The Case for Liberal Arts
I am writing this sentence a little over 24 hours into San Francisco’s shelter-in-place order. I can’t remember a time in my life when there was more confusion about what we know and what we don’t know.
The Death of the Liberal Arts Has Been Greatly Exaggerated
At USF, professors and administrators and students see an entirely different picture of the liberal arts, and the university’s more than 100,000 alumni prove that a healthy dose of literature, history, philosophy, and ethics for all — including students in engineering, computer science, and biotech — can make you a better person, land you your dream job, and possibly even save democracy.
Coffee Kings
The story of big coffee — Starbucks and Peet’s — and its connection to USF is the story of a 60-year friendship that began with two sophomores standing in line for their dorm assignments at the front desk of what is now Toler Hall.