Finance/Applied Economics (4+1), BSBA/MS
Gain data analytics and programming skills to complement your finance degree.

Why a 4+1 Program?
Earn two degrees in five years instead of six. Get a discount on your fifth year. Launch into the working world sooner.
Required Undergraduate Courses (16 Units)
Students complete 16 units of the following coursework.
Note: Students can take MATH 101 or MATH 106, MATH 109 or ECON 120, and ECON 311 or ECON 312.
Integrating Graduate and Undergraduate Requirements
A total of up to 18 units of coursework taken while still in undergraduate status may be counted toward the graduate program requirements. All remaining units must be taken in the final year after transitioning to graduate status.
Of the 18 units taken toward graduate requirements while in undergraduate status, up to 8 units can be double-counted toward both the undergraduate degree and the graduate degree requirements. These can be either undergraduate or graduate courses. In order for an undergraduate-level course to count toward the graduate degree, the student must receive a grade of A- or better.
400-level Economics classes may be applied as electives toward the MSAE degree and count toward the minimum of 128 semester-hours for the bachelor’s degree.
600-level (graduate) Economics courses count toward the MSAE degree requirements as indicated in the MSAE program description, and also count toward the minimum of 128 semester-hours for the bachelor-degree.
The following finance courses can be applied both toward finance major elective requirements and toward the MS-AE degree elective requirements:
Check Out the Programs
Use finance for good. Learn how to use financial management as an honest, scientific tool. Increase social wealth through responsible use of funds.
Learn to acquire, visualize, and analyze data. Use data to understand consumers, to solve problems, to make smart decisions, and to land a job you love.