Robin Buccheri, PhD, RN, MHNP, FAAN
Faculty Emeritus
Dr. Robin Buccheri is a Professor Emerita and Adjunct Professor at the University of San Francisco (USF) in San Francisco. In 2010, she was admitted as a fellow to the American Academy of Nursing. Dr. Buccheri has published over twenty-five articles in scholarly journals and is on the Editorial Board for Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services. She has received the School of Nursing & Health Professions Teaching Award, the University of San Francisco Research Award, and twice received the Mentor Award from the Beta Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International.
Dr. Buccheri’s teaching areas of expertise include: Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing with Specific Expertise in the Symptom Management of Auditory Hallucinations; Community and Public Health Nursing; Evidence-Based Practice; Research; Theory Development and Application.
Dr. Buccheri was the Keynote Speaker at the 24th Annual Japan Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Conference, in Kumamoto, Japan with her presentation on "Evidenced-Based Psychiatric Nursing for Community-Based Patient Care: Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations."
In 2018 Dr. Buccheri has been training clinicians in U.S. and other countries including Canada, Australia, Thailand, and Japan, to teach the 10-Session Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations Course to help people with unpleasant auditory hallucinations and commands to harm and learn how to self-manage them.
She is also testing the effectiveness of 12-Session Behavioral Management of Anxiety and Auditory Hallucinations Course.
Research Areas
- Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia
- International Dissemination of 10-Session Course to Manage Auditory
- Hallucinations Course as Evidence-based Practice
- Self-Management of Unpleasant Auditory Hallucinations: A Tested Practice Model
- PhD, University of California, San Francisco
- MHNP, California State University, Long Beach
- MSN, California State University, Long Beach
- ADN, El Camino College
- BSN, California State University, Long Beach
- Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN)
Awards & Distinctions
- USF Faculty Development Funds, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017
- Inducted as a Fellow into the American Academy of Nursing, November 2010
- University-wide Distinguished Research Award, University of San Francisco, May 2008
- Jane Vincent Corbett Spirit of Collegiality Award, School of Nursing, University of San Francisco, May 2008
- American Psychiatric Nurses Best Practice Award—Best Treatment of Schizophrenia in a Behavioral Health Care Program, October 1999
- American Nurses Foundation (ANF) Scholar, 1998-1999
- Selected Participant, National Institute of Nursing Research, Clinical Center Nursing Department, National Institutes of Health, Third Annual Nurse Scientist Training Program, Bethesda, MD, July 1998.
- The Mentor Award, Beta Gamma Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, 1992, 1995
- Teaching Effectiveness Award, School of Nursing, University of San Francisco, 1989-1990
- Selected to receive merit award as faculty member in the School of Nursing, University of San Francisco, 1986-1987, 1988-1989
- Patent Funds, UCSF, 1984
- UCSF School of Nursing Century Club Funds, 1984
- Nominated as Teacher of the Year, Marin County Office of Education, Regional Occupational Program, 1983-1984
- Sigma Theta Tau, 1983
- Phi Delta Gamma, 1979
- Graduated from CSULB with “Greatest Distinction”, 1977
- Phi Kappa Phi, 1976
- Alpha Gamma Sigma, 1975
- California State Scholarship, 1975
- South Bay Hospital Scholarship, 1974
- Neptunian Club-Maude Wither’s Memorial Nursing Scholarship, 1974
- Independent Insurance Agent’s Scholarship, 1971
Selected Publications
- Sharifi, C., & Buccheri, R. (2018). A guide to critical appraisal tools and report guidelines for evidence-based practice. Featured Article. Doody’s Core Titles. http://www.doody.com/dct/PublicFeaturedArticle.asp?SiteContentID=280
- Buccheri, R., & Sharifi, C. (2017). Critical appraisal tools and reporting guidelines for evidence-based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing.
- Buccheri, R. K., Trygstad, L. N., Buffum, M. D. Ju, D., & Dowling, G. A. (2017). Integrating anxiety reduction into existing self-management of auditory hallucinations course. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 55(5), 29-39.
- Trygstad, L. N., Buccheri, R. K., Buffum, M. D., Ju, D., & Dowling, G.A. (2015). Auditory hallucinations interview guide: Promoting recovery with an interactive assessment tool. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 53(1), 20-28.
- Buffum, M. D., Buccheri, R. K., Trygstad, L. N. & Dowling, G. A. (2014). Disseminating evidence-based care of auditory hallucinations. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 52(4), 32-41.
- Buffum, M. D.,Buccheri, R. K., Trygstad, L. N. & Dowling, G. A. (2014). Disseminating evidence-based care of auditory hallucinations. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 52(4), 32-41.
- Buccheri, R.K., Trygstad, L.N., Buffum, M.D., Birmingham, P., & Dowling, G. A. (2013). Self-management of unpleasant auditory hallucinations: A tested practice model. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services (in press).
- Trygstad, L., Buccheri, R., Dowling, G.A., Buffum, M. D., Gerlock, A.A., & Birmingham, P. (2011). Do research to implement EBP and make your heart soar. Implementing evidence-based practice: Real-life success stories. Indianapolis: Sigma Theta Tau International.
- Buccheri, R., Trygstad, L., Buffum. M., & Gerlock, A. (2010). Guest editorial: Developing an evidence-based practice for psychiatric nursing. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 48(5), 3-5.
- Gerlock, A., Buccheri, R., Buffum, M., Trygstad, L & Dowling, G. (2010). Responding to command hallucinations to harm self and others: The Unpleasant Voices Scale and Harm Command Safety Protocol. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 48(5), 26-33.
- Buccheri, R., Trygstad, L., Buffum, M., Lyttle, K., & Dowling, G. (2010). Comprehensive evidence-based program teaching self-management of auditory hallucinations on inpatient psychiatric units. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 31(3), 223-231.
- Buffum, M.D., Buccheri, R., Trygstad, L., Gerlock, A.A., Birmingham, P., Dowling, G.A., & Kuhlman, G. J. (2009). Implementing evidence-based practice: Educating nurses to conduct the behavioral management of auditory hallucination course. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 47(9), 32-40.
- Buccheri, R. K., Trygstad, L., & Dowling, G. (2007). Behavioral management of command hallucinations to harm in schizophrenia. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 45(9), 46-54.
- Buccheri, R., Magg, M., Capella E., Jennings, D. (November-December, 2006). A conceptual framework for a clinical nurse leader program. Journal of Professional Nursing, 22(6), 367-372.
- Ganley, B., Sheets, I., Buccheri, R., Thomas, S. A., Doerr-Kashani, P., Widergren, R., Bolla, C., Stoker, D., & West, D. (2004). Collaboration versus competition: Results of an academic practice alliance. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 21(3), 153-165.
- Buccheri, R., Trygstad, L., Dowling, G., Hopkins, R., White, K., Griffin, J., Henderson, S., Suciu, L., Hippe, S., Kaas, M. J., Covert, C., & Hebert, P. (2004). Long term effects of teaching behavioral strategies for managing persistent auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 42(1), 18-27.
- Trygstad, L., Buccheri, R., Dowling, G., Zind, R., White, K., Griffin, J., Henderson, S., Suciu, L., Hippe, S., Kaas, M. J., Covert, C., & Hebert, P. (2002). Behavioral management of persistent auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia: Outcomes from a 10-week course. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 8(3), 84-91.
- Buccheri, R., & Trygstad, L. Voices of schizophrenia. University of San Francisco Magazine (Spring 2002), 28-29
- Trygstad, L., & Buccheri, R. (2000). Best Treatment of Schizophrenia in a Behavioral Health Care Program. California Chapter of APNA Newsletter (March, 2000), p. 4-5.
- Buccheri, R.K., Trygstad, L., Kanas, N., & Dowling, G. (1997). Symptom management of auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia: Results of one year follow-up. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 35(12), 20-28.
- Buccheri, R. K., Trygstad, L., Kanas, N., Waldron, B., & Dowling, G. (1996). Auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia: Group experience in examining symptom management and behavioral strategies. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 34(2), 12-25.
- Buccheri, R. K., & Ogier, M.E. (1994). USA's nurse managers and UK's ward sisters: Critical roles for empowerment. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 3, 205-212.
- Buccheri, R. K., & Underwood, P. (1993). Symptom management: Inpatient nursing care of persons with schizophrenia. New Directions in Mental Health Services, 58, 23-31.
- Ogier, M.E., & Cameron-Buccheri, R. (1990). Supervision: A cross-cultural approach. Nursing Standard, 4(31), 24-26.
- Cameron-Buccheri, R. K. & Trygstad, L. (1989). Retaining freshman nursing students. Nursing and Health Care, 10, 389-393.
- Cameron-Buccheri, R. K. (1988). How to be a more supportive manager. Nursing 88, 18(6), 32c, 32f.
- Cameron-Buccheri, R. K. & Englander, S. (1987/1988). Two-tier wage systems: Nurses and nurse administrators beware. Nursing Forum, 23, 154-158.
- Cameron-Buccheri, R. K. (1986). Nursing supervision: A new look at an old role. Nursing Administrative Quarterly, 11(1), 11-25.
- Burrows, D. & Cameron, R. K. (1985). Theory-research-theory strategy. In A. I. Meleis, Theoretical nursing: Development and progress. Philadelphia: Lippincott.
- Cameron, R. K. (1982). Wanted: Mentor relationships within nursing administration. Nursing Leadership, 5(1), 18-22.
Additional Information
Research Projects
- Outcomes from 12-Session Behavioral Management of Anxiety and Persistent Auditory Hallucinations Course. USF PI: Robin Buccheri: Other Researchers: Louise Trygstad, PhD; Marti Buffum, PhD; Dau-shen Ju, PhD; and Glenna Dowling PhD. 2008-Present
- Refining Dissemination Methods for the “10-session Behavioral Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations Course”. USF PI: Robin Buccheri. Other Researchers: Louise Trygstad, PhD and Marti Buffum, PhD. 2008-Present.
- Evaluating Dissemination of the “10-Session Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations Course” in VA Mental Health recovery programs. VA PI: Marti Buffum, PhD. USF PI: Robin Buccheri, PhD. Other Researcher: Louise Trygstad, PhD. 2011-2014
- Behavioral Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations: Evidence-Based Practice Dissemination Project. VA Dissemination Team: Marti Buffum, Robin Buccheri, Louise Trygstad, and April Gerlock. VA PI: Marti Buffum. USF PI: Robin Buccheri, PhD. Other Researcher: Louise Trygstad, PhD and April Gerlock, PhD. 2005-2008
- Symptom Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia, USF PI: Robin Buccheri, PhD. Other Researchers: Louise Trygstad, PhD and Dr. Glenna Dowling, PhD. 1992-2007
- Development of the Nursing Student-College Advisement Survey (N-CAS), Co-Researcher: Louise Trygstad, PhD. 1990-1992
- Improving Academic Advising: A Key to Retention. Co-Researcher: Louise Trygstad, PhD. 1987-1991
- Retaining Freshman Students, Co-Researcher: Louise Trygstad, PhD. 1987-1988
- Job Satisfaction, Autonomy, and Supervisor Support (doctoral dissertation). 1983-1984
- The Significant Variables of Clients who Remain in a Therapeutic Community Heroin Rehabilitation Program (master's thesis). 1979.
Professional Memberships
- American Academy of Nursing, 2010-present
- American Nurses' Association, 1977-1995, 2007-present
- American Nurses’ Association/California, 1998-1999, 2007-present
- California Nurses' Association, 1977-1995
- Golden Gate Nurses' Association, 1979-1996
- American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 1996-present
- Sigma Theta Tau International, 1983-present
- Member, International Finance Committee, 1994-1996
- Sigma Theta Tau International, Alpha Eta Chapter, 1983-1986
- Sigma Theta Tau International, Beta Gamma Chapter, 1986-present
- Faculty Advisor, 1987-1989
- Treasurer, 1989-1995
- Member, Finance Committee, 1990-1997
- Chair, Bylaws Committee, 1997-2001
- Member, Bylaws Committee, 1997-2004
- CAPA (Collaborative Academic Practice Alliance)—Alliance between Public Health Nurses and Bay Area Nurse Educators, member 2002-2015,Co-Chair, 2003-2004 (Co-Chairs are responsible for agendas and running monthly meetings, annual retreat, student orientations each semester, auction for student placements, etc.), Treasurer 2005-2015
- Member, Psychiatric/Mental Health Interest Group, 1979-1995
- Marin County Health Services Educational Advisory Committee, Member, 1980-1984, 2007-
- National Alliance of the Mentally Ill, Member, 2003-present
- Society for Education and Research in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing (SERPN) 1991-1996, 2003-2004
- Poster Presentation—“ Pilot Study Results: Testing Integration of Anxiety Management into Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations Course” at APNA California Chapter Conference, El Camino Hospital, Mountain View, CA, April 25th, 2015.
- Podium Presentation--“Dissemination of 10-Session Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations Course in Mental Health Outpatient Settings’ at First Australasian Mental Health & Addiction Nursing Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, June 20th, 2013.
- Keynote Presentation and Symposium Response --“Evidenced-Based Psychiatric Nursing for Community-Based Patient Care: Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations” at 24th Annual Japan Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Conference, Kumamoto, Japan, June 23rd and 24th, 2012.
- Conference Workshop—“How to Teach Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations Course”, at 24th Annual Japan Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Conference, Kumamoto, Japan, June 23rd, 2012.
- Preconference Workshop—“Evidence-Based Nursing Practice: Behavioral Treatment of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations at APNA 25th Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, October 19, 2011.
- Poster Presentation—“Disseminating the Course for the Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations across VA Mental Health Settings” at APNA 25th Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, October 19, 2011.
- Poster Presentation— “Implementing Symptom Management for Auditory Hallucinations” at 2010 State of the Science, Congress on Nursing Research, Washington, DC, September 27-29, 2010.
- Invited Plenary Presentation -- "Overview of 10-Session Behavioral Management of Auditory hallucinations Course and 2 Breakout Sessions--Implementation: Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations” at the “Transforming Day Treatment Centers into Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Centers (PRRCs): Facilitating Community Integration". Dept of Veterans Affairs Employee Education System and The Office of Mental Health Services, Washington, DC, September 2, 2010.
- Invited Plenary Presentation--“Overview of 10-Session Behavioral Management of Auditory hallucinations Course and 2 Breakout Sessions--Implementation: Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations” at the ”Are You A Champion? Bringing Recovery to Inpatient Mental Health and Residential Rehabilitation Treatment, Programs Dept of Veterans Affairs Employee Education System and The Office of Mental Health Services, Los Angeles, September 22, 2010.
- Podium Presentation — “Hearing Voices: A Report from the World Congress” at the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) San Francisco Monthly Meeting, May 19, 2010.
- Podium Presentation -- "Working Together to Diminish Distressing Voices including Commands to Harm" at the World Congress on Hearing Voices, Maastricht, The Netherlands, September 17, 2009.
- Invited Panel Presentation -- "What has Worked for us in Building Staff Awareness and Skills” at the Intervoices Meeting, Valkenberg, The Netherlands, September 15, 2009
- Poster Presentation — “A Multi-site Veterans Affairs Pilot Implementation Project: Behavioral Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations” at the National Alliance of the Mentally Ill (NAMI) Conference, San Francisco, July 8, 2009.
- Poster Presentation—“A Multi-site Veterans Affairs Pilot Implementation Project: Behavioral Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations” at the CAL-APNA Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: Best Practices at the Point of Care Conference, UCLA, May 30 2009.
- Podium Presentation –“Behavioral Management of Command Hallucinations to Harm in Schizophrenia”. USF-USFFA Distinguished Research Award Presentation, September 17, 2008.
- Panel Presentation—“VA Multi-site Study to Implement Evidence-Based Practice: Managing Auditory Hallucinations”, at the Integrating Research into Every Nurse’s Practice, VISN 21 Sierra Pacific Nursing Research Consortium, San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center, May 30, 2008.
- Podium Presentation—“Behavioral Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations” at the Alpha Eta Chapter and Beta Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Annual Research Night, April 28, 2008.
- Poster Presentation—“Behavioral Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations: Evidence-Based Practice Dissemination Project” at the Shaping Mental Health Nursing for the 21st Century (Royal College of Nursing, Mental Heath Nurses Association, & UNISON), Cambridge, UK, July 17,&18th, 2006.
- Panel and Poster Presentation—“Behavioral Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations: Evidence-Based Practice Dissemination Project” 22nd Annual Nursing Research Conference—VISN 21 Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System. Transferring Knowledge into Practice: How are we doing, May 19, 2006.
- Presented to VA nurses across US during teleconference meeting of APN Liaison Nurses group about sabbatical project: Behavioral Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations Evidence-based Dissemination Project, August 3, 2005.
- Presented to SFVA Research and Outcomes Council (ROC) about proposed sabbatical project: Behavioral Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations Evidence-based Dissemination Project, July19, 2005.
- Presented CE class “Collaborating to Help Clients Manage their Voices” at Collaborative Academic Practice Alliance (CAPA), February 24, 2005.
- Poster Presentation—“Collaborating to Learn What Helps to Manage ‘Voices’” at the NAMI Conference in Minneapolis, June 30 & July 1, 2003.
- Presented research-- “Collaborating to Learn What Helps in Managing Persistent Auditory Hallucinations” with Louise Trygstad, RN, DNSc for Alameda Co. Family Alliance of the Mentally Ill, May 10th, 2001.
- Podium Presentation-- “Collaborating to Learn What Helps People with Schizophrenia Manage Persistent Auditory Hallucinations with Louise Trygstad, RN, DNSc at the NAMI-California Annual Conference, September 9, 2000.
- Invited Podium and Poster Presentation and accepted Best Practice Award--Best Treatment of Schizophrenia in a Behavioral Health Care Program with Louise Trygstad, RN, DNSc at the American Nurses Psychiatric Nurses Association Conference in Toronto, October 1999.
- Presented research “Collaborating to Learn What Helps in Managing Persistent Auditory Hallucinations” with Louise Trygstad, RN, DNSc for Contra Costa AMI, September 16, 1999.
- Presented research, “Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations” with Louise Trygstad, RN, DNSc, at Sigma Theta Tau, Beta Gamma Chapter, Faculty Research Program, March 4, 1998.
- Presented research “Collaborating to Learn What Helps in Managing Persistent Auditory Hallucinations” with Louise Trygstad, RN, DNSc for AMI-Marin, September 3, 1998.
- Podium Presentation, “Collaborating to Learn What Helps in Managing Auditory Hallucinations” with Louise Trygstad, RN, DNSc at the 10th Annual American Psychiatric Nurses Association Conference, La Jolla, CA, October 26th, 1997.
- Poster Presentation, “Symptom Management of Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia: A Group Experience” as a poster presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International’s 8th International Research Congress in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, June 1996.
- Podium Presentation, “Symptom Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia”, at the First Annual Nursing Research Day, “Improving Practice through Research”, Department of Veterans Affairs, San Francisco Medical Center, May 8th, 1996.
- Podium Presentation, "The Voices of Schizophrenia: Group Experience in Exploring Meaning and Management Strategies" with Louise Trygstad, RN, DNSc at the Beta Gamma Research Night, Sigma Theta Tau, February 23, 1995.
- Podium Presentation, "Strategies for Teaching Behavioral Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations" with Louise Trygstad, RN, DNSc at the 15th Annual Nursing Research Conference "Outcomes of Patient Education: Combining Theory, Practice and Research" sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs Nursing Research Consortium of the Bay Area and Nu Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, November 10, 1994.
- Poster Presentation, "Symptom Management of Auditory Hallucinations for Persons with Schizophrenia" with Louise Trygstad, RN, DNSc as a poster presentation at the Second International Symposium on Symptom Management, "Advancing the Science and Practice of Symptom Management", Symptom Management Faculty Group, UCSF, School of Nursing, March 1994.
- Presented research, "Self-Management of Auditory Hallucinations" with Dr. Louise Trygstad to the Staff of the Tenderloin Mental Health Clinic, April 1993.
- Poster Presentation--"A Tool to Evaluate Academic Advising in Baccalaureate Nursing Programs" at the Tenth Annual Nursing Research/Clinical Papers Day sponsored by The University of South Alabama College of Nursing and Sigma Theta Tau, Zeta Gamma Chapter in Mobile, Alabama on April 9, 1992.
- Podium Presentation--“Nursing Supervision: A Changing Role” at the Seventh Annual Nursing Research Clinical Papers Day jointly sponsored by the University of South Alabama, College of Nursing and Sigma Theta Tau, Zeta Gamma Chapter in Mobile, Alabama on April 21, 1989.
- Podium Presentation--“Nursing Supervision: A New Look at an Old Role” at the Fifth Annual Research in Nursing Practice Conference sponsored by the Salt Lake City Veterans Administration Medical Center, Gamma RHO Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, and the Colleges of Nursing at Brigham Young University, St. Marks Westminster College, and the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah on February 19, 1988.
- Podium Presentation--“ Nursing Supervision: A New Look at an Old Role” at the International Research Conference, jointly sponsored by Sigma Theta Tau International, the Royal College of Nursing Research Society, and the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland, July 1987.
- Poster Presentation--“Psychiatric Nursing Supervision: A New Look at an Old Role”, Poster presentation at Sigma Theta Tau, Beta Gamma Chapter Nursing Research Brunch, April 11, 1987.
- Presented research--“The Relationship between Job Satisfaction, Autonomy, and Supervisor Support” research findings presented at San Francisco General Hospital, Highland Hospital, St. Mary's Hospital, Pacific Medical Center, Golden Gate Nurses' Association -- Psychiatric/Mental Health Interest Group, 1984.
Service to the Community
- Training to teach Marin County Psychology Interns how to teach the 10-Session Behavioral Management of Auditory Hallucinations Course. Teleconferences on January 16, 2013, February 13, 2013 & March 27, 2013.
- Presentation/Inservice “Empowering People who Hear Voices or Have Negative Thoughts” for multidisciplinary staff employed by Marin County Odyssey Program and STAR Team, June 5, 2012.
- Presentation/Inservice “Empowering People who Hear Voices or Have Negative Thoughts” for multidisciplinary staff at Integrated Community Services (nonprofit agency), Marin County, March 20, 2012.
- Marin County Public Health Nurses, Preceptor Training Workshop, San Rafael, August 31, 2009, February 3, 2010, and August 22, 2011.
- Podium Presentation—“Hearing Voices: A Report from the World Congress” at the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) San Francisco Monthly Meeting, May 19, 2010.
- Presentation/Inservice to Interdisciplinary Mental Health Staff at the Empress Hotel—Behavioral Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations, San Francisco, April 3, 2008
- Presentation/Inservice to Buckelew Marin Assisted Independent Living Staff—Working Together to manage Persistent Auditory Hallucinations with Dr. Marti Buffum, July 11, 2007.
- Presentation/Inservice to Buckelew Marin Assisted Independent Living Staff —Working Together to Manage Persistent Auditory Hallucinations and Command Hallucinations, July 10, 2006.
- Volunteer--Terra Linda High School—Career Center, January 2006—May 2008.
- Serve on Education and Training Workgroup for Marin County Community Mental Health Services, Mental Health Services Act, Planning Process 2005--2010.
- Facilitate (with staff and nursing students) 6-week managing voices classes at Canyon Manor Hospital for patients, Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Spring 2005, Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011.
- Taught Education Group at Canyon Manor for patients (with nursing students)—topics have included: stress management, anxiety management, & management of auditory hallucinations, safe sex and STIs. Fall 2002-Spring 2005, Fall 2006-ongoing.
- Serve as consultant to Marin Co. agencies (e.g., Buckelew, Marin Co. Mental Health, Community Action of Marin) for clients who hear auditory hallucinations. Have given workshops and staff inservice programs at most Bay Area hospitals and have given presentations and workshops for many Bay Area mental health agencies and National Alliance of the Mentally Ill (NAMI) chapters.
- Serve as consultant to many local, national and international clinicians and researchers who work with people who hear auditory hallucinations. The 10-session Behavioral Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations course has been disseminated within the VA system and successfully taught across the US, in Canada, Thailand, and Australia. It is currently being taught in several countries including China and India.
- Co-facilitate monthly support group for people who hear auditory hallucinations and family members or professionals who want to learn more about auditory hallucinations at Community Mental Health in Marin County, 1999-present.
- Taught Symptom Management of Auditory Hallucinations Classes at Tamalpais Day Services Center, October 17, 2001, April 24, 2002 and January 10, 2007.
- Co-facilitated support group for people who hear auditory hallucinations at the San Francisco Veterans Administration Psychiatric Day Treatment Center, 1995-1999.
- Taught Continuing Education Class entitled: "Using Ongoing Research: Symptom Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations for Persons with Schizophrenia" at the V. A. Medical Center, San Francisco, August 2, 1994.
- Taught 12-week class on problem solving to patients in the Psychiatric Day Treatment Program at the V.A. Medical Center, San Francisco, October 1992 to February 1993.