 2014 Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE)—Society for Simulation in Healthcare
- 2010 Clinical Nurse Leader (CLN)—American Association of Colleges of Nurses
- 2006 Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP-C)—American Academy of Nurse Practitioner National Certification Board
- 2005 NAMS Certified Menopause Practitioner (NCMP)—North American Menopause Society
Poster Presentations
- Poster Presentation January 2018 AACN Conference Naples, FL. Preparing Clinical Scholars: A Faculty Imperative Jo Loomis & Melanie Keiffer.
- Poster Presentation June 2015 INACSL Conference, Atlanta, GA. "The Use of Simulation to Teach Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning in NP Education."
- Poster Presentation May 5, 2014 Nursing Research Symposium, Rohnert Park, CA. "Using SP to Teach Assessment.""
- National Organization for Nurse Practitioner Faculties 44th Annual Conference, April 2018, Indianapolis, IN
- NP Student Competency Evaluation- The University of San Francisco Approach with Jodie Sandhu
- The Pop-Up Clinic: Engaging the NP Student in Population Health with Melanie Keiffer
- Preparing NP Clinical Scholars: A Faculty Imperative with Melanie Keiffer
- The Use of OSCE In Nurse Practitioner Education with faculty from 5 NP schools across the country
Committee Service
- Faculty Development Committee fall 2010 until fall 2017. Committee Member until fall of 2011, then co-chair for 6 months, then chair of the committee beginning in January 2012 through spring 2015, then committee member again until fall 2017.
- Simulation Committee member fall 2011 to present. OSCE subcommittee chair 2017 to present.
- NP Department Program Evaluation chair 2015- fall 2017. NP PEC committee member fall 2017 to present.
- SONHP Program Evaluation Committee member 2015-fall 2017.
- NP Department Curriculum Committee member 2015-fall 2017. Chair of NP CC fall of 2017 until present.
- SONHP Curriculum Committee chair fall 2017 until present.
- NP Department Simulation/OSCE Committee Chair 2016 to present.
- FNP/DNP Task Force (Workgroup)—members from both departments collaborate on curriculum and other issues and report back to their respective departments. This group was responsible for the redesign of N701 and N711 into what is now N705A EBS I and N705B EBS II. Member throughout this committee existence from fall 2015 to spring 2017.
- McGrath Leadership Taskforce—University-wide Committee tasked with developing a leadership institute with McGrath Scholarship endowment. Member February 2018 to present.
Professional Memberships
- American Association for Nurse Practitioners (AANP)
- Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE)
- California Association for Nurse Practitioners (CANP) (State Membership Chair and Board of Directors, 2008-2009, South Bay to Monterrey Chapter (now Silicon Valley) Membership Coordinator 2006-2012).
- California Simulation Alliance (CSA)
- International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL)
- North American Menopause Society (NAMS)
- National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF), Simulation Special Interest Group Co-chair (2016- present)
- Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health (NPWH)
- Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Inducted 2006
- Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH)