Equipped to Lead and Succeed

Ready to Embark as a USF LatinX Registered Nurse

by Valentina Lopez '24

Meet Valentina, a resilient immigrant from Colombia. Her journey has been inscribed with moments of profound challenge and persistent determination, a testament to the strength instilled in her by her single mother, who bravely navigated parenthood after Valentina's father unexpectedly passed away in a car accident when she was just two years old. 

In 2015, Valentina, her mother, and her siblings embarked on a new chapter as they courageously decided to start a new life in the United States. Despite the linguistic hurdles she faced in eighth grade, Valentina's determination to honor her mother's sacrifices and focus on education led her to academic success. She overcame initial challenges and now sees them as opportunities for personal growth. 

During a pivotal moment in high school, Valentina stood by her sister's side during a difficult hospital stay. A compassionate, loving, and caring nurse inspired Valentina to pursue a profession in health care and follow a similar path of healing and empathy, combined with Valentina’s passion for science and the human body. 

In 2020, Valentina committed to the School of Nursing and Health Professions at the University of San Francisco. Valentina was persuaded by USF’s mission and cura personalis (caring for the whole person) values, including body, mind, and soul. The nursing school tested Valentina's spirit in ways she never anticipated. Yet, armed with resilience during adversity, she learned to harness the power of advocacy, community, mentorship, and support. 

Valentina's journey was not without financial hurdles. However, her determination and resourcefulness led her to juggle roles as an insurance agent and a compassionate caregiver. This provided her with invaluable experience and allowed her to provide guidance and empathy to those in need. Her dedication to school was recognized with a generous scholarship through the HRSA grant, a testament to her commitment and determination. 

In a family marked by resilience, Valentina emerges as the first family member to obtain a bachelor's degree in the United States. During her time at USF, Valentina gave and received positivity, woven by professors, colleagues, and academic advisors, who provided warmth and mentorship. As she traverses the graduation threshold, Valentina finds herself reminiscing on memories from her first clinical rotation as a sophomore in college to her pediatric rotation, where she stood as a pillar of comfort to children and their families. After overcoming many obstacles and adapting to the situation, Valentina completed her capstone experience with a Hispanic Nurse preceptor, a mentor she will never forget. Each experience has left an indelible mark upon Valentina’s soul; she has vowed to pass along all the knowledge, guidance, and mentorship to her community. 

With a heart full of gratitude and a spirit alight with purpose, Valentina arises as a well-prepared emissary of compassion, ready to embark on her new journey as a USF LatinX Registered Nurse, a testament to the enduring power of resilience, dedication, and passion.