The USF Fund
Giving to the USF Fund provides an immediate impact on the lives of students, faculty, and staff at the University of San Francisco. The Fund supports the University’s mission to educate leaders who will fashion a more humane and just world by funding three critical areas: Greatest Need, Academic Excellence, and the Student Experience.
Every day, leadership faces important decisions that affect the quality of a University of San Francisco education. Your donation to the USF Fund directed toward the University’s Greatest Need, empowers leadership to act on strategic insights, take calculated risks, and invest with our faculty, staff, and students in the creation of new knowledge. Your extraordinary support makes you a close partner with USF and its leaders.
Working to Serve Students
The grant program aims to benefit the pursuit of studies for our students who are:
- Conducting a community service project
- Accepted to participate in an Arrupe Immersion
- Partnering with an external organization that aligns with the mission of USF
- And/or have been accepted to present at an academic conference
Are you a student interested in applying to the USF Fund? Contact giving@usfca.edu.
Academic Excellence
Our faculty and student success—in the lab, library, and in the classroom, through research and work in our communities—is our collective success. Your gift to the USF Fund, directed toward Academic Excellence, empowers leadership to act on strategic insights, take calculated risks, and invest with our faculty and students in the creation of new knowledge; such as supporting immersion experience, supporting undergraduate and graduate research projects, and much more. Your extraordinary support makes you a close partner with USF and its leaders.
Student Experiences
A USF education does not stop in the classroom, library, or laboratory. Your gift to the USF Fund directed toward the Student Experience creates a comprehensive student experience supporting research experiences, internships, immersion programs, entrepreneurship opportunities, and academic competition, and much more. Your extraordinary support makes you a close partner with USF students.
Office of Development
Lone Mountain Rossi 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080
M–F, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.