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Equipped to Lead and Succeed

Oszkar turned an abandoned grocery shop from his village in North Western Uganda into a self-sustainable entertainment establishment that employs community youths. Now, he’s ready to take things global — and plans to help the world fight climate change.

October 12, 2023
Equipped to Lead and Succeed

Seneth is drawn to experiences at the intersection of cutting-edge data analysis and environmental regeneration. She’s interested in opportunities that tap into how data science can help mitigate climate change.

October 12, 2023
Equipped to Lead and Succeed

Maggie developed a passion for museums as a medium for telling stories and shaping public awareness of important issues. She wants to uplift voices that have been underrepresented throughout history and share stories that have been suppressed by the dominant narratives often seen in museums.

October 12, 2023
Equipped to Lead and Succeed

After getting his master’s degree from USF, Daniel hopes to transition to a PhD program. It’s his hope to continue working in research and academia.

October 12, 2023
Equipped to Lead and Succeed

Hailing from Los Angeles and DJing on the side, Tiffani is the first in her family to graduate college. She hopes to become an expert in government policy and anthropology relating to labor issues and rights.

October 12, 2023
Equipped to Lead and Succeed

Francisco always knew sports was his calling. He got his start in sports medicine, working as a hydration technician before eventually landing a sales role at the San Francisco Giants. His next move — strategic partnerships for a major sports team or organization.

October 12, 2023
Equipped to Lead and Succeed

Originally from India, the Dean’s Scholarship provided Riya with the resources necessary to pursue a degree in the United States. She’s passionate about contributing to the global momentum towards cleaner energy grids and the shift from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources.

October 12, 2023